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Init vectors in coverage, fix resulting errors
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ncough committed Jan 17, 2025
1 parent dde3c1d commit da42348
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Showing 8 changed files with 47 additions and 15 deletions.
6 changes: 2 additions & 4 deletions bin/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -74,8 +74,7 @@ let rec process_command (tcenv: TC.Env.t) (cpu: Cpu.cpu) (fname: string) (input0
| [":init"; "globals"] ->
Eval.initializeGlobals cpu.env;
| [":init"; "regs"] ->
let vals = (List.init 64 (fun _ -> Z.of_int64 (Random.int64 Int64.max_int))) in
Eval.initializeRegistersAndMemory cpu.env vals;
Eval.randomRegistersAndMemory cpu.env
| ":enumerate" :: iset :: tail ->
let (start,stop,fname) = (match tail with
| [start;stop;fname] -> (int_of_string start, int_of_string stop, fname)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -110,8 +109,7 @@ let rec process_command (tcenv: TC.Env.t) (cpu: Cpu.cpu) (fname: string) (input0
(* Set up our environments *)
let initEnv = Eval.Env.copy cpu.env in
(* Obtain and set random initial values for _R registers. *)
let vals = (List.init 64 (fun _ -> Z.of_int64 (Random.int64 Int64.max_int))) in
Eval.initializeRegistersAndMemory initEnv vals;
Eval.randomRegistersAndMemory initEnv;
(* Replace remaining VUninitialized with default zero values. *)
Eval.initializeGlobals initEnv;

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3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions bin/
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Expand Up @@ -22,8 +22,7 @@ let op_test_opcode (env: Env.t) (iset: string) (op: int): Env.t opresult =

let initenv = Env.copy env in
Random.self_init ();
let vals = (List.init 64 (fun _ -> Z.of_int64 (Random.int64 Int64.max_int))) in
Eval.initializeRegistersAndMemory initenv vals;
Eval.randomRegistersAndMemory initenv;
Eval.initializeGlobals initenv;

let initenv = Env.freeze initenv in
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24 changes: 21 additions & 3 deletions libASL/
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Expand Up @@ -493,19 +493,37 @@ let initializeGlobals (env: Env.t): unit =
let g = Env.getGlobals env in <- (eval_uninitialized_to_defaults env)

let initializeRegistersAndMemory (env: Env.t) (xs: bigint list): unit =
let initializeRegistersAndMemory (env: Env.t) (regs: bitvector list) (vecs: bitvector list): unit =
let d = VBits {n=64;} in
let vals = List.mapi (fun i v -> (i, VBits {n=64; v})) xs in

let vals = List.mapi (fun i v -> (i, VBits v)) regs in
let arr = List.fold_left
(fun a (k,v) -> ImmutableArray.add k v a)
Env.setVar Unknown env (Ident "_R") (VArray (arr, d));

let vals = List.mapi (fun i v -> (i, VBits v)) vecs in
let arr = List.fold_left
(fun a (k,v) -> ImmutableArray.add k v a)
Env.setVar Unknown env (Ident "_Z") (VArray (arr, d));

(* Init memory *)
let ram = Primops.init_ram (char_of_int 0) in
ram.default <- None;
Env.setVar Unknown env (Ident "__Memory") (VRAM ram)

let randomRegistersAndMemory (env: Env.t): unit =
let rnd n = Primops.({ n ; v = Z.random_bits n }) in
(* Init register array, should be 31 elements, each 64 bits wide *)
let regs = List.init 31 (fun i -> (rnd 64)) in
(* Init vector array, should be 32 elements, each 128 bits wide *)
let vecs = List.init 32 (fun i -> (rnd 128)) in
initializeRegistersAndMemory env regs vecs

let isGlobalConst (env: Env.t) (id: AST.ident): bool =
match Env.getGlobalConst env id with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -811,7 +829,7 @@ and eval_lexpr (loc: l) (env: Env.t) (x: AST.lexpr) (r: value): unit =
| (s :: ss) ->
let (i, w) = eval_slice loc env s in
let v = extract_bits'' loc r o w in
eval (eval_add_int loc o w) ss (insert_bits loc prev i w v)
eval (eval_add_int loc o w) ss (insert_bits'' loc prev i w v)
eval_lexpr_modify loc env l (eval (VInt (List.rev ss))
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14 changes: 13 additions & 1 deletion libASL/
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Expand Up @@ -104,7 +104,9 @@ let prim_round_up_real (x: real): bigint =
Z.add (Q.to_bigint x)

let prim_sqrt_real (x: real): real = failwith "prim_sqrt_real"
(* Can't necessarily represent this as a rational. *)
let prim_sqrt_real (x: real): real =
Q.make (Z.sqrt (Q.num x)) (Z.sqrt (Q.den x))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -213,6 +215,16 @@ let prim_insert (x: bitvector) (i: bigint) (w: bigint) (y: bitvector): bitvector
let y' = Z.shift_left (z_extract y.v 0 w') i' in
mkBits x.n (Z.logor (Z.logand nmsk x.v) (Z.logand msk y'))

let prim_insert_int (x: Z.t) (i: bigint) (w: bigint) (y: bitvector): Z.t =
let i' = Z.to_int i in
let w' = Z.to_int w in
assert (0 <= i');
assert (0 <= w');
assert (w' = y.n);
let msk = (Z.sub (Z.shift_left (i'+w')) (Z.shift_left i')) in
let nmsk = Z.lognot msk in
let y' = Z.shift_left (z_extract y.v 0 w') i' in
(Z.logor (Z.logand nmsk x) (Z.logand msk y'))

(** {2 Mask primops} *)
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions libASL/
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Expand Up @@ -984,6 +984,8 @@ let prims_impure () =
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3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions libASL/
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Expand Up @@ -404,8 +404,7 @@ let op_test_opcode (env: Env.t) (iset: string) (op: int): Env.t opresult =

let initenv = Env.copy env in
Random.self_init ();
let vals = (List.init 64 (fun _ -> Z.of_int64 (Random.int64 Int64.max_int))) in
Eval.initializeRegistersAndMemory initenv vals;
Eval.randomRegistersAndMemory initenv;
Eval.initializeGlobals initenv;

let initenv = Env.freeze initenv in
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7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion libASL/
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Expand Up @@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ let eval_prim (f: string) (tvs: value list) (vs: value list): value option =
| ("round_tozero_real", [ ], [VReal x ]) -> Some (VInt (prim_round_tozero_real x))
| ("round_down_real", [ ], [VReal x ]) -> Some (VInt (prim_round_down_real x))
| ("round_up_real", [ ], [VReal x ]) -> Some (VInt (prim_round_up_real x))
| ("sqrt_real", [ ], [VReal x; VReal y ]) -> Some (VReal (prim_sqrt_real x))
| ("sqrt_real", [ ], [VReal x ]) -> Some (VReal (prim_sqrt_real x))
| ("cvt_int_bits", [_ ], [VInt x; VInt n ]) -> Some (VBits (prim_cvt_int_bits n x))
| ("cvt_bits_sint", [VInt n], [VBits x ]) -> Some (VInt (prim_cvt_bits_sint x))
| ("cvt_bits_uint", [VInt n], [VBits x ]) -> Some (VInt (prim_cvt_bits_uint x))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -425,6 +425,11 @@ let insert_bits (loc: AST.l) (x: value) (i: value) (w: value) (y: value): value
let insert_bits' (loc: AST.l) (x: value) (i: int) (w: int) (y: value): value =
VBits (prim_insert (to_bits loc x) (Z.of_int i) (Z.of_int w) (to_bits loc y))

let insert_bits'' (loc: AST.l) (x: value) (i: value) (w: value) (y: value): value =
(match x with
| VInt(x') -> VInt (prim_insert_int x' (to_integer loc i) (to_integer loc w) (to_bits loc y))
| _ -> insert_bits loc x i w y)

let rec eval_eq (loc: AST.l) (x: value) (y: value): bool =
(match (x, y) with
| (VBool x', VBool y') -> prim_eq_bool x' y'
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3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions tests/
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Expand Up @@ -61,8 +61,7 @@ let test_compare env () : unit =
let initEnv = Eval.Env.copy env in
(* Obtain and set random initial values for _R registers. *)
Random.self_init ();
let vals = (List.init 64 (fun _ -> Z.of_int64 (Random.int64 Int64.max_int))) in
Eval.initializeRegistersAndMemory initEnv vals;
Eval.randomRegistersAndMemory initEnv;
(* Replace remaining VUninitialized with default zero values. *)
Eval.initializeGlobals initEnv;

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