Start up the lein repl and (reset):
➜ PathFinder git:(master) lein repl
user=> (reset)
If you're developing the front-end, start up figwheel for compiling the clojurescript and auto-reloading. You can also inject cljs code in the page through the figwheel repo:
➜ PathFinder git:(master) lein figwheel
cljs.user=> (js/alert 'Figwheel works!')
To compile scss/sass to css you can run lein sass
. To watch files for changes, you can use the watch task in lein sass, if you have figwheel running it will auto-reload your browser when the compiled css changes.
➜ PathFinder git:(scss) lein sass watch
- You might need to change the endpoint in
to a running instance of elasticsearch if you don't have a local docker instance.
First, make sure you have docker installed. For Ubuntu this should be as straightforward as installing an aptitude package. For OS X please see the boot2docker instructions below. Then do:
export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://
or, if you're on OS X:
export "DOCKER_HOST=tcp://`boot2docker ip`:2375"
If you're using boot2docker, you may also see malformed HTTP response
in your docker command output. To fix that, prefix your docker commands with --tls
and run:
export DOCKER_CERT_PATH=~/.boot2docker/certs/boot2docker-vm
You should also add a host alias to your hosts file:
echo "$DOCKER_HOST docker" | sudo tee --append /etc/hosts
To build the elasticsearch image and register it as pathfinder/elasticsearch run the following command from the docker directory, containing the Dockerfile:
docker build -t pathfinder/elasticsearch .
To start the container and expose the 9200 and 9300 ports do:
docker run --name elasticsearch -d -p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 pathfinder/elasticsearch
Now the following links should work for you:
- http://docker:9200/_plugin/kopf - cluster management
- http://docker:9200/_plugin/kibana - cluster data visualization
- http://docker:2375/containers/json - list of running containers
Download the boot2docker OSX installer and run it. Alternatively you can use homebrew (untested):
brew install docker boot2docker
After the installation is complete, to enable directory sharing between the host and the boot2docker VM do the following:
# make sure the vm is stopped
boot2docker stop
# enables sharing directories between the host and the boot2docker VM
wget -O ~/.boot2docker/boot2docker.iso
VBoxManage sharedfolder add boot2docker-vm -name home -hostpath /Users
# now to test it, you should see the directories you have in /Users on the host
boot2docker up && boot2docker ssh "ls /Users"