Objective-C wrapper library for libmediasoupclient for building mediasoup iOS based applications.
This project supports both 64 bit iOS devices and 64 bit iOS Simulators
Add the below into your Podfile:
target "target" do
pod 'vl_mediasoup_client_ios', :git => 'https://github.com/VLprojects/mediasoup-ios-client.git'
You will need to set enable bitcode to false
Due to the size of the WebRTC.framework with bitcode, it cannot be uploaded to Github.
Swift users will need to implement a Objective-C Bridging Header
Bridging header sample:
#import "mediasoup_client_ios/Mediasoupclient.h
// Create a Device
MediasoupDevice *device = [[MediasoupDevice alloc] init];
// Communicate with our server app to retrieve router RTP capabilities
NSString *routerRtpCapabilities = [mySignalling request:@"getRouterRtpCapabilities"];
// Load the device with the routerRtpCapabilities
[device load:routerRtpCapabilities];
// Check whether we can produce video to the router
if ![device canProduce:@"video"] {
NSLog(@"cannot produce video");
// Abort next steps
// Create a transport in the server for sending our media through it
NSDictionary *transportData = [mySignalling request:@"createTransport"];
// Object to handle SendTransportListener events
@interface SendTransportHandler: NSObject<SendTransportListener>
@property (nonatomic) id delegate;
@implementation SendTransportHandler
-(void)onConnect:(Transport *)transport dtlsParameters:(NSString *)dtlsParameters {
// Here we communicate out local parameters to our remote transport
[mySignalling request:@"transport-connect" transportId:[transport getId] dtlsParameters:dtlsParameters];
-(void)onConnectionStateChange:(Transport *)transport connectionState:(NSString *)connectionState {
NSLog(@"sendTransport::onConnectionStateChange newState = %@", connectionState);
-(NSString *)onProduce:(Transport *)transport kind:(NSString *)kind rtpParameters:(NSString *)rtpParameters appData:(NSString *)appData callback:(void(^)(NSString *))callback {
// Here we must communicate our local parameters to our remote transport
NSString *id = [mySignalling request:@"produce" transportId:[transport getId] kind:kind rtpParameters:rtpParameters appData:appData];
SendTransport *sendTransport = [device createSendTransport:sendTransportHandler.delegate id:transportData["id"] iceParameters:transportData["iceParameters"] iceCandidates:transportData["iceCandidates"] dtlsParameters:transportData["dtlsParameters"]];
// Get the device camera
NSArray *devices = [AVCaptureDevice devicesWithMediaType: AVMediaTypeVideo];
// Start capturing it
RTCPeerConnectionFactory *factory = [[RTCPeerConnectionFactory alloc] init];
RTCCameraVideoCapturer *videoCapturer = [[RTCCameraVideoCapturer alloc] init];
[videoCapturer startCaptureWithDevice:devices[0] format:[devices[0] activeFormat] fps:30];
RTCVideoSource *videoSource = [factory videoSource];
[videoSource adaptOutputFormatToWidth:640 height:480 fps:30];
RTCVideoTrack *videoTrack = [factory videoTrackWithSource:videoSource trackId:@"trackId"];
// Handler to handle producer events
@interface ProducerHandler : NSObject<ProducerListener>
@property (nonatomic) id delegate;
@implementation ProducerHandler
-(void)onTransportClose:(Producer *)producer {
// Produce out camera video
Producer *videoProducer = [sendTransport produce:producerHandler.delegate track:videoTrack encodings:nil codecOptions:nil];
- Fix memory leaks
- Update usage examples and tests, translate to modern Swift syntax
- Update build instructions
- Implement configuring codec factories