TASK Description
Install Logstash.
Install Kibana.
Install Filebeat.
Create small Java application and log some messages using log4j to the file on file system.
Configure filebeat to read log file and send log messages into the Logstash.
Configure Logstash to read logs from the filebeat(beats input plugin) and send logs to Elasticsearch (elasticsearch logstash output plugin).
Look at result data in the ElasticSearch using Kibana.
Task result: application, logstash and filebeat configuration files.
Logstash DOC: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/logstash/current/index.html
Logstash input plugins: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/logstash/current/input-plugins.html
Logstash output plugins: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/logstash/current/output-plugins.html
Copy filebeat.yml to filebeat home folder.
Copy logstash.conf to logstash home folder.
I propose to follow the next order of actions (To avoid errors)
Start ElasticSearch
Start Kibana (optional)
Start Logstash
bin\logstash -f logstash.conf --config.reload.automatic
Start Filebeat
filebeat.exe -e -c filebeat.yml -d "publish"
For configuration test use elasticsearch-filebeat-logstash-kibana application.
This application create records for logfile.
(my default path: C:\TEMP\VIKHLIAYEU\logs\elasticsearch-filebeat-logstash-kibana*.log)
Build application with maven
Go to folder ***elasticsearch-filebeat-logstash-kibana*** and build application with mavencd elasticsearch-filebeat-logstash-kibana
mvn clean package install
You can run this application from IDE or use run jar (executable file)/
Execute runnable jar file
java -jar elasticsearch-filebeat-logstash-kibana-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar
After all step show result in kibana http://localhost:5601