Simple Implementation to add ability adding dynamic rows in widget context.
Adding Block to widget-parameter will do the trick:
<parameter name="link_list" xsi:type="block" visible="true" required="true" sort_order="10">
<label translate="true">Link List</label>
<block class="Wamoco\Shop\DynamicRowsWidget\Adminhtml\DynamicRows"/>
@see src/etc/widget.xml
For some reason the de-serialized data are somehow broken. Use or extend Wamoco\DynamicRowsWidget\Block\Widget\View
-Block to output data.
In template call :
/** @var \Wamoco\DynamicRowsWidget\Block\Widget\View $block */
$linkList = $block->getLinkObjects('parameter_name');
/** @var \Magento\Framework\DataObject $link */
foreach ($linkList as $link){
echo '<a href="'.$link->getUrl().'">'.$link->getTitle().'</a>';
Both methods are based on columns in DynamicRows Field-config:
* Prepare rendering the new field by adding all the needed columns
protected function _prepareToRender()
$this->addColumn('title', [
'label' => __('Title')
$this->addColumn('url', [
'label' => __('Url')
$this->_addAfter = false;
$this->_addButtonLabel = __('Add');
Module does currently not work for inline widgets (created within a cms page or block)