#First steps
- Get VMware OVF Tool for Linux 64-bit installed in path
- Get esxi plugin for terraform installed from https://github.com/josenk/terraform-provider-esxi
- Configure main.tf
- Any ovf template or vm to be cloned from should be witn UNPLAGGED cdroms and with as less devices as possible
than, as usually
terraform init terraform plan terraform apply terraform destroy
- Install operation system
- Install cloud-init (optional)
- For development operations (not recommended) - you can deactivate automatic cron for updates
systemctl stop apt-daily.service
systemctl kill --kill-who=all apt-daily.service
# wait until `apt-get updated` has been killed
while ! (systemctl list-units --all apt-daily.service | fgrep -q dead)
sleep 1;
systemctl mask apt-daily.service apt-daily-upgrade.service
- Install open-vm-tools
- Reset cloud-init before suspending state
sudo cloud-init clean
- Shutdown and unplug CD and unnecessary devices
resource "esxi_guest" "vmtest" {
# guest_name - Required - The Guest name.
guest_name = "vmtest"
# guestos # Optional - Default will be taken from cloned source
notes = "ProjectX" # Optional - The Guest notes (annotation).
disk_store = var.disk_store # Required - esxi Disk Store where guest vm will be created
boot_disk_type = "thin" # Optional - Guest boot disk type. Default 'thin'. Available thin, zeroedthick, eagerzeroedthick
boot_disk_size = "30" # Optional - Specify boot disk size or grow cloned vm to this size.
memsize = "4096" # Optional - Memory size in MB. (ie, 1024 == 1GB). See esxi documentation for limits. - Default 512 or default taken from cloned source
numvcpus = "1" # Optional - Number of virtual cpus. See esxi documentation for limits. - Default 1 or default taken from cloned source.
virthwver = "8" # Optional - esxi guest virtual HW version. See esxi documentation for compatible values. - Default 8 or taken from cloned source.
power = "on" # Optional - on, off.
guest_startup_timeout = "45"
network_interfaces {
virtual_network = var.virtual_network
// guestinfo = {
//// "coreos.config.data.encoding" = "base64"
//// "coreos.config.data" = base64encode(data.ignition_config.coreos.rendered)
// "userdata.encoding" = "gzip+base64"
// "userdata" = base64gzip(data.template_file.userdata_default.rendered)
// }
# Specify an existing guest to clone, an ovf source, or neither to build a bare-metal guest vm.
clone_from_vm = var.vm_clone_from # Source vm to clone. Mutually exclusive with ovf_source option.
#ovf_source = var.vm_ovf_local_path # ovf files to use as a source. Mutually exclusive with clone_from_vm option.
#Array of upto 10 network interfaces.
#virtual_network - Required for each Guest NIC - This is the esxi virtual network name configured on esxi host.
#mac_address - Optional - If not set, mac_address will be generated by esxi.
#nic_type - Optional - See esxi documentation for compatibility list. - Default "e1000" or taken from cloned source.
# Other optionals
# resource_pool_name - Optional - Any existing or terraform managed resource pool name. - Default "/"
# virtual_disks - Optional - Array of additional storage to be added to the guest.
# virtual_disk_id - Required - virtual_disk.id from esxi_virtual_disk resource.
# slot - Required - SCSI_Ctrl:SCSI_id. Range '0:1' to '3:15'. SCSI_id 7 is not allowed.
# guest_startup_timeout - Optional - The amount of guest uptime, in seconds, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine.
# guest_shutdown_timeout - Optional - The amount of time, in seconds, to wait for a graceful shutdown before doing a forced power off.
# guestinfo - Optional - The Guestinfo root
# metadata - Optional - A JSON string containing the cloud-init metadata.
# metadata.encoding - Optional - The encoding type for guestinfo.metadata. (base64 or gzip+base64)
# userdata - Optional - A YAML document containing the cloud-init user data.
# userdata.encoding - Optional - The encoding type for guestinfo.userdata. (base64 or gzip+base64)
# vendordata - Optional - A YAML document containing the cloud-init vendor data.
# vendordata.encoding - Optional - The encoding type for guestinfo.vendordata (base64 or gzip+base64)
# /Other optionals
# ip_address - Computed - The IP address reported by VMware tools.
There are a few issues that you can potentially run into that are well-known, but I think are still worth mentioning here.
Special characters in URIs, including passwords (string starting with vi://) must be escaped. Use % followed by the character HEX code.
For example use "vi://root:P%[email protected]", instead of "vi://root:P@[email protected]" or you can get confusing errors similar to this:
Error: Could not lookup host: root
Disconnect ISO images from VMs before migrating them or you will get the following error:
Error: A general system error occurred: vim.fault.FileNotFound
ovftool -dm=thin "vi://esxi/templateU18S" .
Enter login information for source vi://
Username: root
Password: ***********
Opening VI source: vi://[email protected]:443/templateU18S
Opening OVF target: .
Writing OVF package: ./templateU18S/templateU18S.ovf
Transfer Completed
Completed successfully
ovftool --acceptAllEulas --noSSLVerify --noImageFiles --X:useMacNaming=false -dm=thin --name='vmtest2' --overwrite -ds='ESXI' --network='VM Network' '/home/slavko/personal/ESXI/templateU18S/templateU18S.ovf' 'vi://USER:PASSWORD@esxi/'
Generally this is subset of the command from moving VM between ESXi hosts, but applied to the same host.
ovftool --acceptAllEulas --noSSLVerify --X:useMacNaming=false -dm=thin --name='vmtest' --overwrite -ds='ESXI' 'vi://USER:PASSWORD@esxi/templateU18S' 'vi://USER:PASSWORD%21@esxi/'
Some commands you can execute on a esxi box itself are listed and will be added below
VMWare version
vmware --version
VMware ESXi 6.7.0 build-8169922
List disk stores
esxcli storage filesystem list | grep '/vmfs/volumes/.*[VMFS|
NFS]' | awk '{print $2}'
List vms
vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms 2>/dev/null | sort -n | grep "[0-9] *" | awk '{print $1 " " $2}'
6 debian8
7 debian9
11 awx-U1604LTS
15 templateU18S
28 vmtest