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UCF Degree Search Plugin

Provides utilities for listing and searching against UCF Degrees.


Provides utilities for listing and searching against UCF Degrees. Includes shortcodes for a typeahead, an angular search interface, and a generic list of degrees.


Manual Installation

  1. Upload the plugin files (unzipped) to the /wp-content/plugins directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the "Plugins" screen in WordPress

WP CLI Installation

  1. $ wp plugin install --activate See WP-CLI Docs for more command options.

NOTE: Nesting pages under any page that includes the angular degree search in WordPress is strongly discouraged. Doing so complicates the url routing the angular degree search performs.




  • Added the group_heading, list_classes, list_item_classes and anchor_classes attributes to the ucf-external-degree-list shortcode.


Bug Fixes:

  • Additional fix for the encoding bug regarding the angular search.


Bug Fixes:

  • Corrected bug where the search query was being double encoded before it was set as the input value on the form.



  • Added aria-label to degree-search results
  • Correctly formatted online link


Bug Fixes:

  • Updated routing to redirect hashbang URLs.


Bug Fixes:

  • Ensure trailing slash is present on URLs.



  • Added composer file.


Bug Fix:

  • Fixed bug with pagination



  • Upgraded Angular and updated the degree search


Bug fixes:

  • Fixed redundant/mismatched aria-labels on the angular degree search pagination
  • Moved grouped search result headings out of <ul> containing degree search results in angular degree search
  • Modified markup around angular degree search input to fix invalid usage of role="search" and add type="search" to the text input


  • Replaced usage of wp.a11y.speak() on the angular degree search with addition of aria-live="polite" on existing result count + no result found wrapper elements.
  • Upgraded packages


Bug Fixes:

  • Removed empty UL tags from degree search results.
  • Updated default API URLs



  • Added a new action hook, ucf_degree_search_enqueue_scripts_after, for themes/other plugins to enqueue dependent scripts or perform other actions when degree search js late-enqueues.



  • Added late script enqueueing
  • Updated script handles for enqueued Typeahead and Handlebars scripts for consistency with our other plugins
  • Split out the degree picker asset enqueueing from the [ucf-degree-search] shortcode. The existing ucf-degree-search-common.min.js has been renamed to ucf-degree-picker.min.js, and it and its localization settings have been moved to only enqueue when the [ucf-degree-picker] shortcode is called.
  • Removed some redundant script enqueues.
  • Upgraded packages where possible; added linter configs and Github issue/PR templates

Bug Fixes:

  • Added missing global variable declarations at the top of the angular degree search's app.ts and handlebar-helpers.ts.
  • Added missing jquery script dependencies for the ucf-degree-search-js and ucf-degree-picker-js scripts, and wp-a11y and Handlebars dependencies for ucf-degree-search-angular-js.



  • Added cache-busting to enqueued JS files

Bug Fixes:

  • Added polyfill for URLSearchParams to angularjs app for IE11 compatibility


Bug Fixes:

  • Increased the 'per_page' limit to 30 for the Program results returned in the [ucf-degree-picker].


Bug Fixes:

  • Corrected bug with the [ucf-degree-picker] where the URL was being improperly formed because of a missing trailing slash.



  • Added the [ucf-degree-picker] shortcode which provides a multistep dropdown solution for finding a degree.

Bug Fixes:

  • Updated the way degree typeahead auto initialization works. The script will now look for a specific css class (.degree-search-typeahead) and data attribute (data-degree-search-init), and initialize those objects automatically. If none are found, the .degree-search-typeahead selector is still used by default (for backwards compatibility with theme specific initialization scripts).
  • Updated plugin to use data attributes to override typeahead's result-count and query-params. This removes the need to have the script localized on the fly when the shortcode is processed and cuts down on a number of potential issues - i.e. multiple UCF_DEGREE_SEARCH data objects, values being overridden because of multiple data objects, etc.


Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed warnings thrown when [ucf-degree-search] is used with no params.



  • Added a note to the readme that discourages nesting of pages within WordPress under pages that include the angular degree search. Resolved #58.

Bug Fixes:

  • Updated the default angular_title value to "Degree Search". Resolved #63.
  • Updated the default query_params value to "?search=%q". Resolved #62.
  • Corrected spelling of the $defaults variable under the add_options() function. That misspelling was causing the default values for text fields not to be set after activating the plugin.



  • Added the [ucf-external-degree-list] shortcode, which displays a basic list of degrees from an external source. The feed value set in the "Angular Degree Search Rest API" plugin option is used to fetch external degrees.



  • Adds an additional form_action shortcode attribute. This allows the typeahead to submit a GET request to the action URL placed in the form_action field.
  • Adds dynamic shortcode attributes for adding additional form fields. For example, form_query_1_name="program-types" and form_query_1_value="doctoral" will add a hidden input with a name of "program-types" and a value of "doctoral" to the typeahead form.
  • Updated angular search to use html5Mode, which removes the hashbang format of URLs. Hashbang URLs can, and should, still be used to pass specific filters into a URL.
  • Added functionality for passing various query parameters into a page containing the angular search. The following parameters are now available (some are provided for backward compatibility):
    • colleges, i.e. colleges=arts-humanities
    • college[0], i.e. college[0]=arts-humanities
    • program_types, i.e. program_types=doctoral
    • program-type[0], i.e. program-type[0]=doctoral
    • search, i.e. search=History

Bug Fixes:

  • Forces default of typeahead results to 5, instead of 0.


Bug Fixes:

  • Removed Bloodhound prefetching from the degree search typeahead JS until a more suitable utilization of prefetching is found



  • Added updates for compatibility with UCF-Degree-CPT-Plugin v3.0.0 and the new UCF Search Service



  • Added a filter for each template so that they can be overridden in themes.
  • Added documentation links into the fields for the Handlebars title and heading.



  • Added configuration settings for setting the title and heading templates for the Degree Search angular app.
  • Added the textarea and wysiwyg controls to the config class.
  • Added two custom handlebars helper functions for stripping "degree(s)" and "program(s)" from a program type string (or any string) and to capitalize the first letter of each word within a string.
  • Added hasFilter boolean field and logic to set it whenever input or filters change.
  • Added logic for building title and heading using handlebars. If the handlebars template it not set, the default title and heading will be static.


Bug Fixes

  • Added function to handle character encoding issues.



  • Added an angular degree search. The angular search consists of multiple componenets which can added separately via shortcode for custom layouts.


Bug Fixes:

  • Updated degree suggestion default template to render raw rendered title to help HTML entities display properly.


Bug Fixes:

  • Javascript assets are included on all pages when the option is checked.


Bug Fixes:

  • Updated to force tt-menu to scroll to top when new results are shown.



  • Added queryTokenizer override.
  • Added prepare override.



  • Added a wrapper class for configuring typeahead and bloodound
  • Added configurable options:
    • limit: Sets the number of suggestions to display.
    • transform: Assigns a function to transform the data.
    • identify: Assigns a function to set the identity of each item.
    • displayKey: Assigns a function to return the displayKey.
    • empty: Assigns the template for no results found.
    • suggestion: Assigns the template for each suggestion.
    • footer: Assigns the template for the suggestion footer.
    • datumTokenizer: Assigns the function that sets each data's queriable token array.
    • onSelect: Assigns a function to be run when a suggestion is selected.
  • Added WordPress filters:
    • ucf_degree_search_empty: The markup to display when no results are found.
    • ucf_degree_search_footer: The markup to display in the suggestions footer.


  • Initial Commit

Upgrade Notice


In version 0.6.0, the angular degree search's "hashbang" URLs were replaced with clean URLs, which require usage of the HTML5 History API. Browsers that don't support the HTML5 History API (e.g. IE9 and older) will no longer render the angular degree search correctly.

Installation Requirements

  • typeahead.js with bloodhound v0.11.1+ (Can serve from CDN with plugin option)
  • angular and angular-route v1.6.4+ (Can serve from CDN with plugin option)
  • The angular degree search currently depends on the Athena Framework for default styles.
  • As of v0.6.0, the angular degree search only supports browsers that support the HTML5 History API.

Development & Contributing

NOTE: this plugin's file is automatically generated. Please only make modifications to the readme.txt file, and make sure the gulp readme command has been run before committing readme changes.