#MIGRATE A CLUSTER FROM ONE VCENTER TO ANOTHER VCENTER This script is design to migrate a complete cluster from one vcenter to another vcenter complete different without service disruption.
Migrates VM folder locations and permissions
Migrates HA/DRS rules
Migrates Custom Attributes
Migrates VDS and port groups
Process Clusters in serial order
Use a CSV files like this example:
During the process it does questions in order to allow manual intervention about:
If in the first cluster you already migrate the folders order in the datacenter you don’t need to do it again
If you already create the vDS on any of the cluster you can skip it
You have to manually decide which interface are you going to use in the vSS created to migrate the vDS in order to don’t lose connectivity
You have to say the name of the vDS if you want to migrate a vDS
You have to confirm in the move of cluster from vcenters
You have to confirm that once migrate the host you want to migrate the vms from vSS to vDS.
Known Issues and limitations:
You need to be careful with vDS versions because this script doesn’t care about it. Think about a situation where you have to migrate from 5.5 to 6.0 where old host are not going to be compatible with the new vDS.
There is a part emails out reporting on migration activities. I have it currently commented out. Customise and uncomment to use it
Only takes care of one vDS per cluster is pending to introduce a loop just in case we have more than one
It doesn’t pre-check the vDS name
Some questions are not clear need to be improved
We could present to the user the interfaces per host used at the vDS and choose the one to move to the vSS