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VCert is a Java library, SDK, designed to simplify key generation and enrollment of machine identities (also known as SSL/TLS certificates and keys) that comply with enterprise security policy by using the Venafi Trust Protection Platform or Venafi as a Service.
VCert releases are tested using the latest version of Trust Protection Platform and Venafi as a Service. The latest VCert release should be compatible with Trust Protection Platform 17.3 or higher based on the subset of API methods it consumes. Token Authentication requires 19.2 or higher; for earlier versions, username/password authentication (deprecated) applies.
VCert-Java releases are published to the Maven Central Repository
making them easy to use with Java projects built using popular tools. To build using Maven, start
by identifying the version number of the
latest release in the Maven Central Repository.
Then add the following dependency configuration to your Java project's pom.xml
, replacing "0.0.1"
with the appropriate version:
Config snippets for building using other tools are listed on the release page in the Maven Central Respository. For example, this page shows snippets for VCert-Java v0.6.2.
Instantiate a client for Trust Protection Platform using token authentication with an existing access token:
//Create an Authentication object with the access token
final Authentication auth = Authentication.builder()
//Create a Config object setting the Authentication object
final Config config = Config.builder()
//Create the client with the Config object. The client will be authenticated
final VCertTknClient client = new VCertTknClient(config);
Or instantiate a client for Venafi as a Service:
//Create an Authentication object with the API Key
final Authentication auth = Authentication.builder()
//Create a Config object setting the Authentication object
final Config config = Config.builder()
//Create the client with the Config object. The client will be authenticated
final VCertClient client = new VCertClient(config);
Or instantiate a client for Venafi as a Service EU:
//Create an Authentication object with the API Key
final Authentication auth = Authentication.builder()
//Create a Config object setting the Authentication object
final Config config = Config.builder()
//Create the client with the Config object. The client will be authenticated
final VCertClient client = new VCertClient(config);
Then use your client to request certificates:
- For Trust Protection Platform, the
format is the DN of a policy with or without the "\VED\Policy" prefix (e.g. "\VED\Policy\Certificates\VCert" or simply "Certificates\VCert") - For Venafi as a Service, the
format is the name of an OutagePREDICT Application and the API Alias of an Issuing Template assigned to it delimited by a single backslash character (e.g. "My Application\My CIT")
///// Local Generated CSR - RSA //////
// Generate a key pair and certificate signing request
CertificateRequest certificateRequest = new CertificateRequest().subject(
new CertificateRequest.PKIXName()
.organization(Collections.singletonList("Example Company"))
.organizationalUnit(Arrays.asList("Example Division"))
.locality(Collections.singletonList("Salt Lake City"))
.dnsNames(Arrays.asList("alfa.venafi.example", "bravo.venafi.example", "charlie.venafi.example"))
.emailAddresses(Arrays.asList("[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"))
ZoneConfiguration zoneConfiguration = client.readZoneConfiguration("Certificates\\VCert");
certificateRequest = client.generateRequest(zoneConfiguration, certificateRequest);
// Submit the certificate request
client.requestCertificate(certificateRequest, zoneConfiguration);
// Retrieve PEM collection from Venafi
pemCollection = client.retrieveCertificate(certificateRequest);
///// User Provided CSR /////
String csr = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----\n" +
"bR5i0pV6M08XXi+Z0tAJkIU3TLG0Hr0n5tY6JIcP3Sc8wrodgMN66WUP6oLV/yqR\n" +
"2lKom+dc9dIN9iaVUfnpPwhjyuIMyd0svmU2hnZj3InG5kvqnMnzQvRfWx0OKmMB\n" +
"c652qZsgR3d6I+YufhIsuMxkWMev2njXGZAnThGVMv/iD9dLTO+0lTwwSbvM1lxw\n" +
"YxAwdVFX1+vl0ORyOs4OUqUFv3i6qvS/U/RI45TrgR+XA2/8xPlo5gfGrnFfiyJJ\n" +
"jMctOak2mOVrR/2kXYcOw+37zkpJEADSZBgm/YzqdYtrI8t/M4uClkn9WQgTijC1\n" +
"tgshSXDlruiO7/ovb8rDrRrKJjAx4+tXlQRsDfxIpvuNcAd7//WCjjIfAoNlGRW4\n" +
"cMtWfvCN1p7XsVer+JJHtM5UZ+oKS06hdPppDP4rfjyhTM5Y0M8JAgMcGsm7lrWU\n" +
"w1ly6k8k5NzadWGOZwvz75qrn0ufHuI96sPsL5wmqty34BfnBy4iMddU3m/Y1qQb\n" +
"VfKV2CRWybwV/QeCtogXvI7Nou2LZQDWI57498Nzif1Zvfy0/ab8XBkX2vMUXcnm\n" +
"1A7/9ezwgYTZvy1rbBSKBSjAx/MAOPUM93OcjT6tKtEeEnI8\n" +
certificateRequest = new CertificateRequest().csr(csr.getBytes())
.dnsNames(Arrays.asList("alfa.venafi.example", "bravo.venafi.example", "charlie.venafi.example"))
.emailAddresses(Arrays.asList("[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"));
// Submit the certificate request
client.requestCertificate(certificateRequest, zoneConfiguration);
// Retrieve PEM collection from Venafi
pemCollection = client.retrieveCertificate(certificateRequest);
To specify the desired validity when requesting a certificate from Trust Protection Platform
or Venafi as a Service, use validityHours()
CertificateRequest certificateRequest = new CertificateRequest().subject(
new CertificateRequest.PKIXName()
.dnsNames(Arrays.asList("alfa.venafi.example", "bravo.venafi.example", "charlie.venafi.example"))
.issuerHint("MICROSOFT"); // needed for TPP when the CA is "DIGICERT", "ENTRUST", or "MICROSOFT"
To assign Custom Field values when requesting a certificate from Trust Protection Platform,
construct a list of CustomField objects (name/value) and then add them to the request using
List<CustomField> fields = new ArrayList<CustomField>();
fields.add(new CustomField("Cost Center", "ABC123"));
fields.add(new CustomField("Environment", "Production"));
fields.add(new CustomField("Environment", "Staging"));
CertificateRequest certificateRequest = new CertificateRequest().subject(
new CertificateRequest.PKIXName()
.dnsNames(Arrays.asList("alfa.venafi.example", "bravo.venafi.example", "charlie.venafi.example"))
You can also instantiate a client for Trust Protection Platform using token authentication without an existing token by providing a username/password. Such a token is generally for short-term or temporary use and as such should be revoked upon completion of your tasks:
//Create an Authentication object with the user and password
final Authentication auth = Authentication.builder()
//Create a Config object
final Config config = Config.builder()
//Create the client with the Config object. The client is not authenticated yet
final VCertTknClient client = new VCertTknClient(config);
//Get the access token. It will cause the client's authentication
//Revoke the access token
Or you can try the authentication in constructor way:
//Create an Authentication object with the user and password
final Authentication auth = Authentication.builder()
//Create a Config object setting the Authentication object
final Config config = Config.builder()
//Create the client with the Config object. The client will be authenticated
//Internally the access token will be gotten and accessible
//via the getTokenInfo() method.
final VCertTknClient client = new VCertTknClient(config);
//Revoke the access token
👎 To instantiate a client for Trust Protection Platform using deprecated username/password authentication:
final Authentication auth = Authentication.builder()
final Config config = Config.builder()
final VCertClient client = new VCertClient(config);
- A user account that has an authentication token with "certificate:manage,revoke" scope (i.e. access to the "Venafi VCert SDK" API Application as of 20.1) or has been granted WebSDK Access
- A folder (zone) where the user has been granted the following permissions: View, Read, Write, Create, Revoke (for the revoke action), and Private Key Read (for the pickup action when CSR is service generated)
- Policy applied to the folder which specifies:
- CA Template that Trust Protection Platform will use to enroll certificate requests submitted by VCert
- Subject DN values for Organizational Unit (OU), Organization (O), City (L), State (ST) and Country (C)
- Management Type not locked or locked to 'Enrollment'
- Certificate Signing Request (CSR) Generation not locked or locked to 'Service Generated CSR'
- Generate Key/CSR on Application not locked or locked to 'No'
- (Recommended) Disable Automatic Renewal set to 'Yes'
- (Recommended) Key Bit Strength set to 2048 or higher
- (Recommended) Domain Whitelisting policy appropriately assigned
The requirement for the CA Template to be assigned by policy follows a long standing Venafi best practice which also met our design objective to keep the certificate request process simple for VCert users. If you require the ability to specify the CA Template with the request you can use the TPP REST APIs but please be advised this goes against Venafi recommendations.
- The Venafi as a Service REST API is accessible at or (if you have an EU account) from the system where VCert will be executed.
- You have successfully registered for a Venafi as a Service account, have been granted at least the OutagePREDICT "Resource Owner" role, and know your API key.
- A CA Account and Issuing Template exist and have been configured with:
- Recommended Settings values for:
- Organizational Unit (OU)
- Organization (O)
- City/Locality (L)
- State/Province (ST)
- Country (C)
- Issuing Rules that:
- (Recommended) Limits Common Name and Subject Alternative Name to domains that are allowed by your organization
- (Recommended) Restricts the Key Length to 2048 or higher
- (Recommended) Does not allow Private Key Reuse
- Recommended Settings values for:
- An OutagePREDICT Application exists where you are among the owners, and you know the Application Name.
- An Issuing Template is assigned to the Application, and you know its API Alias.
To run the acceptance tests the following environment variables must be set:
TPPURL | Only for TPP connector tests (e.g. https://tpp.venafi.example/vedsdk) |
TPP_TOKEN_URL | Only for TPP connector tests involving token auth (e.g. https://tpp.venafi.example) |
TPPUSER | Only for TPP connector tests |
TPPPASSWORD | Only for TPP connector tests |
TPPZONE | Policy folder for TPP |
CLOUDURL | Only for Venafi as a Service tests |
APIKEY | Obtained by logging into Venafi as a Service after registering |
CLOUDZONE | Zone ID or ProjectName\ZoneName for Venafi as a Service |
CLOUDZONE2 | Zone ID or ProjectName\ZoneName for Venafi as a Service for testing empty OU, O, L, ST, and C |
Acceptance test are executed with:
mvn "-Dtest=*AT" test
- Fork it to your account (
- Clone your fork (
git clone [email protected]:youracct/vcert-java.git
) - Create a feature branch (
git checkout -b your-branch-name
) - Implement and test your changes
- Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Added some cool functionality'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin your-branch-name
) - Create a new Pull Request (
Copyright © Venafi, Inc. All rights reserved.
VCert is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE
for the full license text.
Please direct questions/comments to [email protected].