is a fast and efficient tool for creating wordlists from historical URLs fetched via the Wayback Machine. You can use it with tools like ffuf for web fuzzing and other security testing tasks.
Concurrency: Make multiple requests simultaneously for faster processing.
URL Filtering: Exclude specific URL patterns using regex.
Path Separation: Optionally split URL paths into distinct components.
Status Code: specify a comma-separated list of status codes (e.g., -mc 200,403).
go install -v
Clone the repo
git clone
And build
go build -o wayfuzz wayfuzz.go
This will create an executable named wayfuzz
You can use wayfuzz by piping in a list of domains via stdin
cat domains.txt | wayfuzz [options]
-c <int>: Set the number of concurrent requests (default: 10).
-x <regex>: Exclude URLs matching the regex pattern (e.g., .jpg|.png).
-sed: Split the URL paths by / and output each component separately.
-mc <codes>: Filter URLs by status codes (comma-separated list, e.g., 200,403).
Exclude URLs that end in .jpg or .png:
cat domains.txt | wayfuzz -c 50
Exclude Specific URL Patterns:
cat domains.txt | wayfuzz -c 50 -x ".jpg|.png"
Separate URL Paths by /
cat domains.txt | wayfuzz -c 50 -sed
Filter by Status Codes
cat domains.txt | wayfuzz -c 50 -mc 200,403
is a web fuzzing tool that can be combined with wayfuzz
for discovering hidden files, directories, and parameters on a web server.
cat domains.txt | wayfuzz -c 50 | ffuf -u -w -
If you want to fuzz URL parameters, you can generate a wordlist of all unique URL components:
cat domains.txt | wayfuzz -c 50 -sed | ffuf -u -w -
Creating the wordlist:
echo "" | wayfuzz -c 300 -mc 200 -sed -x ".jpg|.png|.jpeg|..." | anew wordlist.txt
Getting the IP addresses from Shodan:
echo "" |
sXtract | anew ips.txt
Fuzzing the IPs:
cat ips.txt | xargs -I@ sh -c 'ffuf -w ./wordlist.txt -u @/FUZZ -mc 200 -c -recursion -recursion-depth 5 -ac -t 300'
Or just use Axiom to fuzz quickly.