This repository contains code to reproduce analysis in Körber et al., Detecting and quantifying clonal selection in somatic stem cells. It consists of the following parts:
- Before you start This section gives an overview of the software and data used for the analysis.
- Simulated data This section explains how the simulated data were generated and how the model was applied to these data.
- Published single cell WGS data This section explains how the model was applied to published single-cell WGS data.
- Bulk WGS data from human heme This section explains how the model was applied to the newly generated bulk WGS data from human bone marrow.
- Bulk WGS data from human brain This section explains how the model was applied to published bulk WGS data from human brain.
To reproduce (parts of) the analysis, please download the supplementary tables, the associated data from Mendeley (doi: 10.17632/gkzvmg5f6z.1) and adjust the directories in Settings.R. Refer to Before you start for a list of R libraries that should be installed.
Download and install R v4.2.0 and the following packages on your computer:
- bedr v1.0.7
- ape v5.6-2
- phytools v1.2-0
- phangorn v2.10.0
- castor v1.7.5
- TreeTools v1.8.0
- deSolve v1.33
- openxlsx v4.2.5
- cdata v1.2.0
- ggpubr v0.4.0
- phangorn v2.10.0
- RRphylo v2.7.0
- ggplot2 v3.4.2
- cgwtools v3.3
- ggVennDiagram v1.2.2
- ggbeeswarm v0.6.0
- ggformula v0.10.2
- ggsci v2.9
- Hmisc v4.7.1
- lemon v0.4.5
- data.table v1.14.2
- RColorBrewer v1.1.3
- ggridges v0.5.4
- wesanderson v0.3.6
- HDInterval v0.2.2
- reshape2 v1.4.4
- dplyr v1.0.9
- scales v1.2.1
We have bundled R functions to model drift and selection in growing and homeostatic tissues in the R package SCIFER. Please download and install from ( and refer to the accompanying vignette for further information on SCIFER.
Download and install python3 and pyABC von your computer.
Associated data can be found on Mendeley (doi: 10.17632/gkzvmg5f6z.1).
To reproduce the analysis, please check the file structure and make sure the required scripts and input files are in the correct location.
SCIFER predicts that drift and selection shape the variant allele frequency distribution distinctly. We predict VAF distributions for different parameter sets and time points in the script Theoretical_model_performance.R. The script also produces the figure panels in Figure 1 and Supplementary Fig. 1.
To test the ability of SCIFER to distinguish selection and drift dynamics, we simulated division trees. Of these, we simulated WGS data by binomial sampling of a simulated bulk sample and applied SCIFER to these data. To reproduce the analysis, run the scripts Neutral_tree.R and Selected_tree.R to simulate neutrally evolving trees and trees with a selected clone instigated at 20 years. To generate the VAF distributions which were used to assess the performance of SCIFER, run Study_design.R, which adds binomial noise to the simulated VAFs and generates the simulated data sets as outlined in (MetaData/Sample_information_simulated_data.xlsx). To simulate a phylogenetic tree with both stem and progenitor cells as described in Supplementary Note 1, run the script Neutral_tree_S_P.R. This script also produces the plots shown in Supplementary Figure 1.
To estimate the model parameters, we used SCIFER in conjunction with pyABC. To re-run the analysis refer to the folder (Parameter_estimation) and modify Parameter_estimation/Run_model_sim*x.R according to the sample specification. Specifically, you should provide the following information:
, the ID/name of the analyzed subjectage
, the age (in days, can be retrieved from Sample_information_simulated_data.xlsx)snvs
, a named list containing data frames with VAF and Depth information for each individual (e.g., as provided in RData/Simulated_data/SNVs_90x.RData)depth
, the sequencing depth used to generate the datamin.vaf
, the smallest VAF in the data that is to be compared to the model. Defaults to 0.05; we usedmin.vaf=0.05
for all instances except for single cell WGS and simulated data with 270x, where we usedmin.vaf=0.01
, the minimal clone size that can be detected by the model. Defaults to 0.05; we usedmin.clone.size=0.05
for all instances except for single cell WGS and simulated data with 270x, where we usedmin.clone.size=0.01
, the lower limit of clone sizes scanned by the parameter estimation. Parameter sets associated with clones < min.clone.size will be evaluated with the neutral model. Defaults to 0.01; we usedmin.prior.size=0.01
for all instances except for single cell WGS and simulated data with 270x, where we usedmin.prior.size=0.001
should sequencing sensitivity information be included in addition to binomial sampling? Defaults toF
; ifT
, a matrixfalse.negative.per.vaf
with columns corresponding to the measured VAFs and rows corresponding to individual measurements of the false negative rate at this VAF in addition to binomial noise must be provided. We useduse.sensitivity=F
The script Run_model_sim*x.R is to be sourced by Hence, please also adjust the input and output paths in this file. The python script also contains the definition of the prior distributions. Note that we chose priors running between 0 and 0.99 for s
and between 0 and 1 for t_s
, but these values are relative values only that will be converted into absolute values in the model script Bayesian_fit.R. Specifically, the minimal and maximal values of s
and t_s
are chosen such that the clone has a minimal size of min.prior.size
and a maximal size of 1. Analogous conversion of these two parameters into absolute values is also necessary when inspecting the parameter estimates later on (refer to Analyze_and_plot_fits_sim_data.R).
Upon parameter estimation, the posterior probabilities (which can be downloaded from Mendeley) were analyzed using the script Analyze_and_plot_fits_sim_data.R. This script
- plots for each instance the model fit and the highest density estimates of each parameter
- computes statistics of the fits - %posterior probability supporting the selection model and the neutral model
- evaluates true and false positives for different clone sizes and sequencing depths, constructs the corresponding ROC curves and computes the AUC at the selected operating point
- this script generates the figure panels for Fig. 2.
We tested our model on pseudo-bulk WGS data from published single-cell WGS data of three studies, Lee-Six et al., Nature, 2018, Mitchell et al., Nature, 2022 and Fabre et al., 2022. In a first step, we generated the pseudo-bulks for each study as outlined in the following.
Download the data from and store them in ./Published_data/Lee-Six_et_al/Caveman/. In addition, download the re-called data from our repository ( and store them in ./Lee-Six_et_al/Mutect_Strelka.
The script Pseudo_VAFs_LeeSix_et_al.R first compares the results of Caveman and Mutect/Strelka (Extended Data Fig. 3b,c). Thereafter, it generates the pseudo-bulk data and plots the VAF distributions as shown in Fig. 3b, Extended Data Fig. 3d. Finally, it stores two list objects containing the VAFs in Caveman/SNVs.RData and Mutect_Strelka/SNVs.RData. Alternatively, these objects can be directly downloaded from Mendeley.
Download the data from and structure them like: ./Published_data/Mitchell_et_al/*/.
The script Pseudo_VAFs_Mitchell_et_al.R generates the pseudo-bulk data and plots the VAF distributions as shown in Fig. 3h, n, Extended Data Fig. 3e, f. It also plots the trees as shown in Fig. 3g, m. Finally, it stores a list object containing the VAFs for each sample in (SNVs.RData)[RData/Mitchell_et_al/SNVs.RData]. Alternatively, this object can be directly downloaded from Mendeley.
Download the data of id2259 from and structure them like: ./Published_data/Fabre_et_al/*/.
The script Pseudo_VAFs_Fabre_et_al.R generates the pseudo-bulk data and plots the VAF distribution as shown in Extended Data Fig. 3g. It also plots the trees as shown in Extended Data Fig. 3g. Finally, it stores a list object containing the VAFs in SNVs.RData. Alternatively, this object can be directly downloaded from Mendeley.
As with the simulated data, we used SCIFER in conjunction with pyABC to estimate parameters. To re-run the analysis refer to the folder Parameter_estimation and modify Run_model_scWGS.R according to the sample specification, with emphasis on the following information
, the ID/name of the analyzed subjectage
, the age (in days; can be retrieved from MetaData/Sample_info_published_data.xlsx)snvs
, a named list containing VAF information for each individual (e.g., provided in RData/Mitchell_et_al/SNVs.RData)depth
, the sequencing depth used to generate the data; can be arbitrarily set here, as we will use the "sc" mode (see below,seq.type
, the smallest VAF in the data that is to be compared to the model. Defaults to 0.05; we usedmin.vaf=0.01
due to the high pseudo-bulk coverage.min.clone.size
, the minimal clone size that can be detected by the model. Defaults to 0.05; we usedmin.clone.size=0.01
due to the high pseudo-bulk coverage.min.prior.size
, the lower limit of clone sizes scanned by the parameter estimation. Parameter setzs associated with clones < min.clone.size will be evaluated with the neutral model. We usedmin.prior.size=0.001
due to the high pseudo-bulk coverage.ncells
, the number of sequenced cellsseq.type
, has to be set toseq.type="sc"
, as we analyze pseudo-bulks from single-cellsuse.sensitivity
should sequencing sensitivity information be included in addition to binomial sampling? Defaults to F; if T, a matrixfalse.negative.per.vaf
with columns corresponding to the measured VAFs and rows corresponding to individual measurements of the false negative rate at this VAF in addition to binomial noise must be provided. We setuse.sensitivity=F
In comparison to bulk WGS data sequenced at 90x, we here lowered the lower VAF limits, as the single-cell sequencing data provide higher resolution. Moreover, we specified the number of sequenced cells and run the parameter estimation in single-cell mode, allowing for the simulation of single-cell sequencing and generation of pseudo-bulk data thereof.
The script Run_model_scWGS.R is to be sourced by Hence, please also adjust the input and output paths in this file. The python script also contains the definition of the prior distributions. Note that we chose priors running between 0 and 0.99 for s and between 0 and 1 for t_s, but these values are relative values only that will be converted into absolute values by the model script Bayesian_fit.R. Specifically, the minimal and maximal values of s and t_s are chosen such that the clone has a minimal size of `min.prior.size and a maximal size of 1. Analogous conversion of these two parameters into absolute values is also necessary when inspecting the parameter estimates later on (refer to Plot_fits_published_data.R).
In a second step, we used SCIFER in conjunction with pyABC to estimate parameters for a two-clone model for sample KX004, where multiple expanded clades were detected in the phylogenetic tree. Based on the tree phylogeny, the model fit was performed assuming that the two clones originated via branched
evolution. To re-run the analysis refer to the folder Parameter_estimation and modify Run_model_scWGS_2_branched_clones.R.
The script Run_model_scWGS_2_branched_clones.R is to be sourced by Hence, please adjust the input and output paths in this file. The python script also contains the definition of the prior distributions. Note that for the 2-clone model, we parametrized the model with prior distributions on the 2 relative size variables size1
and size2
, informed by the results obtained with the one-clone model (see Supplementary Table 10 for details). The relative values will be converted into absolute values for s1
and s2
in the model script Bayesian_fit_multiclone.R (see Methods for details). Analogous conversion of these two parameters into absolute values is also necessary when inspecting the parameter estimates later on (refer to Plot_fits_KX004_SCIFER2.R).
Once the parameter estimation has been finished, extract .csv-files from the .db files using the function abc-export (or directly download them from Mendeley). The fits can then be inspected using the script Plot_fits_published_data.R.
This script
- plots model vs data for each sample (as shown in Fig. 3b,h,n, Extended Data Figs. 3d,f,g)
- classifies individual cases as neutrally evolving or selected (as shown in Fig. 3c,i,o)
- computes highest density estimates for the parameters (as shown in Figs. 3d-f,k,l,p)
- compares the estimated age of the selected clones to the original studies (as shown in Fig. 3j).
Upon parameter estimation, estract a .csv-file from the .db-file using the funciton abc-export (or directly download the file from Mendeley). The fit can then be inspected using the script Plot_fits_KX004_SCIFER2.R, which
- plots model vs data for sample KX004 (as shown in Extended Data Fig. 3j)
- plots the posterior probability for the first and second selected clone obtained with the 2-clone model (as shown in Extended Data Fig. 3j)
- computes highest density estimates for the parameters (as shown in Extended Data Fig. 3k)
- compares the estimated parameters with the results from the one-clone model (Extended Data Fig. 3k)
We ran the model on the filtered SNVs (called using Strelka and Mutect2, see manuscript for details), which we stored, for convenience, in the list object (./RData/WGS_heme/SNVs.RData).
As with the other data types, we used SCIFER in conjunction with pyABC to estimate parameters. To re-run the analysis refer to the folder Parameter_estimation and modify Run_model_heme_WGS_data.R according to the sample specification, with emphasis on the following information
, the ID/name of the analyzed subjectsort
, the cell sort to be analyzed ("CD34", "CD34_deep", "MNC", "MNC_minus_T" or "PB_gran")age
, the age (in days)snvs
, a named list containing a data frame with VAFs and depths for each individual, as provided in RData/WGS_heme/SNVs.RDatadepth
, the sequencing depth used to generate the datamin.vaf
, the smallest VAF in the data that is to be compared to the model. We usedmin.vaf=0.05
for 90x/120x WGS andmin.vaf=0.02
for 270x WGS, according to the respective detection limits.min.clone.size
, the minimal clone size that can be detected by the model. We usedmin.clone.size=0.05
for 90x/120x WGS andmin.vaf=0.02
for 270x WGS, according to the respective detection limits.min.prior.size
, the lower limit of clone sizes scanned by the parameter estimation. Parameter setzs associated with clones < min.clone.size will be evaluated with the neutral model. We usedmin.prior.size=0.01
for 90x/120x WGS andmin.prior.size=0.001
for 270x WGS, according to the respective detection limits.use.sensitivity
should sequencing sensitivity information be included in addition to binomial sampling? Defaults to F; if T, a matrixfalse.negative.per.vaf
with columns corresponding to the measured VAFs and rows corresponding to individual measurements of the false negative rate at this VAF in addition to binomial noise must be provided. We useduse.sensitivity=F
The script Run_model_heme_WGS.R is to be sourced by Hence, please also adjust the input and output paths in this file. The python script also contains the definition of the prior distributions. Note that we chose priors running between 0 and 0.99 for s and between 0 and 1 for t_s, but these values are relative values only that will be converted into absolute values by the model script Bayesian_fit.R. Specifically, the minimal and maximal values of s and t_s are chosen such that the clone has a minimal size of min.prior.size
and a maximal size of 1. Analogous conversion of these two parameters into absolute values is also necessary when inspecting the parameter estimates later on (refer to Assess_fits_heme_WGS_data.R).
To re-run the analysis for a model modification without size compensation for the selected clone (i.e., the overall stem cell pool expands according to the expansion of the selected clone) refer to the folder Parameter_estimation and modify Run_model_heme_WGS_data_nsc.R instead of Run_model_heme_WGS_data.R and perform the model fits in analogy.
In a second step, we used SCIFER in conjunction with pyABC to estimate parameters for a two-clone model. Here, we only used 270x WGS data from sorted CD34+ cells for parameter estimation. For each sample, two model fits were performed, assuming that the two clones originated via branched
evolution vs linear
evolution. To re-run the analysis refer to the folder Parameter_estimation and modify Run_model_heme_WGS_data_2_branched_clones.R and Run_model_heme_WGS_data_2_linear_clones.R according to the sample specification, with emphasis on the following information
, the ID/name of the analyzed subjectage
, the age (in days)snvs
, a named list containing a data frame with VAFs and depths for each individual, as provided in RData/WGS_heme/SNVs.RDatadepth
, the sequencing depth used to generate the datamin.vaf
, the smallest VAF in the data that is to be compared to the model. We usedmin.vaf=0.02
, according to the detection limit of 270x WGS.min.clone.size
, the minimal clone size that can be detected by the model. We usedmin.clone.size=0.01
, according to the detection limit of 270x WGS.min.prior.size
, the lower limit of clone sizes scanned by the parameter estimation. Parameter setzs associated with clones < min.clone.size will be evaluated with the neutral model. We usedmin.prior.size=0.001
, according to the detection limit of 270x WGS.use.sensitivity
should sequencing sensitivity information be included in addition to binomial sampling? Defaults to F; if T, a matrixfalse.negative.per.vaf
with columns corresponding to the measured VAFs and rows corresponding to individual measurements of the false negative rate at this VAF in addition to binomial noise must be provided. We useduse.sensitivity=F
The scripts Run_model_heme_WGS_data_2_branched_clones.R and Run_model_heme_WGS_data_2_linear_clones.R are to be sourced by and, respectively. Hence, please also adjust the input and output paths in these files. The python scripts also contains the definition of the prior distributions. Note that for the 2-clone model, we parametrized the model with prior distributions on the 2 relative size variables size1
and size2
, informed by the results obtained with the one-clone model (see Supplementary Table 10 for details). The relative values will be converted into absolute values for s1
and s2
in the model script Bayesian_fit_multiclone.R (see Methods for details). Analogous conversion of these two parameters into absolute values is also necessary when inspecting the parameter estimates later on (refer to Assess_fits_heme_WGS_data_2_clone_model.R).
As with the pseudo-bulk data, extract .csv-files from the .db files using the function abc-export (or directly download them from Mendeley). The fits can then be inspected using the script Plot_parameters_heme_WGS.R.
This script sources the files Assess_fits_heme_WGS_data.R, Assess_fits_heme_WGS_data_2_clone_model.R and Assess_fits_heme_WGS_data_no_size_compensation.R to integrate/compare model fits between different models. Moreover, it
- plots data only for the neutral cases (Fig. 5a)
- plots model vs data for each sample (as shown in Figs. 4a/e, 5d, Extended Data Fig. 7a-c,e, Extended Data Fig. 8a,b)
- classifies individual cases as neutrally evolving or selected (as shown in Figs. 4b,c,f, 5b,c, Supplementary Fig. 3)
- compares estimated clone sizes to VAFs of known drivers (Fig. 4d)
- computes highest density estimates for the parameters (as shown in Fig. 4g/h, 5e-h, Extended Data Fig. 7f, Fig.6a-c, Extended Data Fig. 9)
- compares the estimated parameters between samples with and without selection (as shown in Fig. 5i-k)
- computes the cumulative age-incidence of CH driver acquisition (Fig. 6d)
This section describes the analysis of published bulk WGS data from Bae et al., Science, 2022 with SCIFER.
Download the supplementary tables (S1, S2, S6 and S7) from and store them into the folder "Published_data/Bae_et_al". For our analysis, we used cases with a coverage >100x and, in addition, all samples with coverage >30x from case N7 (with multiple known driver mutations) as a positive control. Details on the samples included in our analysis can be found in Supplementary Table 8.
The script Preprocess_bae_et_al.R reads in the published data from Bae et al., and stores a list object, containing the SNVs, including VAF and depth, identified in each sample in the original publication in (SNVs_brain.RData)[RData/Bae_et_al/SNVs_brain.RData]. Alternatively, this object can be directly downloaded from Mendeley.
As with heme WGS data, we used SCIFER in conjunction with pyABC to estimate parameters. To re-run the analysis refer to the folder Parameter_estimation and modify Run_model_brain_WGS_data.R according to the sample specification, with emphasis on the following information
, the ID/name of the analyzed subjectage
, the age (in days)snvs
, a named list containing a data frame with VAFs and depths for each individual, as provided in RData/WGS_heme/SNVs.RDatadepth
, the sequencing depth used to generate the datamin.vaf
, the smallest VAF in the data that is to be compared to the model. We usedmin.vaf=0.05
for <150x andmin.vaf=0.02
for ≥150x WGS data, according to the respective detection limits.min.clone.size
, the minimal clone size that can be detected by the model. We usedmin.clone.size=0.05
for <150x andmin.vaf=0.02
for ≥150x WGS data, according to the respective detection limits.min.prior.size
, the lower limit of clone sizes scanned by the parameter estimation. Parameter setzs associated with clones < min.clone.size will be evaluated with the neutral model. We usedmin.prior.size=0.01
for <150x andmin.prior.size=0.001
for ≥150x WGS data, according to the respective detection limits.use.sensitivity
should sequencing sensitivity information be included in addition to binomial sampling? Defaults to F; if T, a matrixfalse.negative.per.vaf
with columns corresponding to the measured VAFs and rows corresponding to individual measurements of the false negative rate at this VAF in addition to binomial noise must be provided. We useduse.sensitivity=F
The script Run_model_heme_WGS.R is to be sourced by Hence, please also adjust the input and output paths in this file. The python script also contains the definition of the prior distributions. Note that we chose priors running between 0 and 0.99 for s and between 0 and 1 for t_s, but these values are relative values only that will be converted into absolute values by the model script Bayesian_fit.R. Specifically, the minimal and maximal values of s and t_s are chosen such that the clone has a minimal size of min.prior.size
and a maximal size of 1. Analogous conversion of these two parameters into absolute values is also necessary when inspecting the parameter estimates later on (refer to Plot_fits_brain_WGS_data.R).
As with the heme data, extract .csv-files from the .db files using the function abc-export (or directly download them from Mendeley). The fits can then be inspected using the script Plot_fits_brain_WGS_data.R.
This script
- plots model vs data for each sample (as shown in Figs. 8a-c)
- classifies individual cases as neutrally evolving or selected (as shown in Fig. 8d)
- compares the number of cases with evidence for clonal selection across phenotype, sex and brain region (Extended Data Fig. 10b)
- computes the incidence of selection across age groups (Fig. 8e)
- computes highest density estimates for the parameters (as shown in Fig. 8f,g, Extended Data Fig. 10c,d)
- computes the cumulative age-incidence of the onset of clonal selection (Fig. 8h)