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Merge pull request #47 from UQ-PAC/sysreg
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Add partial support for sysreg accessors
  • Loading branch information
ncough authored Feb 22, 2024
2 parents 51d0561 + 52fc84b commit f84fae9
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Showing 6 changed files with 18,068 additions and 34 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
(mra_tools/arch/arch_decode.asl as mra_tools/arch/arch_decode.asl )
(mra_tools/arch/arch_instrs.asl as mra_tools/arch/arch_instrs.asl )
(mra_tools/arch/regs.asl as mra_tools/arch/regs.asl )
(mra_tools/arch/regs_access.asl as mra_tools/arch/regs_access.asl )
(mra_tools/support/aes.asl as mra_tools/support/aes.asl )
(mra_tools/support/barriers.asl as mra_tools/support/barriers.asl )
(mra_tools/support/debug.asl as mra_tools/support/debug.asl )
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24 changes: 15 additions & 9 deletions libASL/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -734,12 +734,17 @@ and dis_slice (loc: l) (x: slice): (sym * sym) rws =
These structures are not supported by the target and must be removed for successful translation.
TODO: This does not appear to be a problem at the moment, but requires greater testing to be sure.
and dis_load loc x =
let body = dis_load_chain loc x [] in
and dis_load (loc: l) (x: expr): sym rws =
let body = (let+ (_,s) = dis_load_chain loc x [] in s) in
if no_debug() then body
else DisEnv.scope loc "dis_load" (pp_expr x) pp_sym body

and dis_load_chain (loc: l) (x: expr) (ref: access_chain list): sym rws =
and dis_load_with_type (loc: l) (x: expr): (ty * sym) rws =
let body = dis_load_chain loc x [] in
if no_debug() then body
else DisEnv.scope loc "dis_load_with_type" (pp_expr x) (fun (t,s) -> pp_sym s) body

and dis_load_chain (loc: l) (x: expr) (ref: access_chain list): (ty * sym) rws =
(match x with
| Expr_Var(id) ->
let@ (var,local) = DisEnv.gets (LocalEnv.resolveGetVar loc id) in
Expand All @@ -759,12 +764,12 @@ and dis_load_chain (loc: l) (x: expr) (ref: access_chain list): sym rws =
(as a minor optimisation). *)
let@ () = DisEnv.if_ (ref = [])
(DisEnv.modify (LocalEnv.setVar loc var var')) in
DisEnv.pure var'
| v' -> DisEnv.pure (Val v')
DisEnv.pure (t', var')
| v' -> DisEnv.pure (t, Val v')
(* Variable is local with a symbolic value, should not expect a structure *)
| (t, Exp e) ->
if ref = [] then DisEnv.pure @@ Exp e
if ref = [] then DisEnv.pure @@ local
else unsupported loc "Local variable with dynamic structure"
| Expr_Field(e,f) -> dis_load_chain loc e (Field f::ref)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -802,12 +807,13 @@ and dis_expr' (loc: l) (x: AST.expr): sym rws =
^ Utils.to_string (PP.pp_expr x)))
| Expr_Field(_, _) -> dis_load loc x
| Expr_Fields(e, fs) ->
let+ vs = DisEnv.traverse (fun f -> dis_load loc (Expr_Field(e,f))) fs in
sym_concat loc vs
let+ vs = DisEnv.traverse (fun f -> dis_load_with_type loc (Expr_Field(e,f))) fs in
let vs' = (fun (t,x) -> (width_of_type loc t, x)) vs in
sym_concat loc vs'
| Expr_Slices(e, ss) ->
let@ e' = dis_expr loc e in
let+ ss' = DisEnv.traverse (dis_slice loc) ss in
let vs = (fun (i,w) -> sym_extract_bits loc e' i w) ss' in
let vs = (fun (i,w) -> (int_of_sym w, sym_extract_bits loc e' i w)) ss' in
sym_concat loc vs
| Expr_In(e, p) ->
let@ e' = dis_expr loc e in
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion libASL/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1340,7 +1340,7 @@ let aarch64_asl_dir: string option =

let aarch64_asl_files: (string * string list) option =
let aarch64_file_load_order =
["mra_tools/arch/regs.asl"; "mra_tools/types.asl"; "mra_tools/arch/arch.asl"; "mra_tools/arch/arch_instrs.asl";
["mra_tools/arch/regs.asl"; "mra_tools/types.asl"; "mra_tools/arch/arch.asl"; "mra_tools/arch/arch_instrs.asl"; "mra_tools/arch/regs_access.asl";
"mra_tools/arch/arch_decode.asl"; "mra_tools/support/aes.asl"; "mra_tools/support/barriers.asl"; "mra_tools/support/debug.asl";
"mra_tools/support/feature.asl"; "mra_tools/support/hints.asl"; "mra_tools/support/interrupts.asl"; "mra_tools/support/memory.asl";
"mra_tools/support/stubs.asl"; "mra_tools/support/fetchdecode.asl"; "tests/override.asl"; "tests/override.prj"]
Expand Down
117 changes: 96 additions & 21 deletions libASL/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -165,6 +165,12 @@ let pp_sym (rs: sym): string =
| Val v -> Printf.sprintf "Val(%s)" (pp_value v)
| Exp e -> Printf.sprintf "Exp(%s)" (pp_expr e)

let int_of_sym (e: sym): int =
match e with
| Val (VInt n) -> Z.to_int n
| Exp e -> int_of_expr e
| _ -> failwith @@ "int_of_sym: cannot coerce to int " ^ pp_sym e

let sym_of_tuple (loc: AST.l) (v: sym): sym list =
match v with
| Val (VTuple vs) -> ( (fun v -> Val v) vs)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -236,8 +242,6 @@ let expr_false = Expr_Var (Ident "FALSE")
let sym_zeros n = Val (VBits (prim_zeros_bits (Z.of_int n)))

let sym_eq_int = prim_binop "eq_int"
let sym_add_int = prim_binop "add_int"
let sym_sub_int = prim_binop "sub_int"
let sym_le_int = prim_binop "le_int"

let sym_eq_bits = prim_binop "eq_bits"
Expand All @@ -257,6 +261,86 @@ let sym_eq (loc: AST.l) (x: sym) (y: sym): sym =
| _ -> failwith @@ "sym_eq: unknown value type " ^ (pp_sym x) ^ " " ^ (pp_sym y))
| (_,_) -> failwith "sym_eq: insufficient info to resolve type")

let rec is_pure_exp (e: expr) =
match e with
| Expr_TApply (FIdent (f, 0), targs, args) ->
(List.mem f prims_pure) && List.for_all (is_pure_exp) targs && List.for_all (is_pure_exp) args
| Expr_Slices(e, ss) ->
is_pure_exp e && List.for_all is_pure_slice ss
| Expr_Var _ -> true
| Expr_LitInt _ -> true
| _ -> false

and is_pure_slice (s: slice) =
match s with
| Slice_Single i -> is_pure_exp i
| Slice_HiLo(hi, lo) -> is_pure_exp hi && is_pure_exp lo
| Slice_LoWd(lo, wd) -> is_pure_exp lo && is_pure_exp wd

let vint_eq cmp = function
| VInt x when Z.equal cmp x -> true
| _ -> false

let is_zero = vint_eq
let is_one = vint_eq

let eval_lit (x: sym) =
match x with
| Val _ -> x
| Exp e -> sym_of_expr e

(* Hook into add_int calls to enforce (expr + val) form and apply simple identities. *)
let sym_add_int loc (x: sym) (y: sym) =
let x = eval_lit x in
let y = eval_lit y in
match (x, y) with
| (Val (VInt x), Val (VInt y)) -> Val (VInt (Z.add x y))
(* Zero Identity *)
| (Val z, Exp x)
| (Exp x, Val z) when is_zero z -> Exp x
(* Chained constant add *)
| (Exp (Expr_TApply (FIdent ("add_int", 0), _, [x1; Expr_LitInt v])), Val (VInt y)) ->
let n = Z.of_string v in
let e = Expr_LitInt (Z.to_string (Z.add n y)) in
Exp (Expr_TApply (FIdent ("add_int", 0), [], [x1; e]))
(* Normalise *)
| (Val _, Exp _) ->
Exp (Expr_TApply (FIdent ("add_int", 0), [], [sym_expr y; sym_expr x]))
| _ -> Exp (Expr_TApply (FIdent ("add_int", 0), [], [sym_expr x; sym_expr y]))

let rec find_elim_term loc (e: expr) (f: expr -> sym option) =
match f e with
| Some e' -> Some e'
| None ->
(match e with
| Expr_TApply (FIdent ("add_int", 0), _, [x1; x2]) ->
(match find_elim_term loc x2 f with
| Some e' -> Some (sym_add_int loc (Exp x1) e')
| _ -> (match find_elim_term loc x1 f with
| Some e' -> Some (sym_add_int loc e' (Exp x2))
| _ -> None))
| _ -> None)

let sym_sub_int loc (x: sym) (y: sym) =
let x = eval_lit x in
let y = eval_lit y in
let t = Exp (Expr_TApply (FIdent ("sub_int", 0), [], [sym_expr x; sym_expr y])) in
match (x,y) with
| (Val (VInt x), Val (VInt y)) -> Val (VInt (Z.sub x y))
(* Zero Identity *)
| (Exp x, Val z) when is_zero z -> Exp x
(* Chained constant add *)
| (Exp (Expr_TApply (FIdent ("add_int", 0), _, [x1; Expr_LitInt v])), Val (VInt y)) ->
let n = Z.of_string v in
let e = Expr_LitInt (Z.to_string (Z.sub n y)) in
Exp (Expr_TApply (FIdent ("add_int", 0), [], [x1; e]))
(* Elim term *)
| (Exp x, Exp y) when is_pure_exp y ->
(match find_elim_term loc x (fun v -> if y = v then Some (Val (VInt else None) with
| Some e -> e
| _ -> t)
| _ -> t

(*** Symbolic Boolean Operations ***)

let sym_not_bool loc (x: sym) =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -360,10 +444,6 @@ let rec sym_append_bits (loc: l) (xw: int) (yw: int) (x: sym) (y: sym): sym =
Exp (expr_prim' "append_bits" [expr_of_int xw; expr_of_int yw] [sym_expr x;sym_expr y])

(* WARNING: incorrect type arguments passed to append_bits but sufficient for evaluation
of primitive with eval_prim. *)
and sym_append_bits_unsafe loc x y = sym_append_bits loc (-1) (-1) x y

and sym_replicate (xw: int) (x: sym) (n: int): sym =
match n with
| _ when n < 0 -> failwith @@ "sym_replicate: negative replicate count"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -519,13 +599,11 @@ let sym_insert_bits loc (old_width: int) (old: sym) (lo: sym) (wd: sym) (v: sym)
| _ ->
failwith "sym_insert_bits: Width of inserted bitvector is unknown"

(** Append a list of bitvectors together
TODO: Will inject invalid widths due to unsafe sym_append_bits call.
let sym_concat (loc: AST.l) (xs: sym list): sym =
let sym_concat (loc: AST.l) (xs: (int * sym) list): sym =
let body = fun (w,x) (yw,y) -> let b = sym_append_bits loc w yw x y in (w + yw,b) in
match xs with
| [] -> Val (VBits empty_bits)
| x::xs -> List.fold_left (sym_append_bits_unsafe loc) x xs
| x::xs -> let (_,r) = List.fold_left body x xs in r

(* Identify the bits in an expression that might be 1.
Represent these as a bitvector with 1s in their position, of width w. *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -572,22 +650,19 @@ let is_insert_mask (b: bitvector): (int * int) option =
let sym_prim_simplify (name: string) (tes: sym list) (es: sym list): sym option =
let loc = Unknown in

let vint_eq cmp = function
| VInt x when Z.equal cmp x -> true
| _ -> false in

let [@warning "-26"] is_zero = vint_eq
and [@warning "-26"] is_one = vint_eq in

(* Utility to overwrite outer[wd:lo] with inner[wd:lo] *)
let insert w outer lo wd inner =
let mid = sym_slice loc inner lo wd in
sym_insert_bits loc (Z.to_int w) outer (sym_of_int lo) (sym_of_int wd) mid in

(match (name, tes, es) with
| ("add_int", _, [Val x1; x2]) when is_zero x1 -> Some x2
| ("add_int", _, [x1; Val x2]) when is_zero x2 -> Some x1
| ("sub_int", _, [x1; Val x2]) when is_zero x2 -> Some x1
| ("add_int", _, [x1; x2]) ->
Some (sym_add_int loc x1 x2)

| ("sub_int", _, [x1; x2]) ->
Some (sym_sub_int loc x1 x2)

| ("mul_int", _, [Val x1; x2]) when is_one x1 -> Some x2
| ("mul_int", _, [x1; Val x2]) when is_one x2 -> Some x1

Expand Down

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