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User endpoints

Create user

Create a new, unique user record.

Request property Spec
Action POST /users
SID header
Body model Base user; all fields optional
Scala object AddUser

If the email field is specified in the request body, but has the same value as an existing user's email, then it is silently dropped. This is a legacy behavior that ensures user creation will not fail with a 400 status if a duplicate email is provided.

If the fullname field is not specified, but the firstname and lastname fields are specified, then the fullname field will be defined to have the value $firstname $lastname.

Site-wide VersalAdmin permissions can be granted with the payload "permissions":"["VersalAdmin"]. Only a Partner Key is allowed to write to the permissions[] field. Updates coming from any other session type will be ignored.

Status Response body spec
201 Response user
403 {"error": 403, "message": "Insufficient permissions to create a user"}
The provided SID is not a partner key, or does not belong to an authenticator or org administrator.
400 {"error": 400, "message": "The username '$username' is already taken"}
The username provided in the request body is the username of an existing user.
400 {"error": 400, "message": "The orgname '$username' is already taken"}
The username provided in the request body is the orgname of an existing org. Usernames and orgnames are in the same namespace.
401 Invalid credentials
400 Bad request

Get user

Retrieves information about a specified user.

Request property Spec
Action GET /users/userKey
SID header
Body model no body
Scala class GetUser
Status Response body spec
200 Response user
404 {"error": 404, "message": "User '$userKey' not found"}
If userKey does not identify a user.
401 Invalid credentials

Get current user

Retrieves information about the requesting user.

Request property Spec
Action GET /user
SID header Must be a user session ID.
Body model no body
Scala object GetUser
Status Response body spec
200 Response user
401 Invalid credentials, if SID does not identify a user.

Delete gadget user state


Request property Spec
Action DELETE /user/courses/courseId/progress
Scala class DeleteGUState

Delete published gadget user state


Request property Spec
Action DELETE /user/catalogs/staged/courses/courseId/progress
Scala class DeleteGUState

Update user

Request property Spec
Action PUT /users/userId
Scala class ReplaceUser

User's course level and org level permissions are added in course and org endpoints respectively. Site-wide VersalAdmin permissions can be granted with the payload "permissions":"["VersalAdmin"]. Only a Partner Key is allowed to update the permissions[] field. Updates coming from any other session type will be ignored.

List started courses

List the courses started by a specified user.

Request property Spec
Action GET /users/userId/courses
SID header
Pagination params
title param Restricts results to courses with titles containing the given string value
catalog param With value labs, restricts results to published courses. With value sandbox, restricts results to courses the requesting user can edit. All other values are ignored.
Body model no body
Scala class GetMyStartedCourses

See list courses for detailed behavior.

Status Response body spec
200 paginated array of response course
400 {"error": 400, "message": "Expected numeric value for: $userId"}
If the provided userId is not an integer.
403 {"error": 403, "message": "A signed in user may only request their own courses"}
If the requester is not using partner key credentials, and their user ID does not match the userId given in the endpoint path.
401 Invalid credentials
| [Invalid pagination parameters](

Add subscription

Request property Spec
Action POST /users/userId/subscriptions
Scala class AddSubscription

Remove subscription

Request property Spec
Action DELETE /users/userId/subscriptions/subscriptionType
Scala class RemoveSubscription

List users

Request property Spec
Action GET /users
Scala object GetUsers
Status Response body spec
200 paginated array of user
403 {"error": 403, "message": "Not authorized to list users"} if session ID is not a partner and userId does not belong to any org
403 {"error": 403, "message": "Org members only"} if the userId does not belong to the org that is sought to be listed.

Replace user image

Request property Spec
Action POST /user/image
Scala object ReplaceUserImage

Custom trays: general remarks

A "tray" is an ordered sequence of "bundle items". A "bundle item" is an ordered sequence of "gadget items". A "gadget item" is a gadget type (e.g. versal/header) and a gadget config.

Users can add, remove, and reorder bundles in their trays. However, users cannot change the order of gadget items in a bundle.

The trays labeled downloads and clipboard are always available for all users (do not need to be created). Any other trays need to be created.

Create a custom tray

Permissions: partner or a user session with the same userId.

Request property Spec
Action POST /users/userId/trays
Body model tray request
Scala class AddTray
Status Response body spec
200 tray request
404 {"error": 404, "message": "User not found"}
If the provided userId does not correspond to any user.
401 Invalid credentials

Get public trays of user

Permissions: partner or any user session.

Request property Spec
Action GET /users/userId/trays
Scala class GetPublicTrays
Status Response body spec
200 Array of tray label
404 {"error": 404, "message": "User not found"}
If the provided userId does not correspond to any user.
401 Invalid credentials

Add bundle to tray

Permissions: partner or a user session with the same userId.

Request property Spec
Action POST /users/userId/trays/tray label
Body model bundle item request
Scala class AddBundleToTray

If provider_id is specified in the request, and if the tray already contains a bundle with the same provider_id, the previously existing bundle will be deleted after the new bundle is added to the tray.

Status Response body spec
200 {"id": "new bundle ID"}
400 {"error": 400, "message": "Invalid index value"}
If the specified index value is negative or larger than the number of the existing bundles in the tray.
404 {"error": 404, "message": "Tray not found"}
If the provided tray label does not correspond to any custom tray of this user.
401 Invalid credentials

Delete bundle from tray

Permissions: partner or a user session with the same userId.

Request property Spec
Action DELETE /users/userId/trays/tray label/bundles/bundle id
Scala class RemoveBundleFromTray
Status Response body spec
200 {}
404 {"error": 404, "message": "Tray not found"}
If the provided tray label does not correspond to any custom tray of this user.
401 Invalid credentials

Clear all bundles from tray

Permissions: partner or a user session with the same userId.

Request property Spec
Action PUT /users/userId/trays/tray label
Body model Empty list []
Scala class ReorderBundlesInTray
Status Response body spec
200 {}
400 "Invalid ordering"

List bundles in tray

Permissions: partner or a user session with the same userId. If the tray is public, can be any other user session. Otherwise returns 401 "Invalid credentials".

Request property Spec
Action GET /users/userId/trays/tray label
Scala class GetFullTrayData
Status Response body spec
200 custom tray response
404 {"error": 404, "message": "Tray not found"}
If the provided tray label does not correspond to any custom tray of this user.
401 Invalid credentials

Reorder bundles in tray

Request property Spec
Action PUT /users/userId/trays/tray label
Body model A JSON array of bundle IDs as strings.
Scala class ReorderBundlesInTray

Warning: If some existing bundle IDs are missing in the body of this request, these bundles will be deleted from the tray.

Status Response body spec
200 {}
400 "Invalid ordering"

Update metadata for bundle in tray

Request property Spec
Action PUT /users/userId/trays/tray label/bundles/bundle id
Body model bundle item metadata request
Scala class UpdateBundleInTray

Both parameters "title" and "icon" are optional. If parameters are given, their values will be used. If a parameter is not given, the previous value (if exists) will be unchanged.

Status Response body spec
200 {}
404 {"error": 404, "message": "Tray not found"}
If the provided tray label does not correspond to any custom tray of this user.
404 {"error": 404, "message": "Bundle not found"}
If the provided bundle ID does not correspond to any bundle ID in the given custom tray of this user.
401 Invalid credentials