Basic MoveIt interface based control node for a universal robotic arm - interface via cares_msgs/PlatformGoal for generic platform control. This package is setup as the control node for a simple platform with a UR robot arm with any sensor on a simple base. The full platform description will sit under the base platform package - e.g. mini_rig_ros.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
Base package dependencies
1) Ubuntu 20.04 - ROS Noetic - requires python 3 support
2) Pull master version of cares_msgs
a) cd ~/catkin_ws/src
b) git clone
3) Pull master version of cares_lib_ros
a) cd ~/catkin_ws/src
b) git clone
4) Install MoveIt
a) sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-moveit
A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development env running
Simple moveit control node for a UR robot arm operating stand-alone.
git clone
cd ~/catkin_workspace && catkin_make
install python3 requirements
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/ur_moveit_controller
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Running the moveit node is as simple as running below. Note: this is intended to be run as part of a "platform"_bringup package.
rosrun ur_moveit_controller
Control is set up and controlled as an action server. Please refer to cares_msgs/Action/PlatformGoal for msg format,
Note: This package is not required to be edited to control your platform. All control requests should be formatted and handled via your own scripts/packages. Default path planning constraints can be set in your "platform"_bringup package launch file
link_id - End Effector ID to move to target_pose
planning_link - Reference frame for target pose
Example for platform goal:
#Setup imports
import tf
import rospy
from cares_msgs.msg import PlatformGoalAction, PlatformGoalGoal, PlatformGoalFeedback, PathPlanningConstraints
from geometry_msgs.msg import Quaternion, PoseStamped, Point
from cares_lib_ros.action_client import ActionClient
#Setup Action Client
client = ActionClient(control_server_name, PlatformGoalAction, PlatformGoalFeedback)
#Setup PlatformGoal
goal = PlatformGoalGoal()
goal.link_id = link_id
goal.command = PlatformGoalGoal.MOVE
#Set target pose to desried xyz, and rpy
target_pose = PoseStamped()
target_pose.header.stamp =
target_pose.header.frame_id = planning_link
target_pose.pose.position = Point(x=target_x, y=target_y, z=target_z)
target_pose.pose.orientation = Quaternion(*tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(r, p, y))
# Set up constraints for fixed orientation and cyclindrical volumes with 1 second initial
planning time and a max of 3 planning retries,
doubling planning time every retry with a max planning time of 5 seconds
constraints = PathPlanningConstraints()
constraints.orientation_constraint_type = PathPlanningConstraints.FIXED_ORIENT
constraints.volume_constraint_type = PathPlanningConstraints.CYLINDER
constraints.allowed_planning_time = 1.0
constraints.replanning_multiplier = 2.0
constraints.max_retries = 3
constraints.max_planning_time = 5.0
goal.path_constraints = constraints
goal.target_pose = target_pose
# Send Goal
# Monitor/Wait for Goal status
while not client.is_idle() and not rospy.is_shutdown():
result = client.status.result
Types of constraints available:
Orientation Constraints:
a) Default Orientation Constraint - uses the default constraint type, this is set via rosparams usually in the launch file
b) Between Orientation - constrains valid orientation for given link id to the region between the vector angles for current and target pose
c) Fixed Orientation - constrains valid orientation to keep given link_id at a fixed orientation
d) No Orientation - No orientation constraints
Volume Constraints:
a) Default Volume Constraint - uses the default constraint type, this is set via rosparams usually in the launch file
b) Box - constraints valid region to a box volume between current and target positions
c) Cylinder - constraints valid region to a cyclindrical volume between current and target positions
d) Shere - constraints valid region to a spherical volume between current and target positions
e) No Volume - No volume constraints
Time constraints:
- Allowed Planning Time - sets the time for a single plan attempt
- Max Retries - maximum number of planning attempts before giving up
- Replanning Multiplier - sets the multiplier for next attempts planning time if path planning fails to generate a valid plan
- Max Planning Time - sets the maximum allowable planning time
- Final Planning Time - sets the time for one final replan attempt if maximum number of retries is reached