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dsweber2 committed Dec 1, 2021
1 parent 086686d commit dd4d79a
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Showing 2 changed files with 59 additions and 60 deletions.
119 changes: 59 additions & 60 deletions src/apply.jl
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Expand Up @@ -19,11 +19,11 @@
assumption is that the sampling rate is 2kHz.
function cwt(Y::AbstractArray{T,N}, cWav::CWT, daughters, fftPlans = 1) where {N, T}
@assert typeof(N)<:Integer
function cwt(Y::AbstractArray{T,N}, cWav::CWT, daughters, fftPlans = 1) where {N,T}
@assert typeof(N) <: Integer
# vectors behave a bit strangely, so we reshape them
if N==1
Y= reshape(Y,(length(Y), 1))
if N == 1
Y = reshape(Y, (length(Y), 1))
n1 = size(Y, 1)

Expand All @@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ function cwt(Y::AbstractArray{T,N}, cWav::CWT, daughters, fftPlans = 1) where {N
x̂, fromPlan = prepSignalAndPlans(x, cWav, fftPlans)
# If the vector isn't long enough to actually have any other scales, just
# return the averaging
if nScales <= 0 || size(daughters,2) == 1
daughters = daughters[:,1:1]
if nScales <= 0 || size(daughters, 2) == 1
daughters = daughters[:, 1:1]
nScales = 1

Expand All @@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ function cwt(Y::AbstractArray{T,N}, cWav::CWT, daughters, fftPlans = 1) where {N
wave = permutedims(wave, [1, ndims(wave), (2:(ndims(wave)-1))...])
ax = axes(wave)
wave = wave[1:n1, ax[2:end]...]
if N==1
wave = dropdims(wave, dims=3)
if N == 1
wave = dropdims(wave, dims = 3)

return wave
Expand All @@ -82,98 +82,98 @@ end
# yes | both | fft
# no | rfft | fft
# Analytic on Real input
function prepSignalAndPlans(x::AbstractArray{T}, cWav::CWT{W,S,WaTy, N, true}, fftPlans) where {T <: Real, W,S,WaTy,N}
function prepSignalAndPlans(x::AbstractArray{T}, cWav::CWT{W,S,WaTy,N,true}, fftPlans) where {T<:Real,W,S,WaTy,N}
# analytic wavelets that are being applied on real inputs
if fftPlans isa Tuple{<:AbstractFFTs.Plan{<:Real}, <:AbstractFFTs.Plan{<:Complex}}
if fftPlans isa Tuple{<:AbstractFFTs.Plan{<:Real},<:AbstractFFTs.Plan{<:Complex}}
# they handed us the right kind of thing, so no need to make new ones
= fftPlans[1] * x
fromPlan = fftPlans[2]
toPlan = plan_rfft(x,1)
toPlan = plan_rfft(x, 1)
= toPlan * x
fromPlan = plan_fft(x,1)
fromPlan = plan_fft(x, 1)
return x̂, fromPlan

# Non-analytic on Real input
function prepSignalAndPlans(x::AbstractArray{T}, cWav::CWT{W,S,WaTy, N, false}, fftPlans) where {T <: Real, W,S,WaTy,N}
function prepSignalAndPlans(x::AbstractArray{T}, cWav::CWT{W,S,WaTy,N,false}, fftPlans) where {T<:Real,W,S,WaTy,N}
# real wavelets that are being applied on real inputs
if fftPlans isa AbstractFFTs.Plan{<:Real}
# they handed us the right kind of thing, so no need to make new ones
= fftPlans * x
fromPlan = fftPlans
fromPlan = plan_rfft(x,1)
fromPlan = plan_rfft(x, 1)
= fromPlan * x
return x̂, fromPlan
# complex input
function prepSignalAndPlans(x::AbstractArray{T}, cWav, fftPlans) where {T <: Complex, W,S,WaTy,N}
function prepSignalAndPlans(x::AbstractArray{T}, cWav, fftPlans) where {T<:Complex}
# real wavelets that are being applied on real inputs
if fftPlans isa AbstractFFTs.Plan{<:Complex}
# they handed us the right kind of thing, so no need to make new ones
= fftPlans * x
fromPlan = fftPlans
fromPlan = plan_fft(x,1)
fromPlan = plan_fft(x, 1)
= fromPlan * x
return x̂, fromPlan

# analytic on real data with an averaging function
function analyticTransformReal!(wave, daughters, x̂, fftPlan, averagingType::Union{Father, Dirac})
function analyticTransformReal!(wave, daughters, x̂, fftPlan, ::Union{Father,Dirac})
outer = axes(x̂)[2:end]
n1 = size(x̂, 1)
isSourceEven = mod(size(wave,1)+1,2)
isSourceEven = mod(size(wave, 1) + 1, 2)
# the averaging function isn't analytic, so we need to do both positive and
# negative frequencies
@views tmpWave =.* daughters[:,1]
@views wave[(n1+1):end, outer..., 1] = reverse(conj.(tmpWave[2:end-isSourceEven, outer...]), dims=1)
@views tmpWave =.* daughters[:, 1]
@views wave[(n1+1):end, outer..., 1] = reverse(conj.(tmpWave[2:end-isSourceEven, outer...]), dims = 1)
@views wave[1:n1, outer..., 1] = tmpWave
@views wave[:, outer..., 1] = fftPlan \ (wave[:, outer..., 1]) # averaging
for j in 2:size(daughters,2)
@views wave[1:n1, outer..., j] =.* daughters[:,j]
for j = 2:size(daughters, 2)
@views wave[1:n1, outer..., j] =.* daughters[:, j]
wave[:, outer..., j] = fftPlan \ (wave[:, outer..., j]) # wavelet transform

# analytic on complex data with an averaging function
function analyticTransformComplex!(wave, daughters, x̂, fftPlan, averagingType::Union{Father, Dirac})
function analyticTransformComplex!(wave, daughters, x̂, fftPlan, ::Union{Father,Dirac})
outer = axes(x̂)[2:end]
n1 = size(daughters, 1)
isSourceEven = mod(size(wave,1)+1,2)
isSourceEven = mod(size(wave, 1) + 1, 2)
# the averaging function isn't analytic, so we need to do both positive and
# negative frequencies
@views positiveFreqs = x̂[1:n1, outer...] .* daughters[:,1]
@views negativeFreqs = x̂[(n1-isSourceEven+1):end, outer...] .* reverse(conj.(daughters[2:end,1]))
@views positiveFreqs = x̂[1:n1, outer...] .* daughters[:, 1]
@views negativeFreqs = x̂[(n1-isSourceEven+1):end, outer...] .* reverse(conj.(daughters[2:end, 1]))
@views wave[(n1-isSourceEven+1):end, outer..., 1] = negativeFreqs
@views wave[1:n1, outer..., 1] = positiveFreqs
@views wave[:, outer..., 1] = fftPlan \ (wave[:, outer..., 1]) # averaging
for j in 2:size(daughters,2)
@views wave[1:n1, outer..., j] = x̂[1:n1, outer...] .* daughters[:,j]
for j = 2:size(daughters, 2)
@views wave[1:n1, outer..., j] = x̂[1:n1, outer...] .* daughters[:, j]
@views wave[:, outer..., j] = fftPlan \ (wave[:, outer..., j]) # wavelet transform

function analyticTransformComplex!(wave, daughters, x̂, fftPlan, averagingType)
outer = axes(x̂)[2:end]
n1 = size(x̂, 1)
for j in 1:size(daughters,2)
@views wave[1:n1, outer..., j] = x̂[1:n1, outer...] .* daughters[:,j]
for j = 1:size(daughters, 2)
@views wave[1:n1, outer..., j] = x̂[1:n1, outer...] .* daughters[:, j]
@views wave[:, outer..., j] = fftPlan \ (wave[:, outer..., j]) # wavelet transform

# analytic on real data without an averaging function
function analyticTransformReal!(wave, daughters, x̂, fftPlan, averagingType::NoAve)
function analyticTransformReal!(wave, daughters, x̂, fftPlan, ::NoAve)
outer = axes(x̂)[2:end]
n1 = size(x̂, 1)
# the no averaging version
for j in 1:size(daughters,2)
wave[1:n1, outer..., j] =.* daughters[:,j]
for j = 1:size(daughters, 2)
wave[1:n1, outer..., j] =.* daughters[:, j]
wave[:, outer..., j] = fftPlan \ (wave[:, outer..., j]) # wavelet transform
Expand All @@ -183,8 +183,8 @@ function otherwiseTransform!(wave::AbstractArray{<:Real}, daughters, x̂, fromPl
# real wavelets on real data: that just makes sense
outer = axes(x̂)[2:end]
n1 = size(x̂, 1)
for j in 1:size(daughters, 2)
@views tmp =.* daughters[:,j]
for j = 1:size(daughters, 2)
@views tmp =.* daughters[:, j]
@views wave[:, outer..., j] = fromPlan \ tmp # wavelet transform
Expand All @@ -195,35 +195,34 @@ function otherwiseTransform!(wave::AbstractArray{<:Complex}, daughters, x̂, fro
outer = axes(x̂)[2:end]
n1 = size(daughters, 1)
isSourceEven = mod(size(fromPlan, 1) + 1, 2)
for j in 1:size(daughters, 2)
@views wave[1:n1, outer..., j] = @views x̂[1:n1,outer...] .* daughters[:,j]
@views wave[n1-isSourceEven+1:end, outer..., j] = x̂[n1-isSourceEven+1:end,outer...] .* reverse(conj.(daughters[2:end,j]))
for j = 1:size(daughters, 2)
@views wave[1:n1, outer..., j] = @views x̂[1:n1, outer...] .* daughters[:, j]
@views wave[n1-isSourceEven+1:end, outer..., j] = x̂[n1-isSourceEven+1:end, outer...] .* reverse(conj.(daughters[2:end, j]))
@views wave[:, outer..., j] = fromPlan \ (wave[:, outer..., j]) # wavelet transform

function reflect(Y, bt)
n1 = size(Y, 1)
if typeof(bt) <: ZPBoundary
base2 = ceil(Int, log2(n1)); # power of 2 nearest to N
x = cat(Y, zeros(2^(base2)-n1, size(Y)[2:end]...), dims=1)
base2 = ceil(Int, log2(n1)) # power of 2 nearest to N
x = cat(Y, zeros(2^(base2) - n1, size(Y)[2:end]...), dims = 1)
elseif typeof(bt) <: SymBoundary
x = cat(Y, reverse(Y,dims = 1), dims = 1)
x = cat(Y, reverse(Y, dims = 1), dims = 1)
x = Y
return x

function cwt(Y::AbstractArray{T}, c::CWT{W}; varArgs...) where {T<:Number, S<:Real, V<: Real,
daughters,ω = computeWavelets(size(Y, 1), c; varArgs...)
function cwt(Y::AbstractArray{T}, c::CWT{W}; varArgs...) where {T<:Number,W<:WaveletBoundary}
daughters, ω = computeWavelets(size(Y, 1), c; varArgs...)
return cwt(Y, c, daughters)

cwt(Y::AbstractArray{T}, w::ContWaveClass; varargs...) where {T<:Number, S<:Real, V<:Real} = cwt(Y,CWT(w); varargs...)
cwt(Y::AbstractArray{T}) where T<:Real = cwt(Y,Morlet())
cwt(Y::AbstractArray{T}, w::ContWaveClass; varargs...) where {T<:Number} = cwt(Y, CWT(w); varargs...)
cwt(Y::AbstractArray{T}) where {T<:Real} = cwt(Y, Morlet())

abstract type InverseType end
struct DualFrames <: InverseType end
Expand All @@ -244,35 +243,35 @@ Return the inverse continuous wavelet transform, computed using the simple dual
Return the inverse continuous wavelet transform, computed using the canonical dual frame ``\\tilde{\\widehat{ψ}} = \\frac{ψ̂_n(ω)}{∑_n\\|ψ̂_n(ω)\\|^2}``. The algorithm is to compute the cwt again, but using the canonical dual frame; consiquentially, it is the most computationally intensive of the three algorithms, and typically the best behaved. Will be numerically unstable if the high frequencies of all of the wavelets are too small however, and tends to fail spectacularly in this case.
function icwt(res::AbstractArray, cWav::CWT, inverseStyle::PenroseDelta)
= computeWavelets(size(res,1), cWav)[1]
function icwt(res::AbstractArray, cWav::CWT, ::PenroseDelta)
= computeWavelets(size(res, 1), cWav)[1]
β = computeDualWeights(Ŵ, cWav)
testDualCoverage(β, Ŵ)
compXRecon = sum(res .* β, dims=2)
imagXRecon = irfft(im*rfft(imag.(compXRecon),1), size(compXRecon,1)) # turns out the dual frame for the imaginary part is rather gross in the time domain
compXRecon = sum(res .* β, dims = 2)
imagXRecon = irfft(im * rfft(imag.(compXRecon), 1), size(compXRecon, 1)) # turns out the dual frame for the imaginary part is rather gross in the time domain
return imagXRecon + real.(compXRecon)

function icwt(res::AbstractArray, cWav::CWT, inverseStyle::NaiveDelta)
= computeWavelets(size(res,1), cWav)[1]
β = computeNaiveDualWeights(Ŵ, cWav, size(res,1))
function icwt(res::AbstractArray, cWav::CWT, ::NaiveDelta)
= computeWavelets(size(res, 1), cWav)[1]
β = computeNaiveDualWeights(Ŵ, cWav, size(res, 1))
testDualCoverage(β, Ŵ)
compXRecon = sum(res .* β, dims=2)
imagXRecon = irfft(im*rfft(imag.(compXRecon),1), size(compXRecon,1)) # turns out the dual frame for the imaginary part is rather gross in the time domain
compXRecon = sum(res .* β, dims = 2)
imagXRecon = irfft(im * rfft(imag.(compXRecon), 1), size(compXRecon, 1)) # turns out the dual frame for the imaginary part is rather gross in the time domain
return imagXRecon + real.(compXRecon)

function icwt(res::AbstractArray, cWav::CWT, inverseStyle::DualFrames)
= computeWavelets(size(res,1), cWav)[1]
function icwt(res::AbstractArray, cWav::CWT, ::DualFrames)
= computeWavelets(size(res, 1), cWav)[1]
canonDualFrames = explicitConstruction(Ŵ)
convolved = cwt(res, cWav, canonDualFrames)
ax = axes(convolved)
@views xRecon = sum(convolved[:,i,i,ax[4:end]...] for i=1:size(Ŵ,2))
@views xRecon = sum(convolved[:, i, i, ax[4:end]...] for i = 1:size(Ŵ, 2))
return xRecon

icwt(Y::AbstractArray, w::ContWaveClass; varargs...) where {S<:Real, T<:Real, V<:Real} = icwt(Y,CWT(w), PenroseDelta(); varargs...)
icwt(Y::AbstractArray; varargs...) = icwt(Y,Morlet(), PenroseDelta(); varargs...)
icwt(Y::AbstractArray, w::ContWaveClass; varargs...) = icwt(Y, CWT(w), PenroseDelta(); varargs...)
icwt(Y::AbstractArray; varargs...) = icwt(Y, Morlet(), PenroseDelta(); varargs...)

# CWT (continuous wavelet transform directly) TODO: direct if sufficiently small
Empty file removed src/averagingTypes.jl
Empty file.

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