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File metadata and controls

1318 lines (976 loc) · 59.3 KB

Types and request/response models

Primitive types


The JSON object type.


The JSON string type.


The JSON number type.


A number that does not have a fractional part.


One of the JSON values true or false.


A string with a date in ISO 8601 format.


A string containing a date and time in ISO 8601 format.


A string containing only the following ASCII characters:

  • Uppercase letters (A-Z)
  • Lowercase letters (a-z)
  • Digits (0-9)
  • +, -, or _


A string containing an email address. Our (non-standard) definition of an email address is given by the following grammar:

  • email ::= email-char+ @ email-char+
  • email-char ::= any character other than the following:
    • @ (at-sign)
    • (space)
    • \t (horizontal tab)
    • \n (new line)
    • \v (vertical tab)
    • \f (form feed)
    • \r (carriage return)

org role

A string having one of the following values:

  • admin
  • instructor
  • learner

org status

A string having one of the following values:


This field indicates whether a VFO container is a trial, a paid org (active) or an expired trial. All orgs start out as trials.

org type

A string having one of the following values:

  • container
  • base
  • portal
  • topic

location data

Field Type Description
streetAddress string House number and street.
extendedAddress string (Optional) A second line in the address.
locality string Name of the town, city, or other locality.
region string US state (e.g. "California") or other regional division within country.
postalCode string US or other country postal code.
countryName string E.g. "USA" or other country name.


A string containing a UUID produced by calling the Java method java.util.UUID.randomUUID.

gadget type

A string in the format $devKey/$name, with an optional suffix @$version, where devKey is the user key of the gadget developer, name is the slug-format name of the gadget, and version is the gadget version.

gadget version

A string in the format $major.$minor.$patch, where major, minor, and patch are non-negative integers.

gadget catalog

A string having one of the following values:

  • sandbox: The gadget has been uploaded, and can be used in courses, but those courses cannot be published.
  • approved: The gadget is approved for use in published courses.
  • rejected: The gadget is rejected for use in published (or any) courses, and will not appear to authors.
  • deprecated: A newer version of a gadget with the same developer and name has been uploaded and approved.

user key

A string that is either a username (in slug format) or a user ID.

course key

A string that is either a course ID or encodes a 64-bit signed integer, which is the "internal" database ID of the course. The internal ID is still in use for historical reasons, but should eventually be phased out.

ID types

To be valid, a value of an ID type must denote an existing object.

ID type Base type Additional constraints
asset uuid None.
asset representation uuid None.
bundle id string Parseable as a 64-bit signed integer.
course string An arbitrary sequence of lowercase letters (a-z) and digits (0-9). Minimum length of six characters. The intent is for the IDs to be non-sequential and therefore hard to guess.
course instance string Parseable as a 64-bit signed integer.
gadget instance string None.
gadget manifest string Parseable as a 64-bit signed integer.
lesson string None.
org string Parseable as a 64-bit signed integer
program string Parseable as a 64-bit signed integer.
session uuid None.
tray label string None.
user string Parseable as a 64-bit signed integer.
lock string Parseable as a 64-bit signed integer.
userGroupId string Parseable as a 64-bit signed integer.


When JSON object models are supplied in request bodies, it should be assumed that all specified fields are required, and all unspecified fields are ignored. Any differences from the default behavior should be documented in each endpoint. For JSON object models supplied in response bodies, each field will be provided unless it is undefined, again with execeptions from the rule documented on a per-endpoint basis.


Field Type Description
streetAddress string Number and street
extendedAddress string Apartment, suite, floor, etc.
locality string City, town, village, etc.
region string State, county, province, etc.
postalCode string e.g. ZIP code
countryName string e.g. United States of America or USA


Field Type Description
id asset ID Unique API-generated identifier.
title string Asset title.
tags array of string A sorted sequence of labels, intended to describe the asset and be useful for categorizing it or finding it in a search.
representations array of asset representation Contains metadata about each specific media file that can be used to display the asset.

Asset representation

Field Type Description
id asset representation ID Unique API-generated identifier.
location string The path under which the representation's content can be found in storage.
contentType string The Internet media type of the representation.
original bool true if the representation was uploaded by an API client; false if the representation was generated from the original.
scale string The height and width of the representation in pixels, e.g. "640x480".
available bool true if the representation is available at location in storage; false if is not (yet) available; and omitted if it will never be available (e.g., because video transcoding was disabled when the asset was uploaded).

Authenticator access

Field Type Description
authenticator authenticator ID Unique API-generated identifier
role program role Authenticator's role within a program

Billing contact

Field Type Description
address address The billing address.
name string Name of the person or entity being billed.
phone string Contact phone number.
email string Contact email address.

Command rejection

A JSON object of the form {"$commandId": {"_1": $status, "_2": "$message"}}, where

  • commandId is the ID of the command that was rejected;
  • status is the HTTP status code of the response;
  • message is the error message provided with the response.

Base course

Field Type Description
authorBio string A description of the author(s) of the course. Omitted if not defined.
catalogs array of string Always contains sandbox, because the course is always editable. Will also contain labs if the course has been published.
courseId course ID Duplicate of id.
coverImage asset An image representing the course. Omitted if the course does not have a cover image.
createdAt date-time The creation time of the course.
currentPosition progress Information on the user's progress in the course. If null, the user does not have any progress (i.e., they have not started the course).
duration string Legacy field defining the number of seconds a session of this course would last, formatted as an integer.
id course ID Unique, API-generated identifier.
isEditable boolean Has value true if the requesting user can edit the course; false otherwise.
longDesc string A paragraph or longer description of the course. Omitted if not defined.
org org Information about the course's org, if it belongs to one. Otherwise omitted.
palette array of gadget manifest The manifests of all gadget instances in the course.
programId program ID The ID of the program the course belongs to.
public boolean Whether or not the course is in a public program.
revision course revision Omitted if the course state does not correspond to a saved revision. Has value null if the course sandbox is published (legacy publishing). Otherwise, the value is an object describing what revision the course state corresponds to.
shortDesc string A summary statement of the course. Omitted if not defined.
status string Has the value complete if the requesting user has finished the course. Omitted otherwise.
tags array of string Tags associated with the course, ordered lexicographically.
title string The title of the course. Omitted if the course doesn't have a title.
theme theme revision The theme revision assigned for the course. Optional.
themeId theme ID The ID of theme to be assigned for the course. Optional.
users array of course publisher The users with publishing rights for the course.
vfo array of response org The list of VFO orgs where the course is shared (possibly, an empty list).
isBlendedCover boolean
coverColor string html color value: from #000 to #fff and from #000000 to #ffffff, case insensitive
containerId org ID VFO container Id for a course, if it belongs to one
settings object Any valid JSON object.

Course details

A base course extended with the following fields:

Field Type Description
assetUrlTemplate string Provides a template which, when an asset ID is substituted into it, produces a URL where that asset's content can be retrieved. This allows clients to not have to know where assets are stored; they can determine the location using this field.
isTracked boolean Whether or not the user is tracked in the course's program.
isBlocked boolean Whether or not completion of the course is blocked, e.g., by a quiz that must be passed to proceed.
lessons array of lesson The lessons of the course, in order.
lastPublished date-time Timestamp of the recent revision publishing.

Course response

A base course extended with the following fields:

Field Type Description
authors array of course author Information on each author of the course.

Course author

Field Type Description
id user ID The user ID of the course author.

Course publisher

A response user object with only the fields username, fn, fullName, image, and the following extra field:

Field Type Description
permissions array of string An array, either empty or containing the single element PublishCourses.

Theme revision

JSON object representation of the most recent revision for specific theme ID.

Field Type Description
themeId theme ID Theme ID
revisionId theme revision ID Revision ID. Most recent for specific theme ID.

Course revision

Field Type Description
createdAt string The date and time when the course revision was created, as specified by java.sql.Timestamp.toString().
revisionId course instance ID Unique, API-generated identifier.

Course revision data

Field Type Description
courseId course ID A new revision was created for this course.
revisionId course instance ID Unique, API-generated identifier for the new course revision.

Course grade statistics response

Field Type Description
total_learners integer Total number of all tracked learners in the course.
avg_score number Average cumulative grade among all tracked learners who completed the course, between 0 and 1.
quizzes array of course grade statistics quiz response Average scores for each quiz-like gadgets.

Course grade statistics quiz response

Field Type Description
name boolean Name of the quiz-like gadget.
title string The title of the quiz-like gadget. (The title attribute of the gadget's config.)
learners integer The number of tracked learners who submitted any responses for this gadget.
avg_score number Average score, between 0 and 1, over all tracked learners who submitted any responses to this gadget.

Course user quiz grade response

Field Type Description
id string Gadget instance ID in the course.
name boolean Name of the quiz-like gadget.
title string The title of the quiz-like gadget. (The title attribute of the gadget's config.)
score number Score, between 0 and 1, computed for this gadget.

Course user data response

Field Type Description
id user ID User ID
email string User's email
title string Title of the course
lastActivity date-time Timestamp of last activity of the user in the course
courseCompleted boolean True if course was completed
currentLessonId lesson ID Last visited lesson's ID
lastSurveyCompleted string Title of the last survey completed (if applicable)

Course user update request

Field Type Description
tracked boolean (Optional) Set the user to tracked or not tracked for the given course
roles Array of string (Optional) Set the user's roles in the given course. Allowed roles: "author", "contributor", "publisher". One or more roles can be specified.

Course user update response

A Course user update request augmented with the following fields:

Field Type Description
user Response user User whose permission information was requested.

Note that the "publisher" role subsumes the "author" role, and the "author" role is listed only if "publisher" is not present.

Field Type Description
tracked boolean (Optional) Set the user to tracked or not tracked for the given course
roles Array of string (Optional) Set the user's roles in the given course. Allowed roles: "author", "contributor", "publisher". One or more roles can be specified.

Course progress response

Field Type Description
completed boolean Whether the user has completed the course.
currentPosition progress Information on the user's progress in the course. If null, the user does not have any progress (i.e., they have not started the course).
cumulativeGrade number Cumulative grade of the user in the course.

Course userstate response

Field Type Description
currentPosition progress Information on the user's progress in the course. If null, the user does not have any progress (i.e., they have not started the course).
userstates map from gadget instance IDs to gadget user states

Cumulative grade

The cumulative grade is a floating-point number between 0 and 1, rounded to 2 digits after the decimal point. This is the score achieved by the user in the course, counting all quiz-like gadgets in the course.

Quiz-like gadgets are gadgets complying with the Quiz 1.0 API. Currently these gadgets are whitelisted in the code (see CourseEndpoints.scala, in the class GetCourseStatistics, the value allowedGadgetNames) as quiz, am-sample-quiz (used in tests only), critical-reading, math, writing.

The cumulative grade is computed by finding all quiz-like gadgets in the course, grading each one on the scale between 0 and 1 (so all quiz-like gadgets have equal weight). All these gadget scores are added and divided by the total number of quiz-like gadgets in the course. So, the cumulative grade is 1.0 only if the user has achieved 100% on each quiz-like gadget in the course.

If the user never submitted a quiz, the grade is 0 for that quiz. The cumulative grade is also 0 if there are no quiz-like gadgets in the course.

Gadget grade response

This response applies to quiz-like gadgets.

Field Type Description
user {"id": user ID} The user's id
grade number Grade for that user

Course user response

Field Type Description
course course progress response The current progress of the user in the course.
gadgets array of gadget instance response All gadgets in the course, with their userstates for this user.
user response user User information.


Field Type Description
key String The feature key name
isEnabled Boolean
config String Optional configuration data for the feature

Here are the features currently known to the API:

  • disassociateCourseIdWithCommandId
  • enforceIncrementalGadgetVersions
  • gadgetApproval
  • restrictUpdateCourseUser
  • superadminPutCourse
  • usernames
  • validateGadgetPalette
  • autoEnrollCourses

Use the update features endpoint to create a new feature name.

autoEnrollCourses takes a comma-separated list of course keys as its config value. For example: "crs123","crs456". Other features do not use the config field.

Gadget config

An arbitrary JSON object that defines the appearance and behavior of a gadget instance in a course. There is no spec for it because each gadget stores different data in it.

Base gadget instance

Field Type Description
config gadget config The configuration of the gadget instance.
type gadget type The gadget type that the instance derives from.

Gadget instance request

This is used to insert a new gadget into a lesson.

Contains all of the fields in base gadget instance, plus the following:

Field Type Description
index integer (Optional) The zero-based index at which to insert the gadgets into the lesson. Default is to add to the end of lesson.

Many gadgets request

This is used to insert many new gadgets at once into a lesson.

Field Type Description
index integer (Optional) The zero-based index at which to insert the gadgets into the lesson. Default is to add to the end of lesson.
gadgets Array of base gadget instance

Gadget instance response

Contains all of the fields in base gadget instance, plus the following:

Field Type Description
id gadget instance ID Gadget instance identifier. Must be unique within the instance's lesson, but it is not required to be globally unique. Can be specified by the user in certain cases.
userState gadget user state The user state of the gadget instance, for a particular user.

Gadget manifest

Field Type Description
author string Name of the gadget's author. (Optional.)
documentationUrl string URL for a tutorial document explaining the usage of the gadget. (Optional.)
defaultConfig gadget config Config to use when an instance of the gadget is added to a course.
description string Description of the gadget.
exampleUrl string URL for a brief demonstration of the gadget. (Optional.)
exec string How gadget logic is executed on the server, if applicable. (Optional.)
id gadget manifest ID Unique, API-generated identifier.
latestVersion gadget version The highest approved version out of all gadget manifests having the same developer user and gadget name.
launcher string Used only by the frontend. Admissible values include "iframe" and "react". (Optional.)
name slug Name of the gadget. A developer can upload multiple gadgets related by name, but having different versions.
noToggleSwitch boolean Used only by the frontend.
noAudioRecorder boolean Used only by the frontend.
noAudioPlayer boolean Used only by the frontend.
private array of string Names of gadget config fields that should only be seen by authors, e.g. a quiz answer key. The fields will be removed from gadget configs before sending them to learners.
responsive boolean Indicates whether the gadget supports responsive (mobile) display. Defaults to false.
status gadget status Modifiable properties of the gadget.
title string Display name of the gadget.
username string The developer's username if it exists, otherwise their user ID.
version gadget version The version number of the gadget.
baseUrl string The base URL of the gadget project.

Note: baseUrl is a computed field, that is, the gadget author does not need to specify it when uploading a gadget, and if specified, this field will be ignored during upload. The platform will compute this URL when fetching the gadget manifest. An example value is /gadgets/versal/slideshow-iframe/0.2.4/

Gadget status

Field Type Description
catalog gadget catalog The lifecycle state of the gadget.
hidden boolean Whether or not the gadget is hidden from the user interface.

Gadget user state

An arbitrary JSON object that stores any persistent state of a user's interaction with a gadget instance. There is no spec for it because each gadget stores different data in it.


Field Type Description
gadgets array of gadget instance response The gadget instances in the lesson, in order of appearance.
id lesson ID Lesson identifier. Must be unique within the course instance, but it is not required to be globally unique. Can be specified by the user in certain cases.
isAccessible boolean Whether or not the lesson can be viewed, due to blocking from e.g. a quiz that must be passed to proceed. Lessons after a blocked lesson are not accessible.
title string The lesson title.


Field Type Description
address address The mailing address of the org. Omitted if not defined.
billing billing contact Contact information for billing the org. Omitted if not defined.
id org ID Unique, API-generated identifier.
image asset Asset metadata for the image representing the org. Omitted if not defined.
title string Word or short phrase naming or describing the org. Omitted if not defined.
orgName slug A unique, human-readable user identifier. It is used in the type strings of gadgets created by the org in place of the org ID, if defined.
users array of org member Contains one element for each user belonging to the org.

Org member

Field Type Description
user user The user belonging to the org.
roles array of org role The user's roles in the org.

Org member role update

Field Type Description
roles array of org role The user's roles in the org.


Field Type Description
currentLesson integer One-based index of the lesson in the most recent progress update.
lastLesson integer One-based index given by currentLesson before the most recent progress update.
currentLessonId string Lesson ID of the current lesson in the most recent progress update.
visitedRevisionId course instance ID The ID of the last visited course revision.
maxLessonId string The ID of the highest-indexed lesson the learner has visited in the course.
availableLessonCount integer Total number of lessons available in the last visited course revision.
updatedAt date-time Date and time of the most recent progress update.

Progress update

Field Type Description
lessonIndex integer DEPRECATED One-based index of the lesson that the learner has reached. (Optional, deprecated.)
currentLesson integer DEPRECATED One-based index of the lesson that the learner has reached. (Optional, deprecated.)
currentLessonId string Lesson ID of the lesson that the learner has reached. (Optional until transition to new site code.)

When this data is used as request body for updating the progress information, one or both of lessonIndex or currentLessonId may be specified. If currentLessonId is specified, lessonIndex is ignored.

When this data is used as response for fetching the progress information, all three fields will be reported (for compatibility).

Position update

Field Type Description
displaySection slug Learner current page in standalone player
currentLessonId string Lesson ID of the lesson that the learner has reached. (Required if displaySection value is LESSON)

When this data is used as request body for updating the progress information. If displaySection is not equal LESSON, currentLessonId is ignored.


Request session

Field Type Description
userId user ID The session user.
email email The email address of the session user.
The duration of the session, in milliseconds. Must be a non-negative integer.

Response session

Field Type Description
sessionId session ID Unique, API-generated identifier.
user response user The owner of the session.

Response session information

Field Type Description
sessionType string Self-explanatory. It is one of the following values: PartnerKey, InternalIntegrationKey, LegacyAuthenticator, VFOAccessKey, VFOUserSession, PlainUserSession.
userId user ID The session user if user session. Otherwise not present.
vfoRootOrgId org ID ID of the VFO org if VFO session. Otherwise not present.
isVFOContainerLocked boolean Self-explanatory.


Field Type Description
type string Self-explanatory. It currently has a single allowed value, VersalPro.

Using an object instead of a string leaves room for adding more fields in the future.


Base user

Field Type Description
username slug A unique, human-readable user identifier. It is used in the type strings of gadgets created by the user in place of their user ID, if defined.
email email Unique email address.
firstname string Given name.
lastname string Family name.
fullname string Full name.
fn string Alternate full name.
displayname string Formatted display name chosen from user's non-null name fields.
Display name is chosen in the following order: fullName, fn, firstName + " " + lastName, firstName, lastName, "Unknown"
company string Legacy field.
country string Legacy field.
location string Place of residence.
longDesc string A paragraph about the user.
name string Legacy field.
newsletter string Legacy field.
newsletter_lang string Legacy field.
registered boolean Legacy field.
shortDesc string A brief statement about the user.
state string Legacy field.
usage string Legacy field.
website string The URL of the user's website.
zip string Legacy field.

Response user

A base user extended with the following fields:

Field Type Description
id user ID Unique API-generated identifier.
image asset Profile image asset metadata.
orgs array of org Orgs the user belongs to.
subscriptions array of subscription Subscriptions granted to the user.
marketingRoles marketing roles Marketing roles of the user.

Marketing roles

A set of fields, which describe user roles:

Field Type Description
isAdmin boolean If user has AdministerOrg permission in at least one org.
isInstructor boolean If user has TeachCourses permission without AdministerOrg in at least one org.
isLearner boolean If user is enrolled in at least one course, but he is not administrator, instructor, nor course editor.


Text, not JSON. An example:

 project: rest-api
 version: 0.110.3
git hash: 27e80d2
   built: 10 Feb 2015 16:42:14 PST
     tag: rapi6


Healthcheck result

Field Type Description
passed boolean true if single check passed.
details Any Optional details of why the single check passed or failed.

Healthcheck summary

Field Type Description
passed boolean true if application is ready to take requests.
results Map(string, healthcheck result) Results of each single check.

Custom trays

Custom tray request

Field Type Description
label slug Tray ID
title string Human-readable title of the tray.
public boolean (Optional, default = false) Whether the tray is public (can be read by other users).

Custom tray response

Field Type Description
title string Human-readable title of the tray.
bundles array of bundle item responses An ordered collection of bundle items that exist in the tray.

Bundle item response

Field Type Description
id bundle ID ID of the bundle.
title string (Optional) A short title of the bundle.
icon string (Optional) The bundle's icon URL.
provider_id string (Optional) The ID of this bundle as given by the bundle's provider.
gadgets array of base gadget instance An ordered collection of gadget items in the bundle.
manifests array of gadget manifest A set of manifests for all gadget items in the bundle, sorted by gadget type.

Bundle item metadata request

Field Type Description
title string (Optional) A short title of the bundle.
icon string (Optional) The bundle's icon URL.

Bundle item request

Field Type Description
index integer (Optional, default = 0) Zero-based index at which a new bundle must be inserted into a tray.
title string (Optional) A short title of the bundle.
icon string (Optional) The bundle's icon URL.
provider_id string (Optional) The ID of this bundle as given by the bundle's provider.
gadgets array of base gadget instance An ordered collection of gadget items in the new bundle.

Versal For Organizations (VFO)

Base org

Field Type Description
name string (Optional) A short name of the org.
status org status (Optional) Org Status
website string (Optional) Website
location string (Optional) Location
image asset (Optional) Asset metadata for the image representing the org. When creating org, the asset can contain only the asset id.
location location data (Optional) Organization's geographical location.
website string (Optional) The org's website URL.

VFO org info request

Field Type Description
name string (Optional) A short name of the org.
image_id asset ID (Optional) Unique API-generated identifier for the org image (obtained from the API after uploading an image asset).
location location data (Optional) Organization's geographical location.
website string (Optional) The org's website URL.

Response org

Base org extended with the following fields:

Field Type Description
id org ID ID of the org.
parentId org ID ID of the org's parent
containerId org ID ID of the org's container
orgType org type
settings object Any valid JSON object.

Org Status Update Model

Field Type Description
orgStatus org status New value for org status

Org Status Response Model

Field Type Description
orgId org ID ID of the org
orgStatus org status New value for org status

Org configs

Field Type Description
isPortalEnabled boolean Does this org have org portals?
defaultOrgPortalId org ID ID of the default org portal
providers Array of String (Optional) Org Portal providers
learnerTrackingMethod string (Optional) Valid values - per-course or org-wide; defaults to org-wide
defaultThemeId theme ID (Optional) Theme ID.
settings object Any valid JSON object.

Reorder Org Courses

Field Type Description
courseKey course id Course Key
newIndex integer 1 based index - new position

SSO configs

Field Type Description
isSSOEnabled boolean Is SSO enabled for the organization?
ssoMethod string (Optional) SSO Method. Mandatory if isSSOEnabled is set to true
ssoDetails model (Optional) SSO details. Mandatory if isSSOEnabled is set to true.

SSO details

Configure SSO details.

SAML config

Field Type Description
samlIdpEntityId string Entity ID at the IDP for this SAML integration
samlIdpUrl string URL for the IDP
samlAssertionIsSigned boolean Does the IDP sign assertions?
samlRequestIsSigned boolean Does the IDP sign requests?
samlNameIDFormat string Format of the user ID we receive from the IDP. Acceptable values: "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress", "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:unspecified"
samlJITProvisioningEnabled boolean If true, when we receive a valid SSO request a user will be created automatically if one does not already exist. Mutually exclusive with samlScimEnabled
samlUserDataDictionary Map(string, string) Maps properties of our User model to properties received from the IDP. Valid keys: "GIVEN_NAME", "FAMILY_NAME", "FULL_NAME". Required if samlJITProvisioningEnabled is true.
samlScimEnabled boolean If false, SCIM endpoints will be unavailable for org. Defaults to false. Mutually exclusive with samlJITProvisioningEnabled


Field Type Description
id boolean Certificate ID.
certificateType string Certificate Type. Only PEM for now.
expirationDate model Certificate expiration date.

Create topic

Field Type Description
name string (Mandatory) name - maximum 80 characters.
description Topic (Optional) topic description.
settings object Any valid JSON object.

Org topic

Field Type Description
id org ID ID of the org. Present in responses. Ignored in requests.
name string (Mandatory) Topic name - maximum 40 characters.
description string (Mandatory) Free description string.
coursesCount integer (Optional) number of courses associated with topic.
settings object Any valid JSON object.

Org topic tree

Field Type Description
id org ID ID of the org. Present in responses. Ignored in requests.
name string (Mandatory) Topic name - maximum 40 characters.
description string (Mandatory) Free description string.
topics List(topics)(#org-topic-tree) The recursive list of subtopics.

Patch topic

Field Type Description
name string (Optional) Topic name - maximum 80 characters.
description string (Optional) Free description string.
settings object Any valid JSON object.

Org portal

Field Type Description
orgId org ID ID of the org.
name string (Mandatory) Portal name - maximum 80 characters.
description string (Mandatory) Free description string.
isPublic boolean (Mandatory) Indicator whether portal is public.
selfProvisioningEnabled boolean (Mandatory) Indicator whether self provisioning is enabled for public portal.
anonymousAccessEnabled boolean (Mandatory) Indicator whether anonymous (i.e. unknown signed in user) can access.
allCoursesViewEnabled boolean (Mandatory) Indicator whether portal is turn on or off
enabled boolean (Mandatory)
brandImage Asset (Updated separately)
settings object Any valid JSON object.

Create org portal

Field Type Description
name string (Mandatory) name - maximum 80 characters.
description string (Optional) Free description string.
isPublic boolean (Mandatory) Indicator whether portal is public.
selfProvisioningEnabled boolean (Optional) Indicator whether self provisioning is enabled for public portal. Defaults to false.
anonymousAccessEnabled boolean (Mandatory) Indicator whether anonymous (i.e. unknown signed in user) can access.
allCoursesViewEnabled boolean (Optional) Indicator whether for enabling/disabling all topics page in portals UI. Defaults to false.
enabled boolean (Optional) Indicator whether portal is turn on or off. Defaults to true.
settings object Any valid JSON object.

Patch org portal

Field Type Description
name string (Optional) Portal name - maximum 80 characters.
description string (Optional) Free description string.
isPublic boolean (Optional) Indicator whether portal is public (default is false).
selfProvisioningEnabled boolean (Optional) Indicator whether self provisioning is enabled for public portal. Defaults to false.
anonymousAccessEnabled boolean (Mandatory) Indicator whether anonymous (i.e. unknown signed in user) can access.
allCoursesViewEnabled boolean (Optional) Indicator whether for enabling/disabling all topics page in portals UI. Defaults to false.
enabled boolean (Optional) Indicator whether portal is turn on or off. Defaults to true.
settings object Any valid JSON object.

Portal course author

Field Type Description
id user ID Unique API-generated identifier.
name string (Optional) user name.
email string (Optional) email address.
bio string (Optional) user bio.
image assets (Optional) user image.

Portal course view model

Field Type Description
courseId Course Key Unique API-generated identifier.
authors array of users course authors
image array of assets (Optional)
title string course title
isAuthor boolean Has value true if the requesting user is author of the course; false otherwise.
updated integer last edit timestamp
created integer creation time timestamp
longDesc string (Optional) Course long description
shortDesc string (Optional) Course short description
tags array of string Course tags
isBookmarked boolean Has value true if the requesting user bookmarked thiscourse; false otherwise.

Org tree

Response org extended with the following fields` |

Field Type Description
permissions array of string A non-empty array, currently supported VFO permissions include AdministerOrg and TeachCourses.
orgs array of org tree (Optional) The org's child orgs if they exist.

Request VFO session

Field Type Description
userId user ID (Optional) The user for whom a session is requested.
email email The email address of the user for whom a session is requested.
expiresIn number (Optional) The initial duration of the session, in milliseconds. Must be a non-negative integer.

Response VFO session

Field Type Description
sessionId session ID Unique, API-generated identifier.
userId user ID The user to whom the session belongs.
expiresIn number The initial duration of the session, in milliseconds.

VFO Org permissions

Field Type Description
permissions array of string A non-empty array, currently supported VFO permissions include AdministerOrg TeachCourses, and LearnCourses.

Response VFO user permissions

Field Type Description
user VFO short user
memberships array of VFO user membership A non-empty array listing all explicit memberships of a user in suborgs.

VFO short user

Field Type Description
id user ID Unique API-generated identifier.
username slug A unique, human-readable user identifier. It is used in the type strings of gadgets created by the user in place of their user ID, if defined.
email email Unique email address.
fullname string Alternate full name.
displayname string Formatted display name chosen from user's non-null name fields.
Display name is chosen in the following order: fullName, fn, firstName + " " + lastName, firstName, lastName, "Unknown"

VFO user membership

Field Type Description
orgId org ID ID of the org.
permissions array of string A non-empty array, currently supported VFO permissions include AdministerOrg and TeachCourses.

VFO move course data

Field Type Description
id course ID Course id for the course being moved.

VFO move course request

Field Type Description
courses array of VFO move course data A possibly empty array of course data for courses that need to be moved.

VFO single sign-on (SSO) authorization request input model

Field Type Description
method string Single sign-on method. Accepted values: "SAML"
resource string URL for the protected page or resource the end user is trying to access

VFO single sign-on (SSO) authorization request response model

Field Type Description
SAMLRequest string Base64-encoded XML document
destination string URL for the Identity Provider's SSO request endpoint

VFO single sign-on (SSO) session request input model

method | string | Single sign-on method. Accepted values: "SAML" data | object | Varies according to SSO method. Accepted shapes: {"SAMLResponse":string}

VFO single sign-on (SSO) session request response model

Field Type Description
resource string URL for the protected page or resource the end user is trying to access
session VFO Session The created VFO session

User group

Field Type Description
name string User group name - maximum 40 characters.

Response user group

Field Type Description
id user group ID Unique API-generated identifier.
name string User group name - maximum 40 characters.


Get Course Permissions Legacy View Model

Field Type description
permissions array of string The course permissions for specified session for the specified course

Get Course Permissions New View Model

Field Type description
coursePermissions Map from string to Set of string Map of course key to set of course permissions for specified session for that course

Get Org Permissions View Model

Field Type description
orgPermissions Map from string to Set of string Map of stringified org ids to set of VFO org permissions for specified session for that org

Report Gen

Learners Report

The body for the learners report generation request

Field Type description
courses List(courses)(#course-key) List of course keys containing one and only one course key

Course completion report

The body for the course completion report generation request

Field Type description
startDate date A start date for a report
endDate date An end date for a report

Learner Class Decoration

Learner class (also in course details response)

Field Type Description
courseId course ID Course ID
userId user ID User ID
linkMode string "course" OR "overview"
class class class properties
parent parent parent properties
provider provider provider properties

learnerClass class

Field Type Description
id string class id
title string class title
description string class description
startDate date-time class start date

learnerClass parent

Field Type Description
url string parent url
`title' string parent title

learnerClass provider

Field Type Description
id string provider id
name string provider name


Gadget lock subject

Field Type Description
courseId course ID Course ID
gadgetId gadget ID Gadget ID

Lock request

Field Type Description
type string Resource type. For now, only gadget is acceptable.
subject lock subject Resource lock subject. For now, only gadgets can be locked.

Resource lock

Field Type Description
type string Resource type. For now, it's always gadget.
subject lock subject Resource lock subject. For now, only gadgets can be locked.
ownerId user ID Lock owner. Only the owner can perform updates on the locked resource.
expiresIn integer Number of milliseconds after which the lock will be released.



Field Type Description
ownerType string Mandatory when creating new theme. Ignored when updating. Owner type. Currently only VFO_ORG is supported.
ownerId org_ID Mandatory when creating new theme. Ignored when updating. Currently always the Org ID.
theme theme object Mandatory. Theme object.

Theme object

An arbitrary JSON object that stores any theme attributes. There is no spec for this object.


SCIM token response

Field Type Description
token string token value
expiryDate date-time token expiry date

SCIM get users response

SCIM get users response is defined by RFC-7644 and RFC-643.

Field Type Description
schemas string ["urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:ListResponse"]
totalResults integer
startIndex integer The 1-based index of the first result in the current set of list results. REQUIRED when partial results are returned due to pagination.
itemsPerPage integer The number of resources returned in a list response page. REQUIRED when partial results are returned due to pagination.
Resources Array of users

SCIM user

Field Type Desctiption
id integer
externalId string Optional user id from external system
userName email user email
displayName string full name
name SCIM user name user name

SCIM user name

Field Type Desctiption
formatted string The full name
givenName string
familyName string

Create SCIM user request

Create SCIM user response is defined by RFC-7644 and RFC-7643.

Field Type Description
schemas string ["urn:ietf:params:scim:schames:core:2.0:User"]
userName email user email
externalId string Optional user id from external system
name SCIM user name user name

Create SCIM user response

Create SCIM user response is defined by RFC-7644 and RFC-7643. The URI of the created user is included in the HTTP Location header and in meta.location field

Field Type Description
id integer
schemas string ["urn:ietf:params:scim:schames:core:2.0:User"]
externalId string Optional user id from external system
userName email user email
displayName string full name
name SCIM user name user name
meta SCIM meta

SCIM meta

Field Type Description
location string URL to the newly created user

Get SCIM user response

Get SCIM user response is defined by RFC-7644 and RFC-7643.

Field Type Description
id integer
schemas string ["urn:ietf:params:scim:schames:core:2.0:User"]
externalId string Optional user id from external system
userName email user email
displayName string full name
name SCIM user name user name
meta SCIM meta

Replace SCIM user request

Replace SCIM user response is defined by RFC-7644 and RFC-7643.

Field Type Description
schemas string ["urn:ietf:params:scim:schames:core:2.0:User"]
userName email user email
name SCIM user name user name

Patch SCIM user request

Patch SCIM user response is defined by RFC-7644.

Field Type Description
schemas string ["urn:ietf:params:scim:schames:core:2.0:PatchOp"]
Operations SCIM patch operation Array of operations to be applied

SCIM patch operation

Field Type Description
op string Type of operation. One of add, remove, replace. Case insensitive.
path string Path to the value that is being changed. Currently supported: userName, name.givenName, name.familyName, name.formatted.
value array Array of single object with the single property value inside.

Replace SCIM user response

Replace SCIM user response is defined by RFC-7644 and RFC-7643. The URI of the replaced user is included in the HTTP Location header and in meta.location field

Field Type Description
id integer
externalId string Optional user id from external system
schemas string ["urn:ietf:params:scim:schames:core:2.0:User"]
userName email user email
displayName string full name
name SCIM user name user name
meta SCIM meta

Dashboard user courses

Field Type Description
title string
status string Available statuses: started, in-progress, completed
percentageCompleted integer progress
startDate date-time The start date of the course.
finishDate date-time The finish date of the course.
score number Cumulative grade, between 0 and 1.

Org Portal Types

Org portal search response

Field Type Description
orgId org ID ID of the org.
defaultOrgPortal Org Portal Object representing the default portal

Org portal domain name update

Field Type Description
subdomain String (Mandatory) New portal subdomain

Plan features


Text representing valid JSON.

Plan feature overrides

Field Type Description
overrides string Text representing valid JSON.