Spring Authorization Server example: Authorization server and Resource server combined in a single application.
Sample project to demonstrate the answer for the stackoverflow question.
The code in the README uses the HTTPie CLI.
Swagger UI is available on http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html
This application has two sets of test endpoints:
- endpoints protected with the session cookie. Will be accessible after completing the default Spring Security login (/login
- endpoints protected with the JWT token. Will be accessible after obtaining the access token with the OAuth2 flow.
./mvnw spring-boot:run
http localhost:8080/test/protected
http localhost:8080/api/test/protected
3.1. Calling the Spring Security /login
endpoint. In case of success, we expect 302 redirect to the root path (default Spring Security behavior). The session cookie will be stored in the testsession
http --session=testsession --form POST localhost:8080/login \
[email protected] \
http --session=testsession localhost:8080/test/protected
http --session=testsession localhost:8080/api/test/protected
3.3. Introspecting the Spring Security session-based authentication object (expecting UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken
http --session=testsession localhost:8080/test/currentUser
4.2 Obtaining the authorization code: calling the /oauth2/authorize
endpoint and extracting the code from the response location header
http --session=testsession -v GET localhost:8080/oauth2/authorize \
response_type==code \
client_id==oidc-client \
code_challenge==$CODE_CHALLENGE \
code_challenge_method==$CODE_CHALLENGE_METHOD |
grep -i '^location:' |
awk -F'code=' '{print $2}' |
tr -d '\r'
) && printf "\nAuthorization code: $AUTHORIZATION_CODE \n" || printf "\nFailed to extract authorization code from the response.\n"
http --form POST localhost:8080/oauth2/token \
grant_type=authorization_code \
client_id=oidc-client \
code_verifier=$CODE_VERIFIER |
jq -r '.access_token'
) && printf "\nAccess token: $ACCESS_TOKEN \n" || printf "\nFailed to get the access token.\n"
http GET localhost:8080/api/test/protected Authorization:"Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN"
5.2. Introspecting the Spring Security bearer token authentication object (expecting JwtAuthenticationToken
http GET localhost:8080/api/test/currentUser Authorization:"Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN"