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Merge pull request #7 from javier123454321/dao-global-vested-token
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Dao global vested token
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javier123454321 authored Nov 9, 2021
2 parents e0cadbe + 89c1116 commit 242218f
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Showing 5 changed files with 1,197 additions and 1,289 deletions.
299 changes: 299 additions & 0 deletions contracts/VestedToken.sol
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@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
//SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
pragma solidity 0.8.6;

import "./@openzeppelin/contracts/access/AccessControl.sol";
import "./@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";
// import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";

// import {
// ISuperfluid,
// ISuperToken,
// ISuperAgreement
// } from "@superfluid-finance/ethereum-contracts/contracts/interfaces/superfluid/ISuperfluid.sol";

// import {
// IConstantFlowAgreementV1
// } from "@superfluid-finance/ethereum-contracts/contracts/interfaces/agreements/IConstantFlowAgreementV1.sol";

import "hardhat/console.sol";

* @title Vested Token
* @author Javier Gonzalez
* @dev Implementation of a Vested Token.
* @notice Vested Token is a token that can be minted and vested.
* Has a percentage immediately available to the owner,
* the mint function is only callable by a multisig and mints tokens
* that are vested for a timelocked period with a cliff.
* i.e. TotalSupply is 100,000,000,000 tokens,
* owner recieves 20% immediately,
* owner can mint 20,000,000 tokens for a timelocked period of 1 year,
* the rest of the 80% is vested for 4 years with a cliff of 1 year.
contract VestedToken is ERC20, AccessControl {
bytes32 public constant VESTEE_ROLE = keccak256("VESTEE");

string memory name,
string memory symbol,
uint256 initialSupply,
address safe,
address admin
) ERC20(name, symbol) {
_mint(safe, initialSupply);
_setupRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE, admin);

modifier onlyAdmin {
require(hasRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE, msg.sender), "Admin Role required to call");

function mint(address _to, uint256 _amount) onlyAdmin public {
_mint(_to, _amount);

function addVestee(address _vestee) onlyAdmin public {
_setupRole(VESTEE_ROLE, _vestee);

// abstract contract FluidVesting is Ownable {
// function callAgreement(
// ISuperAgreement agreementClass,
// bytes memory callData,
// bytes memory userData
// )
// external override
// returns(bytes memory returnedData)
// {
// return _callAgreement(msg.sender, agreementClass, callData, userData);
// }

// enum RecipientState { Registered, Flowing, Stopped }

// struct FlowRecipient {
// address recipient;
// uint256 flowRate;
// bool permanent;
// RecipientState state;
// }

// event FlowStopped(
// address recipient,
// uint256 flowRate,
// bool wasPermanent
// );

// ISuperfluid _host;
// IConstantFlowAgreementV1 _cfa;
// ISuperToken public acceptedToken;

// mapping(address => FlowRecipient) _recipients;
// mapping(address => bool) _permanentRecipients;
// mapping(address => bool) _impermanentRecipients;
// mapping(address => uint256) _recipientLastStopped;
// mapping(address => uint256) _recipientToPauseDuration;

// address admin;
// uint256 public cliffEnd;
// uint256 public starttime;
// uint256 public vestingDuration;
// bool public vestingActive;

// constructor(ISuperfluid host, IConstantFlowAgreementV1 cfa, ISuperToken _acceptedToken, uint256 _cliffEnd, uint256 _vestingDuration) {
// require(address(host) != address(0), "host is zero address");
// require(address(cfa) != address(0), "cfa is zero address");
// require(address(_acceptedToken) != address(0), "acceptedToken is zero address");
// require(_vestingDuration > 0, "vestingDuration must be larger than 0");

// if(_cliffEnd == 0) _cliffEnd = block.timestamp;
// _host = host;
// _cfa = cfa;
// acceptedToken = _acceptedToken;
// cliffEnd = _cliffEnd;
// vestingDuration = _vestingDuration;
// admin = msg.sender;

// initializeRecipients();
// }

// modifier onlyAdmin() {
// require(msg.sender == admin, "Only allowed by admin");
// _;
// }

// modifier notRegistered(address adr) {
// require(!isRecipientRegistered(adr), "Registered Recipient");
// _;
// }

// modifier registeredRecipient(address adr) {
// require(isRecipientRegistered(adr), "Not Registered Recipient");
// _;
// }

// function initializeRecipients() virtual internal;

// function launchVesting(address[] calldata recipientAddresses) public onlyOwner {
// require(block.timestamp > cliffEnd, "Cliff period not ended.");

// for(uint i = 0; i < recipientAddresses.length; i++) {
// openStream(recipientAddresses[i]);
// }

// if(!vestingActive) {
// starttime = block.timestamp;
// vestingActive = true;
// }
// }

// function openStream(address recipient) internal {
// _host.callAgreement(
// _cfa,
// abi.encodeWithSelector(
// _cfa.createFlow.selector,
// acceptedToken,
// recipient,
// _recipients[recipient].flowRate,
// new bytes(0)
// ),
// new bytes(0)
// );
// _recipients[recipient].state = RecipientState.Flowing;
// }

// function resumeStream() public {
// if(isRecipientRegistered(msg.sender) && isPermanentRecipient(msg.sender)) {
// openStream(msg.sender);
// if(_recipientLastStopped[msg.sender] > 0) {
// uint256 lastPauseDuration = block.timestamp - _recipientLastStopped[msg.sender];
// _recipientToPauseDuration[msg.sender] = _recipientToPauseDuration[msg.sender] + lastPauseDuration;
// _recipientLastStopped[msg.sender] = 0;
// }
// } else {
// revert("Only Stream Recipient can reopen the stream.");
// }
// }

// function elapsedTime() public view returns (uint256) {
// require(starttime > 0, "Vesting has not yet started.");
// return block.timestamp.sub(starttime);
// }

// function estimateElapsedTokens(address recipient) public view onlyAdmin returns (uint256) {
// require(vestingActive, "Vesting inactive");
// uint256 durationEstimate = block.timestamp - starttime * _recipients[recipient].flowRate;
// uint256 pauseEstimate = _recipientToPauseDuration[recipient] * _recipients[recipient].flowRate;
// return durationEstimate - pauseEstimate;
// }

// function estimateTotalTokens(address recipient) public onlyAdmin view returns (uint256) {
// return vestingDuration.mul(_recipients[recipient].flowRate);
// }

// function estimateRemainingTokens(address recipient) public onlyAdmin view returns (uint256) {
// return estimateTotalTokens(recipient).sub(estimateElapsedTokens(recipient));
// }

// function getFlowRecipient(address adr) public onlyAdmin view returns (FlowRecipient memory) {
// return _recipients[adr];
// }

// function registerRecipient(address adr, uint256 flowRate, bool isPermanent) public onlyOwner notRegistered(adr) returns (FlowRecipient memory) {
// FlowRecipient memory newRecipient = FlowRecipient(adr, flowRate, isPermanent, RecipientState.Registered);
// _recipients[adr] = newRecipient;
// return newRecipient;
// }

// function isPermanentRecipient(address adr) internal registeredRecipient(adr) view returns (bool) {
// return _recipients[adr].permanent;
// }

// function flowTokenBalance() public view returns (uint256) {
// return acceptedToken.balanceOf(address(this));
// }

// function withdraw(IERC20 token, uint256 amount) public onlyOwner {
// require(amount <= token.balanceOf(address(this)), "Withdrawal amount exceeds balance");
// bool transferSuccess = token.transfer(msg.sender, amount);
// if(!transferSuccess) revert("Token transfer failed");
// }

// }

// contract InvestorsVesting is FluidVesting {
// constructor(ISuperfluid host, IConstantFlowAgreementV1 cfa, ISuperToken _acceptedToken, uint256 _cliffEnd, uint256 _vestingDuration) FluidVesting(host, cfa, _acceptedToken, _cliffEnd, _vestingDuration) {}

// function initializeRecipients() internal override {
// // Investors (36 months)
// registerRecipient(0x0caCf3518029666703c08aB7f1F9AD1Aca4C38D1, 317097919800000, true);
// }
// }

// contract TeamVesting is FluidVesting {

// constructor(ISuperfluid host, IConstantFlowAgreementV1 cfa, ISuperToken _acceptedToken, uint256 _cliffEnd, uint256 _vestingDuration) FluidVesting(host, cfa, _acceptedToken, _cliffEnd, _vestingDuration) {}

// function initializeRecipients() internal override {
// // Team (48 months)
// registerRecipient(0x6960CcbAe6A13813618f275B10EE0FB55271ce1D, 396372399800000, true);
// }
// }

// contract StoppableVesting is FluidVesting {

// constructor(ISuperfluid host, IConstantFlowAgreementV1 cfa, ISuperToken _acceptedToken, uint256 _cliffEnd, uint256 _vestingDuration) FluidVesting(host, cfa, _acceptedToken, _cliffEnd, _vestingDuration) {}

// function initializeRecipients() internal override {
// // Stoppable (48 months, no cliff)
// registerRecipient(0x474B73e8966D61999B1f829704337C0133F77b56, 396372399800000, false);
// }

// function closeVesting(address[] calldata recipientAddresses) public onlyOwner {
// require(vestingActive, "Vesting not started");
// require(elapsedTime() > vestingDuration, "Vesting duration has not expired yet.");
// for(uint i = 0; i < recipientAddresses.length; i++) {
// closeStream(recipientAddresses[i]);
// }
// }

// function closeStream(address recipient) public onlyOwner {
// require(_recipients[recipient].state == RecipientState.Flowing, "Stream inactive");

// if(elapsedTime() < vestingDuration) {
// require(!isPermanentRecipient(recipient), "Stream for this receiver is permanent and cannot be closed.");
// }

// _host.callAgreement(
// _cfa,
// abi.encodeWithSelector(
// _cfa.deleteFlow.selector,
// acceptedToken,
// address(this),
// recipient,
// new bytes(0)
// ),
// new bytes(0)
// );

// _recipients[recipient].state = RecipientState.Stopped;
// _recipientLastStopped[recipient] = block.timestamp;

// emit FlowStopped(recipient, _recipients[recipient].flowRate, isPermanentRecipient(recipient));
// }
// }

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