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ERP module - HR - sofware
HR tool for managing employee data. It provides full access for HR personel and restricted access to other employees in order to monitor, update or insert data regarding employees. Here is a link to have a small taste of how HUMAIN works.

How To Run


  • jdk 1.8.0
  • git


Import into IDE (Eclipse and Intellij tested)
Find /src/ and run it.

Data to sign in :

Admin user username : maria, password : maria

Simple user username : kate, password : kate

There are more records on the database if you wish to run the project with different inputs (find /data/empoyee.csv , /data/user.csv)

Data to sign up :

In order to successfully sign up to HUMAIN the user should enter the unique ID (given by the company). Every department has a prefix for the ids (e.g the Human Resources department employee/user ids starts with hr and it's followed by an integer number) The system checks whether this id exists in the Employee database (csv file). If this id doesn't the user cannot sign up. In the security question and answer fields the user has to enter whatever but has to remember that in case of forgeting the password. And finally selects from the radio button the type of user (admin or simple user).

Navigation through the Admin dashboard :

In order to successfully execute all functions of HUMAIN you should follow the instructions bellow step by step. Press the Load Employee Data Button to see all the information about the personnel. You can now

  1. Add an Employee record by filling in all the fields needed and clicking Add Employee button. The record will be inserted in the database.
  2. Select an Employee from the table and see the information on the right.
  3. Update an Employee's information (by selecting the particular row) , edit the fields you want to update and click the Update Button.The record will be updated in the database.
  4. Delete an Employee from the database by selecting the particular row in the table and click the Delete Button. The record will be deleted from the database.

5.After this you can go to the Search Area (right to the Load Employee Data Button) and type keywords. The table, after this filtering, shows only the records including these keywords. ATTENTION! You have to go to the Search Area AFTER going through all the others functionalities otherwise you won't be able to check them after the filtering.

6.There is also the ability to check the signed-in user profile by clicking My profile Button.

Navigation through the User dashboard :

On the left side there is the user's personal information and on the right you can load your colleagues data (the employees that work in the same department with the user) by clicking on the Load Colleagues.

Extra Classes :

In the package ExtraClasses there are some additional classes which are meant to be incorporated, but that hasn't been done yet. So you won't be able to go through their functionalities while executing the above main code. These classes represent early stages of extra ideas and functionalities we came up with for this project. Their incorporation to the main code is coming soon.

JUnit Test Classes :

Include the junit tests cases that can be conducted for this project. They are splitted in two packages: 1. junit_Main_Project: for the main project classes, 2.junit_Side_Classes: for the Extra classes.


ERP module - HR - sofware






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