Esto es un fork con mi visión particular de este tema para Jelyll que se basa en el tema original sylhare/Type-on-Strap y que segun la documentación original, a su vez se basa en el tema de Rohan Chandra type-theme y sin ellos, este tema con mis modificaciones, no existiria
En mi caso, lo uso a traves de este contenedor docker que hace todo el trabajo duro.
Yo solamente tengo que iniciarlo mediante docker start jekyll
y ya tengo en marcha mi estación de trabajo en jekyll para hacer las pruebas y la creación de articulos para mi web para después subirlo a mi pagina web.
En mi caso, mantengo la misma estructura original, pero le he Here are the main files of the template
├── _includes # Theme includes
├── _layouts # Theme layouts (see below for details)
├── _portfolio # Collection of articles for the portfolio page
├── _posts # Blog posts
├── _sass # Sass partials (compiled into css at runtime)
├── assets
| ├── js # JS compiled for distribution + raw sources
| ├── css # CSS compiled for distribution
| ├── fonts # Font-Awesome, and other fonts
| └── img # Images used for the template
| └─ images # Imagenes especificas de los articulos que aparecen y que no tienen nada que ver con el resto de imagenes.
├── pages
| ├── # To be displayed when url is wrong
| ├── # About example page
| ├── # Gallery page for your photos
| ├── # Portfolio page for your projects
| ├── # Search page
| └── # The tag page
├── _config.yml # sample configuration
├── _data
| ├── authors.yml # Update the post authors configurations
| ├── language.yml # Localization configuration
| ├── biblio.yml # To create a reference bibliography
| ├── social.yml # Social configurations to share posts (RSS, shares, ...)
| └── icons.yml # Footer icons (Twitter, Github, Stackoverflow, ...)
└── index.html # sample home page (blog page paginated)
Open _config.yml
in a text editor to change most of the blog's settings.
If a variable in this document is marked as "optional", disable the feature by removing all text from the variable.
Configure Jekyll as your own blog or with a "baseurl" in _config.yml
Jekyll website without a "baseurl" (such as a GitHub Pages website with your username as the repository name):
baseurl: ""
url: ""
Jekyll website with "baseurl" (like the Type on Strap demo page):
baseurl: "/sub-directory"
url: ""
And here is the basic information you will need in your _config.yml
for it to work properly:
post_navigation: true
paginate: 10
paginate_path: "blog/page:num"
plugins: [jekyll-paginate, jekyll-seo-tag, jekyll-feed]
To configure the blog part and default plugins. Those plugins are validated by GitHub page.
Meta variables hold basic information about your Jekyll site, which will be used throughout the site and as meta properties that are used for search engines, browsers, and the site's RSS feed.
Change these variables in _config.yml
title: My Jekyll Blog # Name of website
avatar: assets/img/avatar.png # Path of avatar image, to be displayed in the theme's header
description: My blog posts # Short description, primarily used by search engines
favicon: assets/favicon.ico # Icon displayed in the tab
color_theme: auto # color theme auto, dark or light
You can also customize the seo tags default option following the jekyll-seo-tag plugin documentation. The color theme can be set to dark or light (customize it in variables.scss). Using auto you'll have a tiny icon in the navbar allowing the use to manually switch from dark to light theme.
Customize your site header/footer with these variables in _config.yml
header_text: Welcome to my Jekyll blog
footer_text: Copyright 2017
If you don't want anything, replace the value by " "
The header's image (tested with 2480x1280) can be set as one image with header_feature_image
but can also be responsive:
header_feature_image: assets/img/header/my-header-image.png
header_feature_image_responsive: true
By setting header_feature_image_responsive
to true, it will look for images
with suffix -small
(620x320) and -medium
(1240x640) to display on smaller screen.
Localization string is a way to quickly change the template language for text like Next Post or Follow on, ...
You can find all the properties in _data/language.yml
By default, it is in English, but you can easily add your own language.
Here you also can set the date format, e.g., set str_date_format: '%B %-d, %Y'
for "January, 13, 2024", str_date_format: '%Y-%m-%d'
for 2024-01-13, or str_date_format: '%d.%m.%Y'
for 13.01.2024.
En principio esta opción esta desactivada / deshabilitada porque no quiero que Google me controle. A parte, no es un tema que me interese mucho saber cuantas personas visitan mi web.
Tambien es otro tema que quiero desactivar, porque los comentarios no es un tema que preocupe mucho, no hago los articulos para las personas y que me den su opinión, sino que los hago para mi, por si en un futuro los vuelvo a necesitar.
When KateX is set in _config.yml
katex: true # to enable it
You can then wrap math expressions with $$
signs in your posts and make sure you have set the katex
in _config.yml
to true
for math typesetting.
For inline math typesetting, type your math expression on the same line as your content. For example:
Type math within a sentence $$2x^2 + x + c$$ to display inline
For display math typesetting, type your math expression on a new line. For example:
\bar{y} = {1 \over n} \sum_{i = 1}^{n}y_i
You can find a cheat sheet of the compatible LaTex symbols online.
Enable the mermaid-js diagram rendering by setting mermaid to true in the _config.yml
This will load and init the mermaid.min.js.
mermaid: default # Enable mermaid-js for diagrams, use theme: base, forest, dark, default, neutral
Find all the help you need on the official mermaid documentation.
Use mermaid
as color highlighter language to render the diagram or with the class="mermaid"
inside the <div>
Alice->>John: Hello John, how are you?
John-->>Alice: Great!
In _data/social.yml
you can customize the social icons that will be displayed in the post to share your post.
You can also enable RSS.
The site icons come from Font Awesome.
In _data/icons.yml
you can set the footer icon that will appear at the bottom of the page.
They will redirect the user on your profile on to other platforms like Twitter, GitHub and so many more!
You can add a cookie consent with a disclaimer if you use Google Analytics while respecting the GDPR. Set to true, there will be a banner at the bottom of the page with the disclaimer, and an approve button. Once the user clicks on "Approve" the cookies will be created for Google Analytics.
The share icons are the one at the bottom of the blog page if enabled. They will on click redirect you to the logo's platform to share the article.
Display icons in the footer.
All icon variables should be your username enclosed in quotes (e.g. "username") in _data/icons.yml
You can update the RSS settings in _data/social
to change the default feed path (generated by jekyll-feel).
To enable the share icons at the bottom of each article set to true the one you'd like under share
in the _data/social.yml
Hay que tener en cuenta, que en mi codigo, no esta en el original, he añadido una modificación, para anular o no, la capacidad de compartir los articulos en las redes sociales.
Esta opción se puede ver muy bien, porque al final de cada articulo, si tienes configurado las redes sociales ( twitter, mastodon, etc... ) te aparece SHARE junto con los iconos de las redes sociales que tienes configuradas.
Pero lo que yo he hecho, ha sido que en este fichero, social.yml
he añadido un flag share_buttons: true / false
que a su vez activa en el fichero share_buttons.liquid
el siguiente codigo:
{% if %}
{% endif %}
Que hace que se visualize o no la sección de SHARE.
Portfolio is a feature page that will take all the markdown/html files in the _portfolio
folder to create a 3-columns image portfolio matrix.
To use the portfolio, simply create a
with this information inside:
layout: page
title : Portfolio
{% include default/portfolio.html %}
You can format the portfolio posts in the _portfolio
folder using the post layout
Here is a little explanation on some of the possible features you can use.
If you decide to use a date, please be sure to use one that can be parsed such as yyyy-mm-dd
You can see more format examples in the demo posts that are available for the theme:
layout: post
title: Circus # Title of the portfolio post
feature-img: "assets/img/portfolio/cake.png" # Will display the image in the post
img: "assets/img/portfolio/cake.png" # Will display the image in the portfolio page
date: 2019-07-25 # Not mandatory, however needs to be in date format to display the date
Make sure your _config.yml
contains the following if you are using the theme as a gem:
output: true
permalink: /:collection/:name
En este caso hay que tener en cuenta una cosa, que si comentas este codigo en el _config.yml
te da un error la web ( desactiva la funcionalidad de busqueda y un error al cargar la web.
Ya he informado de esto al creador de este tema, y se lo esta mirando.
This creates the collection for Jekyll, so it can find and display your portfolio posts.
## License
This theme is licensed under the [MIT License (MIT)](/LICENSE)
- Pictures from [Pexels]( are under Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license
- Fonts are licensed under the [SIL Open Font License (OFL)](