A set of scripts to unpack and repack Recettear game files
Recettear stores most of its data in bin/dataxxx.bin
These files contain almost all assets, individually compressed with LZSS.
(or lnkdata.bin
for the Japanese version) contains info about
which assets can be found in which file and their offset.
All the dataxxx.bin
files combined contain about 1200 files (120MB, 435MB uncompressed).
For every update that touches one of these files, all of them would need to be recompressed.
All 120MB would need to be redistributed, even if only a tiny part of it is changed.
For this reason, Recettear has a similar file called bmpdata.bin
This file contains assets too, and the game will look here first before
looking in lnkdatas.bin
. This allows the developers to push small updates
without having to touch lnkdatas.bin
. They simply drop the updated version in
. Unlike lnkdatas.bin
, bmpdata.bin
contains both the data and the metadata.
is compressed with LZW.
The scripts require Python 3 to be installed.
In this section I will show you how to make changes to the game files.
I recommend dropping the scripts in the games root folder for ease of use, but this is not required.
First, unpack the dataxxx.bin
files with the lnk_unpack.py
It requires 2 arguments: the path to the game root, and the folder to unpack to.
python lnk_unpack.py . lnk-unpacked/
Next, unpack bmpdata.bin
with bmp_unpack.py
It requires 2 arguments: the path to bmpdata.bin
, and the folder to unpack to.
python bmp_unpack.py bmpdata.bin bmp-unpacked/
You can then browse the files and choose which ones you want to change.
Drop the changed versions in the folder you unpacked bmpdata.bin
to (bmp-unpacked
Then, repack bmpdata.bin
. Please make sure to make a backup of the original first.
requires 2 arguments: the folder to pack and the path to the output file.
# THIS WILL OVERWRITE bmpdata.bin!
python bmp_pack.py bmp-unpacked/ bmpdata.bin
That's it! Boot up the game and you will see your changes.
If you lose track of which file is the original, run the following.
It will identify the file for you.
python crc.py FILE
All text files are encoded with Shift-JIS, not ASCII. Make sure your editor is configured properly.
Lastly, here is an overview of the packed game files.
├── bmp/ All images
│ ├── chr/ Character spritesheets
│ ├── en/ Enemy icons
│ ├── item/ Item spritesheets
│ ├── ivent/ Cutscene/event images
│ ├── nami/ Fog textures
│ ├── title/ Boss titles
│ └── umi/ Water textures
├── data/ Misc game data
│ ├── buysell.txt ??? Customer dialogue settings
│ ├── chara.txt Adventurer stats
│ ├── config.txt Font settings
│ ├── enemylist.txt Dungeon enemy settings
│ ├── enemy.txt Dungeon enemy stats
│ ├── event.txt Event flags and conditions
│ ├── gousei.txt Fusion recipes
│ ├── item.txt Item list
│ ├── kyaku.txt Customer settings
│ ├── model.txt ??? 3D model metadata
│ ├── news.txt News
│ ├── oder.txt Orders
│ ├── snews.txt Dungeon news
│ ├── tuto1.txt Selling tutorial
│ ├── tuto2.txt Buying tutorial
│ └── tuto3.txt Suggestion selling tutorial
├── ef/ ??? Effect animation data
├── idx/ ??? Maybe spritesheet or animation info
│ ├── stageidx.txt/ Dungeon data
│ ...
├── iv/ Event scripts
├── kyaku/ Shop customer data
├── xfile/ 3D model textures
├── xfile2/ Boss 3D model textures
├── fontdata.bin Bitmap font
└── fontidx.bin ???