Providing apiarists with valuable insights into bee colony health
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During the winter of 2006-2007, some beekeepers in America began to report unusually high losses of 30-90 percent of their hives. Bees are one of the most essential components of modern agriculture as a wide variety of flowering plants, including apples and blueberries, require managed pollinators such as bees to ensure continued production. Colony loss has declined since then but is still a concern as bees are vital to the natural ecosystem and our food systems.
Easy access to data on declining colony health is therefore necessary to maintaining natural ecosystems and food systems. In particular our dashboard will allow users to visualize and explore the number of colonies, the loss trend, and colony stressors in different localities of the United States through a geographic map, a time series plot, and a bar chart.
In the time series plot, the number of colonies of states as it varies over a specified period of time is visualized, and by hovering over a point, the user can get an exact value of the number of colonies at a certain quarter of the year. The user can control the states by choosing options through a dropdown menu and the time period through a slider. For each state specified, a separate time series is visualized in the plot.
In the bar chart, the percentage of colonies being affected by different types of colony stressors in specified states, in a specified period of time is visualized. By hovering over the bar chart, the user can obtain the exact percentage of colonies being affected by a certain stressor type in a state. Using the same dropdown menu as the time series plot the user can control the states that are visualized, and with the same dropdown menu as the geographic map, the user can specify the time period that is visualized.
In the geographic map of the United States of America, the user is be able to adjust the time period (measured by quarters of a year) that they are looking at by using a dropdown menu. By hovering over a state, the user can obtain the maximum number of colonies for that time period, as well as the colony loss percentage, measured as the number of lost colonies divided by the maximum number of colonies in that time period.
Please refer to our proposal for more information.
The founders of the Bee Colony Dashboard, Daniel King, Manju Neervaram Abhinandana Kumar, Qingqing Song, and Tianwei Wang, are Masters of Data Science students at the University of British Columbia.
If you find a bug or have thought of a way in which our project can improve please refer to our contributing guidelines. We welcome and recognize all contributions! In addition, if you join us in this project we ask that you follow our code of conduct.
was created by Daniel King, Manju Neervaram Abhinandana Kumar, Qingqing Song, and Tianwei Wang. It is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
If you cannot open the app online for some reason, you can also run our app using Docker by running the following commands from the command line after cloning the repo:
cd Bee_Colony_Dashboard
docker-compose up
Finally, open the app in the following URL: http://localhost:8000/
Thank you again for showing interest in our project! We hope that you found what you were looking for. Feel free to give us suggestions on how we can improve or any other thoughts on the project.