This repository showcases a collection of fundamental JavaScript projects designed to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application. Each project focuses on core JavaScript concepts, providing hands-on experience to enhance your coding skills.
Below is an overview of the projects included in this repository:
Expense Tracker
- Description: A web application to monitor and manage your expenses, allowing users to add, edit, and delete expense entries.
- Features:
- Add new expenses with details like amount, category, and date.
- View a summary of expenses.
- Persistent data storage using local storage.
Simple Quiz App
- Description: An interactive quiz application that presents multiple-choice questions to users.
- Features:
- Dynamic question rendering.
- Score tracking and display at the end of the quiz.
To-Do List with Local Storage
- Description: A task management app that helps users keep track of their daily activities.
- Features:
- Add, edit, and delete tasks.
- Mark tasks as completed.
- Data persistence using local storage to retain tasks between sessions.
Weather App
- Description: An application that fetches and displays weather information for a specified location.
- Features:
- Search for current weather by city name.
- Display temperature, humidity, and weather conditions.
- Integration with a public weather API for real-time data.
Simple Cart Application
- Description: A basic shopping cart system that allows users to add and manage products.
- Features:
- Add products to the cart with quantity selection.
- View cart summary with total price calculation.
- Update or remove items from the cart.