This is project allows to recognize from a wav file the gender of who speak.
If you have Telegram you can try the output of this project contacting: @GenderSpeechBot, this bot is open source and available here.
To install the project locally, read the follows instructions.
- Python3
- scikit-image
- pandas
- numpy
- matplotlib
- pyAudioAnalysis
- scipy
- sklearn
- hmmlearn
- simplejson
- eyed3
- pydub
You can install this requirements with
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
To run the classifiers use:
python3 -r
To run the classifier with a new sample.wav use:
python3 -w path/file.wav
Note: to convert any audio file into .wav file we recommend SoundConverter
To run the classifier with a new sample use:
python3 -i path/file.csv
If you run Linux (debian-based) you can use the follows commands to install R and dependencies:
$ sudo apt install r-base
$ sudo apt install gfortran libsndfile1-dev libfftw3-dev
$ R
With the last command you just opened r, so you can run the follows command to install packages:
$ install.packages("tuneR", "seewave")
$ q()
Note: q() is to close the "r console".
Fill the folder "male" and "female" in R/ with wavfile with the related gender.
Use Rscript to run the file extract_feature.r to generate a new file "my_voice.csv" (backup it before generate the new one).
Rscript extractor_feature.r