To create a new package, you can copy and rename the .templates/new-package
to packages
$ cp -r ./.templates/new-package/ ./packages/__PACKAGE_NAME__
Name your package in the @user-office-software/... scope
Then you have to update the name
field package.json
"name": "@user-office-software/", -> "name": "@user-office-software/__PACKAGE_NAME__",
If you need additional configuration you feel free to do so.
In the next step you have to update the paths
property in the root tsconfig.json
with the new package:
"paths": {
"@esss-swap/duo-logger": ["logger/src"],
"@esss-swap/duo-localisation": ["localisation/src"],
"@esss-swap/__PACKAGE_NAME__": ["__PACKAGE_NAME__/src"],
If your package has external dependencies (usually it does) you can do so by using Lerna (only one package can be added per command):
$ npm install <dependency> -w <package1> -w <package2>
$ npm install <dependency> -w <package>
More details information on Lerna's page:
Before publishing a new version it's recommended to run npm run lerna:prePublish
to update package-lock.json with the new version number.
By default in case of a new push to the master
branch a Github action will be triggered, which will check if there are any updated packages - updated means it has a version number that does not exist in the NPM registry. If there are it will publish the new packages.
Every package should have a build
command which compiles TS to JS using a proper tsconfig.
# Runs the `build` script in every package which contains this script in its `package.json`
$ npm run lerna:build
# Runs the `test` script in every package which contains this script in its `package.json`
$ npm run lerna:test
# Removes the `node_modules` folders from all packages
# Runs the `clean` script in every package which contains this script in its `package.json`
$ npm run clean
# Runs `npm run clean` to remove node_modules and built files
# Runs `npm install` using npm workspaces to install all the dependencies and to update `package-lock.json`
# Runs `npm run lerna:build` just to make sure everything still works properly
$ npm run lerna:prePublish