The wfpthemes package provides a ggplot2
theme and a set of
colour palettes for making graphics based on WFP Data Visualization Guidelines (informal and not yet published).
The goal of this package is to assist in the creation of charts, tables and maps
while promoting the WFP visual identity with a predefined ggplot
theme, as well as a set of colour palettes and scales.
This package is not on yet on CRAN and to install it, you will need the remotes package.
A package with all necessary elements to quickly implement WFP Data Visualization Guidelines in your statistical products and data stories:
- Adjusted
theme - A series of color palettes for:
WFP uses Open Sans as its main font for publications and data visualizations. Fonts often creat headaches in R so if you have problems its not your fault.
All recommended data visualization colors are accessible as palettes or scales (color/fill).
data(sampledataenglish, package = "wfpthemes")
#Script copied and pasted from
data <- sampledataenglish %>% mutate(rCSI = rCSILessQlty +
(rCSIBorrow * 2) +
rCSIMealNb +
rCSIMealSize +
(rCSIMealAdult * 3))
# Create table of rCSI by ADMIN1 (unweighted) ----------------------------------------------#
rcsi_admin1_table_long <- data %>%
mutate(ADMIN1Name_lab = to_factor(ADMIN1Name)) %>%
group_by(ADMIN1Name_lab) %>%
drop_na(rCSI) %>%
summarise(meanrCSI = round(mean(rCSI),1))
# Create bar graph of rCSI ----------------------------------------------------#
rcsi_barplot <- rcsi_admin1_table_long %>% ggplot() +
x = meanrCSI,
y = reorder(ADMIN1Name_lab, meanrCSI),
fill = wfp_pal(n = 1, "pal_blue"),
width = 0.8
) +
tag = "Figure 7",
title = "Reduced Coping Strategy Index (rCSI) by State | April 2023",
subtitle = "Average rCSI per Household by State",
x = "rCSI",
y = "State",
caption = "Source: Emergency Food Security Assessment, data collected April 2023"
) + geom_text(aes(x = meanrCSI,
y = ADMIN1Name_lab, label = meanrCSI),
hjust = -0.5,
size = 8 / .pt
) +
expand = expansion(c(0, 0.1)),
breaks = pretty_breaks(n = 7),
labels = label_number()
) + theme_wfp(grid = FALSE, axis = "y", axis_title = FALSE, axis_text = "y")
Go here for a rushed tutorial on selecting color palettes and modifying arguments in theme_wfp().
Please report any issues or bugs on GitHub, try to include a minimal reproducible example to help us understand.
Please note that the mynewpack project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.