The Container Orchestration Foundation Blueprint is an AWS CDK application that is designed to set up an EKS cluster, including all of the underlying resources, along with AWS CodePipeline, CodeBuild, and ECR to create and host the container images. The cluster is created with the CDK's EKS Blueprint, which follows the AWS best practices for managing EKS. In order to deploy the container images to the EKS cluster, we utilize ArgoCD. A React frontend and Java Spring backend that utilizes RDS MySQL are provided, along with helm charts for each. Together, the frontend, backend, and database comprise a three-tier archicture polling application. The app is meant to be hosted at
, where
is the hosted zone name of your hosted zone.
The following EKS addons are installed:
- Kube Proxy - Enables network communication to pods
- Core DNS - Provides DNS resolution for all pods in the cluster
- VPC CNI - Adds support for the VPC CNI plugin, which allows pods to have to have the same IP address inside the pod as they do on the VPC network
- Secrets Store - Used for mounting secrets in the pods
- ArgoCD - A declarative GitOps CI/CD tool for Kubernetes. This addon will be used to deploy the helm charts to the cluster
- Metrics Server - Needed for Horizontal Pod Autoscaler
- AWS Load Balancer Controller - Allows provisioning of AWS Application Load Balancers through ingress resources
- External DNS - Creates Route53 records by using annotations on the ingress resources. This will configure the domains to automatically point at the load balancers
- Karpenter - Provisions and removes nodes automatically when pods are created or deleted
- AWS for Fluent Bit - Configures logging with CloudWatch Logs
- Container Insights - Installs the AWS Distro for Open Telemetry collector and populates CloudWatch Container Insights with metrics. The metrics and dashboards can be viewed through the CloudWatch console.
- Git version 2.28.0 or later installed locally
- Homebrew installed on your local machine
- Note that if this is your first time installing nvm, please update your bash or zsh profile:
export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm" [ -s "$HOMEBREW_PREFIX/opt/nvm/" ] && \. "$HOMEBREW_PREFIX/opt/nvm/" # This loads nvm [ -s "$HOMEBREW_PREFIX/opt/nvm/etc/bash_completion.d/nvm" ] && \. "$HOMEBREW_PREFIX/opt/nvm/etc/bash_completion.d/nvm" # This loads nvm bash_completion
- A GitHub repository with an SSH Key Pair
- An AWS Account
- A Route53 hosted zone registered in the AWS account. See Registering and managing domains using Amazon Route 53 in the AWS Developer Guide for details. The following records must be available:
. - A Platform team user role. This is a role that will your team will be allowed to assume in order to administer the cluster.
- Create a repo (e.g.
) (take note of the SSH clone URL) - Set up an SSH Key pair with GitHub
export GITHUB_OWNER=mycompany # update this with your org or user
git clone [email protected]:VerticalRelevance/Container-Orchestration-Foundation-Blueprint.git
cd Container-Orchestration-Foundation-Blueprint/
git remote remove origin
git remote add origin [email protected]:${GITHUB_OWNER}/Container-Orchestration-Foundation-Blueprint.git
git push -u origin main
AWS credentails must be configured to work with the target account and region when deploying the CDK. The project will use the AWS SDK under the hood to gather credentials. Therefore, you can export AWS_PROFILE=<profile_name>
if you have an AWS profile configured with the CLI. You can also set the region by running aws configure set region <region-name>
If you experience errors while running the make commands such as "unresolved tokens", please be sure to check your ~/.aws/credentials
and ~/.aws/config
files for potential configuration issues.
Configuration is done through environment variables. The .env
file in the root of this repository will be included when running make commands. Crucially, the HOSTED_ZONE_NAME
variables must be specified. Optionally, SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH
can be specified.
Example .env file
> .env
To override the the default SSH private key path, the SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH
environment variable can be set. The default value is ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
echo "SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH=~/.ssh/id_rsa" >> .env
This step:
- Installs the homebrew dependencies, if needed.
- Runs the CDK
and generates the output JSON file (which is needed for the next step)- Provisions the Wildcard ACM certicate and CodeCommit repo
- Provisions the VPC, EKS Cluster, EKS Addons
- Provisions the RDS Database Cluster
- Provisions the Pipelines (spring-frontend and spring-backend) and ECR Repositories
- Provisions the Karpenter template (see
- Pushes the application code the the CodeCcommit repos, which triggers the CodePipelines (so that the images are built and pushed into ECR)
This step utilizes the outputs of the CDK and configures the helm chart values that are needed for deployment. The values files are automatically parsed, modified, then rendered back out as a string in-place.
make update-values
git add charts/
git commit -m "Update values files"
git push
make argo-proxy
This will not complete and should be left open. Use another terminal while this is running to finish dashboard and app installation.
With argo-proxy running:
make dashboard # optional
make spring-apps
The make dashboard
command will install the kubernetes dashboard application from this repository that can be accessed by running kubectl proxy
(see accessing the Dashboard UI documentation) and then visiting http://localhost:8001/api/v1/namespaces/kubernetes-dashboard/services/https:kubernetes-dashboard:/proxy/ in the browser.
The make spring-apps
will install the polling-app, which is comprised of the two helm charts: spring-frontend and spring-backend. Each chart is configured with an ingress (which in turn creates an Application Load Balancer) and annotations to utilize the wildcard ACM certificate created from the previous CDK step, as well as an external-dns annotation for automatic Route53 record configuration.
- https://localhost:8080
- username: admin
- password:
kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d
In order to clean up we must first delete the argo applications and then tear down the cluster. Therefore, we should run make argo-destroy
before make destroy
With argo-proxy running:
make argo-destroy
To destroy the CDK Stacks:
make destroy
This will
Delete the argocd namespace from the cluster
If the namespace is stuck in terminating state, there may be resources failing to delete from the namespace. In which case the following commands will be helpful:
# List the hanging resources kubectl api-resources --verbs=list --namespaced -o name | xargs -n 1 kubectl get --show-kind --ignore-not-found -n argocd # List and delete the application resources in the argocd namespace kubectl -n argocd get application -o=jsonpath='{.items[*]}' | xargs -n 1 -I {} kubectl patch -n argocd application {} --type=json -p='[{"op": "remove", "path": "/metadata/finalizers"}]'
Remove any remaining images from the ECR repositories
Run cdk destroy to delete the CloudFormation Stacks
The make destroy
command can be run multiple times, in case the CloudFormation stacks fail to delete. Since there are known issues with CloudFormation stacks getting stuck with ArgoCD, we delete the argocd namespace to remove ArgoCD from the cluster before destroying the cluster.