This Endpoint is used to list all members for a given org, with the following data on each member -
- id - Numeric User ID
- firstName - First Name (Optional)
- lastName - Last Name (Optional)
- fn - Full Name (Optional)
- fullName - Full Name (Optional)
- location - Location (Optional)
- longDesc - Long Description (Optional)
- shortDesc - Short Description (Optional)
- username - User Name in the system (Optional)
- enrolledCount - Number of org courses enrolled in
- completedCount - Number of org courses completed
- lastSeen - Time instant last seen
- role - Role in the org, one of admin, instructor, org-learner (associated to org explicitly), course-learner (associated to the org only via course)
- email - Email Address (Optional)
- website - Website (Optional)
- displayName - Formatted display name chosen from user's non-null name fields. Display name is chosen in the following order: fullName, fn, firstName + " " + lastName, firstName, lastName, "Unknown"
There are seven optional query parameters -
- includeAnonymousUsers - true/false trigger, whether the results should include anonymous users (no email, username or any name field defined). Default is
. - role - Comma-separated list of roles to filter by
- filter - Text field to search in the firstname, lastname and email
- sort - Text field to indicate Sort criterion for the returned resultset - fullName, lastSeen, role. Note:
uses the formatted displayName as the sort field - order - Text field to indicate sort cardinality - ascending , descending
- since - Unix timestamp to filter members that last visit was after that time
- until - Unix timestamp to filter members that last visit was before that time
Either both sort
and order
have to be specified, or neither. Only one being specified will
result in a Bad Request error.
Request property | Spec |
Action | GET /vfo/orgs/orgId /dashboard/members |
Pagination params | |
filter param |
See above |
includeAnonymousUsers param |
See above |
role param |
See above |
sort param |
See above |
order param |
See above |
since param |
See above |
until param |
See above |
Scala | VFO_GetUsersForDashboard |
Status | Response body spec |
200 | paginated array of [User entries] |
401 | {"error": 401, "message": "Invalid credentials"} If not called with partner key or org admin SID for the org. |
403 | {"error": 403, "message": "Invalid VFO credentials"} If the user is not an admin in one of the orgs in this tree. |
400 | {"error": 400, "message": "Invalid org ID specified : '$orgId'"} If any of the given org ID does not refer to an existing VFO Org. |
400 | {"error": 400, "message": "Both sort and order are mandatory if one of them is supplied" if only one is specified} |
400 | {"error": 400, "message": "Bad sort criterion - XXX"} if bad sort criterion. |
400 | {"error": 400, "message": "Bad sort order - XXX"} if bad sort order. |
500 | {"error": 500, "message": Varies} If database error, or other unhandled exception. |
This Endpoint is used to list all courses for given user within given org - sorted by start date ascending.
Request property | Spec |
Action | GET /vfo/orgs/orgId /dashboard/members/userId /courses |
Pagination params | |
title param |
filter courses by given title |
status param |
filter courses by given status |
Scala | VFO_GetUserCoursesForDashboard |
Status | Response body spec |
200 | paginated array of User course entries |
400 | {"error": 400, "message": "Invalid VFO container specified"} If any of the given org ID does not refer to an existing VFO Org. |
403 | {"error": 403, "message": "Invalid VFO credentials"} |
404 | {"error": 404, "message": "User 'userId' not found"} |
404 | {"error": 404, "message": "User 'userId' not found in container 'orgId'"} |
500 | {"error": 500, "message": Varies} If database error, or other unhandled exception. |
This Endpoint is used to list all users within given portal together with container's Admins and Instructors - also possible to filter by role
Request property | Spec |
Action | GET /vfo/container/orgId /portal/portalId /dashboard/members |
Pagination params | |
role param |
See at the top of page |
filter param |
See at the top of page |
includeAnonymousUsers param |
See at the top of page |
since param |
See at the top of page |
until param |
See at the top of page |
Scala | VFO_GetPortalUsersForDashboard |
Status | Response body spec |
200 | paginated array of [User entries] |
401 | {"error": 401, "message": "Invalid credentials"} If not called with partner key or org admin SID for the org. |
403 | {"error": 403, "message": "Invalid VFO credentials"} |
400 | {"error": 400, "message": "Invalid org ID specified : '$orgId'"} If any of the given org ID does not refer to an existing VFO Org. |
400 | {"error": 400, "message": "Invalid role: 'role'"} If provided role name does not correspond to these used in domain |
500 | {"error": 500, "message": Varies} If database error, or other unhandled exception. |