A secure, anonymized voting system using the Paillier cryptosystem
Inside apollo/
virtualenv env -p python3
To activate:
source env/bin/activate
pip install -e .
If you get an error message that includes the following lines:
Running setup.py install for Flask-XML-RPC
Skipping installation of /afs/athena.mit.edu/user/r/s/rsridhar/Desktop/6.857/Apollo/apollo/env/lib/python3.4/site-packages/flaskext/__init__.py (namespace package)
File "/afs/athena.mit.edu/user/r/s/rsridhar/Desktop/6.857/Apollo/apollo/env/lib/python3.4/site-packages/flaskext/xmlrpc.py", line 252
except Fault, fault:
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
you need to use 2to3
to fix xmlrpc.py
to work with python3:
2to3 -w env/lib/python3.x/site-packages/flaskext/xmlrpc.py
Note you will need to fill x with your appropriate version number.
To deactivate:
Execute the following script to run the system with n talliers.
./run.sh n
There are now 4 ways to interact with the running system. The preferred is to use localhost:7000
to create an election, and use localhost:7777
to cast your votes.
Alternatively, less-offline-runthrough.py
will create an election with preset candidates and voter ids. You must go to localhost:7777
to cast your vote and end the election.
Running demo.py
will start an election using pre-set candidates corresponding to the 2016 US Presidential Race, with a pre-set list of valid voter ids.
Finally, offline-runthrough.py
will create an election and execute votes, requiring no website interaction.
- Add
to see the output of stdout in logs