Required permissions: org admin (permission AdministerOrg
) in the given org (or parent), or partner key.
The request body must specify an array of VFO permissions.
Request property | Spec |
Action | PUT /vfo/orgs/orgId /users/userId |
Body model | VFO org permissions |
Scala | class VFO_PutOrgUserWithPermissions |
Required permissions: root administrator or partner key
Only valid for root orgs
Calling user ID must be different from passed-in user ID (prevents self-deletion)
This endpoint removes a user from a VFO container and retracts any permissions that user was granted to objects (orgs, courses) owned by that container. Specifically, this endpoint will:
- Delete all entries in
for this user on orgs owned by the container - Delete all entries in
for this user on courses owned by the container - Delete the entry in
for this user and the container
Request property | Spec |
Action | DELETE /vfo/orgs/orgId /users/userId |
Body model | none |
Scala | class VFO_RemoveUserFromContainer |
Status | Response body spec |
200 | No body |
400 | Invalid VFO container specified (if org ID is invalid, nonexistant, or not a root org) |
400 | Cannot self-delete from VFO container (if caller tries to delete their own user ID) |
403 | Invalid VFO credentials (if caller is not a container root admin or a partner) |
404 | User not found in container |
Required permissions: root administrator or partner key
Only valid for root orgs
Calling user ID must not be present in the passed-in user ID list (prevents self-deletion)
This endpoint removes a list of users from a VFO container and retracts any permissions those users were granted to objects (orgs,courses) owned by that container. This endpoint is transactional (all succeed or all fail).
Specifically, this endpoint will:
- Delete all entries in
for this user on orgs owned by the container - Delete all entries in
for this user on courses owned by the container - Delete the entry in
for this user and the container
Request property | Spec |
Action | POST /vfo/orgs/orgId /delete_users |
Body model | {"users": Array of userId } |
Scala | class VFO_BatchRemoveContainerUsers |
Status | Response body spec |
200 | No body |
400 | Invalid VFO container specified (if org ID is invalid, nonexistant, or not a root org) |
400 | Cannot self-delete from VFO container (if caller tries to delete their own user ID) |
403 | Invalid VFO credentials (if caller is not a container root admin, partner or vfo access key) |
Users can be removed from a VFO container, at which time their org and course associations (permissions) are archived as "user history". This endpoint restores org and course associations for a user from their most recently stored history (there can be many, if a user is restored and deleted more than once. Must use the root org ID (or container ID) not an ID for a sub org.
It errors out completely only on the following cases
- Invalid (not present in db) user Id
- Invalid VFO Org ID
- Not-root VFO Org ID
- History is not saved for this combination of (user Id, Org Id)
- User already in the container - No changes will be made for this case, only 400 returned
Things can have changed after the history snapshot was taken, and we can have seven kinds of errors:
- A VFO org id in the org permissions map can be found in the system
- A VFO org id in the org permissions map is not in the container
- A permission in the org permissions map is not found in the system
- A course id in the course permissions map is not found in the system
- A course id in the course permissions map is not associated with the container
- A permission in the course permissions map is not found in the system
- A permission sets for a course do not cohere to one of the allowed roles (author or publisher), i.e. have some missing permissions
Any of these kinds of errors will not stop processing of the rest of the history digest, but will be reported back in the response body. It will restore whatever possible.
Required permissions: Partner Key
Request property | Spec |
Action | POST /vfo/orgs/orgId /users/userId /restore |
Body model | none |
Scala | class VFO_RestoreUserToContainer |
Status | Response body spec |
200 | {"restoreErrors":[.. list.. of.. errors ..]} |
400 | No saved user history for user id :uid, container :oid |
400 | User :uid already in container :oid |
400 | Invalid VFO credentials (if caller is not a container root admin) |
404 | VFO Org :oid not found |
404 | User :uid not found |
Required permissions: org admin (permission AdministerOrg
) in the given org (or parent), or partner key.
The request body must specify an array of VFO permissions.
Request property | Spec |
Action | PUT /vfo/orgs/orgId /usergroups/userGroupId |
Body model | VFO org permissions |
Scala | class ReplaceUserGroupOrgAccess |
Required permissions: root administrator or partner key
Request property | Spec |
Action | DELETE /vfo/orgs/orgId /usergroups/userGroupId |
Body model | none |
Scala | class RevokeUserGroupOrgAccess |
Status | Response body spec |
200 | No body |
400 | Invalid VFO container specified (if org ID is invalid, nonexistant, or not a root org) |
403 | Invalid VFO credentials (if caller is not a container root admin or a partner) |
404 | User group not found in container |
Required permissions: user session (VFO or non-VFO), or partner key.
If user session is given, the user must have the same user id as given in the request URL.
Request property | Spec |
Action | GET /vfo/users/userId /orgs |
Scala | class VFO_GetUserRootOrgs |
Returns the array of root orgs corresponding to each of the VFO containers where the given user has any VFO permissions.
Status | Response body spec |
200 | Array of Response org |
403 | {"error": 403, "message": "Invalid VFO credentials"} If SID is not a valid VFO session or partner key. |
500 | {"error": 500, "message": "Malformed Org Tree"} If the given org belongs to a cyclic hierarchy, which is invalid. |
Required permissions: org admin anywhere in the org container, or partner key.
Request property | Spec |
Action | GET /vfo/orgs/orgId /users |
Scala | class VFO_GetOrgUsers |
Returns information about all users who have any permissions anywhere in the org container to which orgId
Here, orgId
can be a root org or any other suborg.
Status | Response body spec |
200 | Array of Response VFO user permissions |
403 | {"error": 403, "message": "Invalid VFO credentials"} If SID is not a valid VFO session or partner key. |
500 | {"error": 500, "message": "Malformed Org Tree"} If the given org belongs to a cyclic hierarchy, which is invalid. |
Required permissions: org container admin, or partner key.
Request property | Spec |
Action | GET /vfo/orgs/orgId /users/userId |
Scala | class VFO_GetOrgUser |
Returns information about user who have any permissions anywhere in the org container to which orgId
Status | Response body spec |
200 | Response VFO user permissions |
400 | {"error": 400, "message": "Invalid VFO container specified"} |
403 | {"error": 403, "message": "Invalid VFO credentials"} If SID is not a valid VFO session or partner key. |
404 | {"error":404,"message":"User 'userId' not found in container 'orgId'"} |
500 | {"error": 500, "message": "Malformed Org Tree"} If the given org belongs to a cyclic hierarchy, which is invalid. |
Required permission: org container admin or partner key
Request property | Spec |
Action | POST /vfo/containers/containerId /usergroups |
Body model | User group |
Scala | class VFO_CreateUserGroup |
Returns newly created user group.
Status | Response body spec |
201 | Response user group |
400 | {"error": 400, "message": "User groups are not enabled"} if feature flag enableUserGroups not enabled |
400 | {"error": 400, "message": "Invalid VFO container specified"} |
400 | {"error": 400, "message": "Invalid input: name is ... chars, exceeding limit of 40"} if user group name is too long |
400 | {"error": 400, "message":"'...' is already in use"} if user group name is already exist in container |
403 | {"error": 403, "message": "Invalid VFO credentials"} If SID is not a valid VFO session or partner key. |
404 | {"error": 404, "message": "VFO Org '9999999' not found"} If containerId not found |
Required permission: org container admin or partner key
Request property | Spec |
Action | PUT /vfo/containers/containerId /usergroups/userGroupId |
Body model | User group |
Scala | class VFO_UpdateUserGroup |
Returns updated user group.
Status | Response body spec |
200 | Response user group |
400 | {"error": 400, "message": "User groups are not enabled"} if feature flag enableUserGroups not enabled |
400 | {"error": 400, "message": "Invalid VFO container specified"} |
400 | {"error": 400, "message": "Invalid input: name is ... chars, exceeding limit of 40"} if user group name is too long |
400 | {"error": 400, "message": "'...' is already in use"} if user group name is already exist in container |
400 | {"error": 400, "message": "Invalid user group ID specified : '...'"} if provided user group id is not numeric |
403 | {"error": 403, "message": "Invalid VFO credentials"} If SID is not a valid VFO session or partner key. |
404 | {"error": 404, "message": "VFO Org '...' not found"} If containerId not found |
404 | {"error": 404, "message": "User group '...' not found"} if userGroupId not found |
404 | {"error": 404, "message": "User group '...' not found in container '...'"} if userGroupId not found in containerId |
Required permission: org container admin or partner key
Request property | Spec |
Action | Delete /vfo/containers/containerId /usergroups/userGroupId |
Body model | empty |
Scala | class VFO_DeleteUserGroup |
Status | Response body spec |
200 | |
400 | {"error": 400, "message": "User groups are not enabled"} if feature flag enableUserGroups not enabled |
400 | {"error": 400, "message": "Invalid VFO container specified"} |
400 | {"error": 400, "message": "Invalid user group ID specified : '...'"} if provided user group id is not numeric |
403 | {"error": 403, "message": "Invalid VFO credentials"} If SID is not a valid VFO session or partner key. |
404 | {"error": 404, "message": "VFO Org '...' not found"} If containerId not found |
404 | {"error": 404, "message": "User group '...' not found"} if userGroupId not found |
404 | {"error": 404, "message": "User group '...' not found in container '...'"} if userGroupId not found in containerId |
Required permission: org container admin or partner key
Request property | Spec |
Action | PUT /vfo/containers/containerId /usergroups/userGroupId /users/userId |
Body model | empty |
Scala | class VFO_AddUserToGroup |
Status | Response body spec |
200 | user |
400 | {"error": 400, "message": "User groups are not enabled"} if feature flag enableUserGroups not enabled |
400 | {"error": 400, "message": "Invalid VFO container specified"} |
400 | {"error": 400, "message": "Invalid user group ID specified : '...'"} if provided user group id is not numeric |
400 | {"error": 400, "message":"User '...' is already a member of group '...'"} id user is already a member of given user group |
403 | {"error": 403, "message": "Invalid VFO credentials"} If SID is not a valid VFO session or partner key. |
404 | {"error": 404, "message": "VFO Org '...' not found"} If containerId not found |
404 | {"error": 404, "message": "User group '...' not found"} if userGroupId not found |
404 | {"error": 404, "message": "User group '...' not found in container '...'"} if userGroupId not found in containerId |
404 | {"error": 404, "message": "User '...' not found"} if userId not found |
Required permission: org container admin or partner key
Request property | Spec |
Action | Delete /vfo/containers/containerId /usergroups/userGroupId /users/userId |
Body model | empty |
Scala | class VFO_DeleteUserFromGroup |
Status | Response body spec |
200 | |
400 | {"error": 400, "message": "User groups are not enabled"} if feature flag enableUserGroups not enabled |
400 | {"error": 400, "message": "Invalid VFO container specified"} |
400 | {"error": 400, "message": "Invalid user group ID specified : '...'"} if provided user group id is not numeric |
403 | {"error": 403, "message": "Invalid VFO credentials"} If SID is not a valid VFO session or partner key. |
404 | {"error": 404, "message": "VFO Org '...' not found"} If containerId not found |
404 | {"error": 404, "message": "User group '...' not found"} if userGroupId not found |
404 | {"error": 404, "message": "User group '...' not found in container '...'"} if userGroupId not found in containerId |
404 | {"error": 404, "message": "User '...' not found"} if userId not found |
404 | {"error": 404, "message": "User '...' not found in group '...'"} if userId is not member of userGroupId |
Required permission: org container admin or partner key
Request property | Spec |
Action | GET /vfo/containers/containerId /usergroups/userGroupId /users |
Pagination params | |
Body model | empty |
Scala | class VFO_GetUserGroupUsers |
Status | Response body spec |
200 | paginated array of users |
400 | {"error": 400, "message": "User groups are not enabled"} if feature flag enableUserGroups not enabled |
400 | {"error": 400, "message": "Invalid VFO container specified"} |
400 | {"error": 400, "message": "Invalid user group ID specified : '...'"} if provided user group id is not numeric |
403 | {"error": 403, "message": "Invalid VFO credentials"} If SID is not a valid VFO session or partner key. |
404 | {"error": 404, "message": "VFO Org '...' not found"} If containerId not found |
404 | {"error": 404, "message": "User group '...' not found"} if userGroupId not found |
404 | {"error": 404, "message": "User group '...' not found in container '...'"} if userGroupId not found in containerId |
Required permission: org container admin or partner key
Request property | Spec |
Action | GET /vfo/containers/containerId /usergroups/userGroupId |
Body model | empty |
Scala | class VFO_GetUserGroup |
Returns updated user group.
Status | Response body spec |
200 | Response user group |
400 | {"error": 400, "message": "User groups are not enabled"} if feature flag enableUserGroups not enabled |
400 | {"error": 400, "message": "Invalid VFO container specified"} |
400 | {"error": 400, "message": "Invalid user group ID specified : '...'"} if provided user group id is not numeric |
403 | {"error": 403, "message": "Invalid VFO credentials"} If SID is not a valid VFO session or partner key. |
404 | {"error": 404, "message": "VFO Org '...' not found"} If containerId not found |
404 | {"error": 404, "message": "User group '...' not found"} if userGroupId not found |
404 | {"error": 404, "message": "User group '...' not found in container '...'"} if userGroupId not found in containerId |
Required permission: org container admin or partner key
Request property | Spec |
Action | GET /vfo/containers/containerId /usergroups |
Pagination params | |
Body model | empty |
Scala | class VFO_GetUserGroups |
Returns updated user group.
Status | Response body spec |
200 | paginated array of user group |
400 | {"error": 400, "message": "User groups are not enabled"} if feature flag enableUserGroups not enabled |
400 | {"error": 400, "message": "Invalid VFO container specified"} |
400 | {"error": 400, "message": "Invalid user group ID specified : '...'"} if provided user group id is not numeric |
403 | {"error": 403, "message": "Invalid VFO credentials"} If SID is not a valid VFO session or partner key. |
404 | {"error": 404, "message": "VFO Org '...' not found"} If containerId not found |
Required permission: org container admin or partner key
Removes all user's course enrollments for courses shared in this portal. Bans user's journal updates.
Request property | Spec |
Action | POST /vfo/container/containerId /portal/portalId /delete_users |
Body model | {"users": Array of userId } |
Scala | class VFO_BatchRemovePortalUsers |
Status | Response body spec |
200 | No body |
400 | Invalid VFO container or portal specified |
400 | Cannot self-delete from VFO container (if caller tries to delete their own user ID) |
403 | Invalid VFO credentials (if caller is not a container root admin, partner or vfo access key) |