###########environment gardle baidu MAP -jni
###########build target
- according to gradle to build
here is my gardle information: com.android.tools.build:gradle:3.1.2
compileSdkVersion 27 defaultConfig { applicationId "com.example.administrator.mybike" minSdkVersion 23 targetSdkVersion 27 versionCode 1 versionName "1.0" } you need to update this information in build.gradle
notice the sdk.dir in local.properties
important !!!!------notice that you should notify the manifests your key
###########directories instruction information
| |--UserCode
| |--UserInfo
| |--OkhttpHelper
########### Using frame
########### BUGS
1. here some problem in this bike ,when your register in the app I put this data in the preferenceUtils ,it can cause many bugs when you clear this data and you search in the User Information ,- i write all the location and the map information in the HomePageFragment , it looks mass and you can clear this information and encapsulation
3. (important) when you get the car i write everythings in the preference but it doesn't work when you exit the app
and find it can't register the car and can't borrow and can't reback because of it prefernce , Connecting to the http://
and get the data then put this information in the adapter that is the current ways to write
GNU make is fully documented in the GNU Make manual, which is contained in this distribution as the file make.texinfo. You can also find on-line and preformatted (PostScript and DVI) versions at the FSF's web site. There is information there about ordering hardcopy documentation. here is my information ,when you some question you can ask me QQ:[email protected]