The Org Portal project aims to provide our customers with a learner experience out of the box
that the admins can customize. The idea is that
will automatically take
them to their courses, organized into portals and topics.
This can be toggled on and off to enable or disable org portals for the container.
The portal sub-domain name. When enabling org portals for the container, if this is not set, this is set to a random name "CustomerXXXXXX" where XXXXXX = 6 alphanumeric characters. e.g. "CustomerX3z56P". The partner key (not the org admin) can then update it to a string of up to 40 alphanumeric characters. Once this is set, enabling/disabling org portals will not change the value. However, containers with the Org Portals feature disabled will not show up in search by subdomain results of Search for VFO Container by Portal Subdomain even if the subdomain is set.
The default org portal id for this container. If not set, a default portal org with portal decorations is created and set in the config when enabling the container for portals. A partner key or org admin can then update this. Note that once this is set, enabling a container will not change the value. Note that if the org is made to be not a portal using Delete Portal or the underlying org itself is deleted using Delete Org, then this config will be updated under the hood to be empty.
The endpoints for org portal management are
Required permissions : Partner Key
Request property | Spec |
Action | GET /vfo/orgportals |
subdomain param |
Required, subdomain to search for |
Scala | class VFO_GetContainerByPortalSubdomain |
Status | Response body spec |
200 | Response org |
400 | {"error": 400, "message": "Default Org Portal is not defined for container"} If container's default org portal wasn't set. |
403 | {"error": 403, "message": "Invalid VFO credentials"} If SID is not a partner key. |
404 | {"error": 404, "message": "Container for specified domain name not found"} If specified domain name is not found. |
Required permissions : Partner Key
Request property | Spec |
Action | POST /vfo/orgs/orgId /config/portalsubdomain |
Body model | Org portal domain name update model |
Scala | VFO_ReplacePortalSubdomain |
Status | Response body spec |
200 | Empty |
400 | {"error": 400, "message", "Org container is not portal enabled"} if isPortalEnabled is false for the container |
403 | {"error": 403, "message": "Invalid VFO credentials"} If SID is not a partner key. |
404 | {"error": 404, "message": "Org :OID not found"} If specified org container is not found. |
Request property | Spec |
Action | GET /vfo/containers/containerId /portal |
name param |
Required, portal name to search for |
Scala | VFO_GetOrgPortalByName |
Status | Response body spec |
200 | {"orgId":"orgId"} |
400 | {"error": 400, "message": "Parameter 'name' is required"} If parameter name is missing. |
401 | {"error": 401, "message": "Invalid credentials"} If not logged in. |
404 | {"error": 404, "message": "VFO Org ':containerId' not found"} If specified org container is not found. |
404 | {"error": 404, "message": "Org Portal ':name' not found in container"} If specified portal not found in given container. |
This endpoint allows user to see a list of topics for a portal.
Request property | Spec |
Action | GET /vfo/orgs/portalId /topics |
Scala | GetTopics |
Status | Response Body Spec |
200 | Array of Org topic |
403 | {"error": 403, "message": "Invalid VFO credentials"} If not VFO user. |
403 | {"error": 403, "message": "Insufficient permissions"} If anonymous session requested for private portal |
404 | {"error": 404, "message": "Org ID is not marked as portal"} If portalId does not refer existing portal |
This endpoint allows user to create org marked as topic for given portal.
Request property | Spec |
Action | POST /vfo/orgs/portalId /topics |
Body | Org topic |
Scala | CreateTopic |
Status | Response Body Spec |
200 | Org topic |
400 | {"error": 400, "message": "Invalid input: name is ... chars, exceeding limit of 80"} if provided org name value is too long |
400 | {"error": 400, "message": "Invalid input: non-alphabetic name"} if provided org name value with only numbers |
403 | {"error": 403, "message": "Invalid VFO credentials"} If not VFO admin. |
This endpoint allows user to get topic by ID.
Request property | Spec |
Action | GET /vfo/orgs/orgId /topic_metadata |
Scala | GetTopic |
Status | Response Body Spec |
200 | Org topic |
403 | {"error": 403, "message": "Invalid VFO credentials"} If not VFO user. |
404 | {"error": 404, "message": "Topic ID not found"} If topic not found. |
This endpoint allows user to update or set topic with provided ID.
Request property | Spec |
Action | PATCH /vfo/orgs/orgId /topic_metadata |
Body | Org topic |
Scala | ModifyTopic |
Status | Response Body Spec |
200 | Org topic |
403 | {"error": 403, "message": "Invalid VFO credentials"} If not VFO admin. |
404 | {"error": 404, "message": "Topic ID not found"} If topic not found. |
This endpoint allows user to delete topic with provided ID.
Request property | Spec |
Action | DELETE /vfo/orgs/orgId /topic_metadata |
Scala | DeleteTopic |
Status | Response Body Spec |
200 | {} |
403 | {"error": 403, "message": "Invalid VFO credentials"} If not VFO admin. |
404 | {"error": 404, "message": "Topic ID not found"} If topic not found. |
This endpoint allows user to create org marked as portal under given org.
Request property | Spec |
Action | POST /vfo/orgs/orgId /portals |
Body | Create org portal |
Scala | VFO_CreateOrgPortal |
Status | Response Body Spec |
200 | Org portal |
400 | {"error": 400, "message": "Invalid input: name is ... chars, exceeding limit of 80"} if provided org name value is too long |
400 | {"error": 400, "message": "Invalid input: non-alphabetic name"} if provided org name value with only numbers |
400 | {"error": 400, "message": "Self-provisioning cannot be enabled for private portals"} if isPublic is false and selfProvisioningEnabled is true |
400 | {"error": 400, "message": "Invalid portal location"} if a portal cannot be added here - Note that a portal cannot contain another portal in its subtree. |
403 | {"error": 403, "message": "Invalid VFO credentials"} If not VFO admin. |
This endpoint allows user to update or set portal metadata for given org.
Request property | Spec |
Action | PATCH /vfo/orgs/orgId /portal_metadata |
Body | Patch portal |
Scala | VFO_PatchOrgPortal |
Status | Response Body Spec |
200 | Org portal |
400 | {"error": 400, "message": "Invalid input: name is ... chars, exceeding limit of 40"} if provided name value is too long |
400 | {"error": 400, "message": "Self-provisioning cannot be enabled for private portals"} if isPublic is false and selfProvisioningEnabled is true |
400 | {"error": 400, "message": "Invalid portal location"} if either orgId is a container, or the org that it represents contains or is contained by another portal |
403 | {"error": 403, "message": "Invalid VFO credentials"} If not VFO admin. |
404 | {"error": 404, "message": "Org orgId is not marked as portal"} If org not marked as portal. |
This endpoint allows user to get portal metadata.
Request property | Spec |
Action | GET /vfo/orgs/orgId /portal_metadata |
Scala | VFO_GetOrgPortal |
Status | Response Body Spec |
200 | Org portal |
404 | {"error": 404, "message": "Org orgId is not marked as portal"} If org not marked as portal. |
403 | {"error": 403, "message": "Invalid VFO credentials"} If not VFO admin. |
This endpoint allows user to get all portals in container.
Request property | Spec |
Action | GET /vfo/containers/containerId /portals |
Scala | VFO_GetContainerOrgPortals |
Status | Response Body Spec |
200 | Array of org portals |
403 | {"error": 403, "message": "Invalid VFO credentials"} If not VFO admin. |
This endpoint allows user to delete portal metadata.
Request property | Spec |
Action | DELETE /vfo/orgs/orgId /portal_metadata |
Scala | VFO_DeleteOrgPortal |
Status | Response Body Spec |
200 | {} |
404 | {"error": 404, "message": "Org orgId is not marked as portal"} If org not marked as portal. |
403 | {"error": 403, "message": "Invalid VFO credentials"} If not VFO admin. |
This endpoint allows to get all courses in all topics under portal.
Request property | Spec |
Action | GET /vfo/containers/containerId /portals/portalId /courses |
SID header |
Pagination params | |
viewModel param |
Valid values are: portal portal view model (default), full - print full course view model, ids - print only course ID property of view model, i.e.,{"id":"CourseID"} |
bookmarked param |
Optional boolean, for true only courses bookmarked by the user in the session should be displayed. |
started param |
Optional boolean, for true only courses started by the user in the session should be displayed. |
topicId param |
Optional long, get all courses in specified topic |
ftContentSearch param |
Optional string. Performs a full-text search of course content for the given value. |
Body model | no body |
Scala | object GetCoursesForPortal |
This endpoint is available to partner key SID
for private portal and for any logged user for public portal.
Status | Response body spec |
200 | paginated array of portal course (array of base course for viewModel=full ) |
400 | Bad request |
400 | Invalid pagination parameters |
401 | Invalid credentials |
403 | {"error": 403, "message": "Insufficient permissions"} If requesting session is neither a partner key, nor the user session for specified bookmarkedByUser parameter. |
404 | {"error": 404, "message": "Portal portalID not found"} If portalId is not existing portal within container, or container is not presently enabled for org portals. |
This endpoint allows to get a topic's courses and all courses that can be added, ordered by title (case insensitive alphabetical)
Request property | Spec |
Action | GET /vfo/containers/containerId /portals/portalId /topics/topicId /searchcourses |
SID header |
Pagination params | |
search param |
Optional string. Performs a full-text search of course content for the given value. |
Body model | no body |
Scala | object SearchTopicCourses |
Status | Response body spec |
200 | paginated array of course |
400 | Bad request |
400 | Invalid pagination parameters |
400 | {"error":400,"message":"Org container is not portal enabled"} If container is not presently enabled for org portals |
401 | Invalid credentials |
403 | {"error": 403, "message": "Invalid VFO credentials"} If requesting session is neither a partner key, nor the user session with AdministerOrg permission. |
404 | {"error": 404, "message": "Portal portalId not found"} If portalId is not existing portal within container, or container is not presently enabled for org portals. |
404 | {"error": 404, "message": "Topic topicId not found"} If topicId is not existing topic within portal. |
This endpoint allows user session to add a bookmark to the course.
Request property | Spec |
Action | PUT /vfo/containers/containerId /portals/portalId /courses/courseKey /bookmark |
SID header |
Body model | no body |
Scala | object BookmarkPortalCourse |
This endpoint is available to any logged in user that has access to the specified portal.
Status | Response body spec |
200 | {} |
400 | Bad request |
400 | {"error":400, "message":"Org container is not portal enabled"} If the container is not portal enabled. |
401 | Invalid credentials |
403 | {"error": 403, "message": "Invalid VFO credentials"} If requesting session is not valid VFO user session. |
404 | {"error": 404, "message": "Course 'courseKey' not found in portal 'portalId'}" If there is no such course in requested portal. |
This endpoint allows user session to remove a bookmark to the course.
Request property | Spec |
Action | DELETE /vfo/containers/containerId /portals/portalId /courses/courseKey /bookmark |
SID header |
Body model | no body |
Scala | object UnbookmarkPortalCourse |
This endpoint is available to any logged in user that has access to the specified portal.
Status | Response body spec |
200 | {} |
400 | Bad request |
400 | {"error":400, "message":"Org container is not portal enabled"} If the container is not portal enabled. |
401 | Invalid credentials |
403 | {"error": 403, "message": "Invalid VFO credentials"} If requesting session is not valid VFO user session. |
404 | {"error": 404, "message": "Course 'courseKey' not found in portal 'portalId'}" If there is no such course in requested portal. |
This endpoint allows to get specified course under specified portal
Request property | Spec |
Action | GET /vfo/containers/containerId /portals/portalId /courses/courseKey |
SID header |
Pagination params | |
Body model | no body |
Scala | object GetPortalCourse |
This endpoint is available to partner key SID
for private portal and for any logged user for public portal.
Status | Response body spec |
200 | portal course |
400 | Bad request |
401 | Invalid credentials |
403 | {"error": 403, "message": "Insufficient permissions"} If requesting session is neither a partner key, nor the user session for specified bookmarkedByUser parameter. |
404 | {"error": 404, "message": "Portal portalID not found"} If portalId is not existing portal within container, or container is not presently enabled for org portals. |
404 | {"error": 404, "message": "Course 'courseKey' not found in portal 'portalId'}" If there is no such course in requested portal. |
The user must be a signed in user and have AdministerOrg
permission on the portal.
Request property | Spec |
Action | POST /vfo/containers/orgId /portals/orgId /brandimage |
Scala | class ReplacePortalBrandImage |
Status | Response body spec |
200 | updated image details |
400 | Bad request |
401 | Invalid credentials |
403 | {"error": 403, "message": "Insufficient permissions"} If requesting session doesn't have the right authorization |
404 | {"error": 404, "message": "Portal portalID not found"} If portalId is not existing portal within container, or container is not presently enabled for org portals. |