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Offensive MSSQL toolkit written in Python, based off SQLRecon


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PySQLRecon is a Python port of the awesome SQLRecon project by @sanjivkawa. See the commands section for a list of capabilities.

Post demonstrating SCCM TAKEOVER-1 with PySQLRecon.


PySQLRecon can be installed with pip3 install pysqlrecon or by cloning this repository and running pip3 install .


All of the main modules from SQLRecon have equivalent commands. Commands noted with [PRIV] require elevated privileges or sysadmin rights to run. Alternatively, commands marked with [NORM] can likely be run by normal users and do not require elevated privileges.

Support for impersonation ([I]) or execution on linked servers ([L]) are denoted at the end of the command description.

adsi                 [PRIV] Obtain ADSI creds from ADSI linked server [I,L]
agentcmd             [PRIV] Execute a system command using agent jobs [I,L]
agentstatus          [PRIV] Enumerate SQL agent status and jobs [I,L]
checkrpc             [NORM] Enumerate RPC status of linked servers [I,L]
clr                  [PRIV] Load and execute .NET assembly in a stored procedure [I,L]
columns              [NORM] Enumerate columns within a table [I,L]
databases            [NORM] Enumerate databases on a server [I,L]
disableclr           [PRIV] Disable CLR integration [I,L]
disableole           [PRIV] Disable OLE automation procedures [I,L]
disablerpc           [PRIV] Disable RPC and RPC Out on linked server [I]
disablexp            [PRIV] Disable xp_cmdshell [I,L]
enableclr            [PRIV] Enable CLR integration [I,L]
enableole            [PRIV] Enable OLE automation procedures [I,L]
enablerpc            [PRIV] Enable RPC and RPC Out on linked server [I]
enablexp             [PRIV] Enable xp_cmdshell [I,L]
impersonate          [NORM] Enumerate users that can be impersonated
info                 [NORM] Gather information about the SQL server
links                [NORM] Enumerate linked servers [I,L]
olecmd               [PRIV] Execute a system command using OLE automation procedures [I,L]
query                [NORM] Execute a custom SQL query [I,L]
rows                 [NORM] Get the count of rows in a table [I,L]
sample               [NORM] Query a sample of table data [I,L]
sccm                 [SUBM] Submodule for SCCM specific commands   
search               [NORM] Search a table for a column name [I,L]
smb                  [NORM] Coerce NetNTLM auth via xp_dirtree [I,L]
tables               [NORM] Enumerate tables within a database [I,L]
users                [NORM] Enumerate users with database access [I,L]
whoami               [NORM] Gather logged in user, mapped user and roles [I,L]
xpcmd                [PRIV] Execute a system command using xp_cmdshell [I,L]     

SCCM Commands

SCCM commands can be found by running pysqlrecon [OPTIONS] sccm -h (required global flags will need to be specified for this to work - see usage)

addadmin             [PRIV] Elevate an account to Full Administrator [I]
credentials          [NORM] Display encrypted credentials [I]
logons               [NORM] Display SCCM clients and last logged on user [I]
removeadmin          [PRIV] Remove elevated account or elevated privileges [I]
sites                [NORM] Gather SCCM site info [I]
taskdata             [NORM] Decrypt task sequences [I]
tasklist             [NORM] Display task sequences [I]
users                [NORM] Enumerate SCCM users [I]   


PySQLRecon has global options (available to any command), with some commands introducing additional flags. All global options must be specified before the command name:


View global options:

pysqlrecon --help

View command specific options:

pysqlrecon [GLOBAL_OPTS] COMMAND --help

Change the database authenticated to, or used in certain PySQLRecon commands (query, tables, columns rows), with the --database flag.

Target execution of a PySQLRecon command on a linked server (instead of the SQL server being authenticated to) using the --link flag.

Impersonate a user account while running a PySQLRecon command with the --impersonate flag.

--link and --impersonate are incompatible.

Usage with ntlmrelayx

PySQLRecon can be used with proxychains to take advantage of relayed authentication targeting a mssql:// service. Due to the way ntlmrelayx sessions work, the --database parameter will not be respected when running PySQLRecon (the relay session will always be connected to the master database). This can come into play especially when using SCCM modules, which require the site database to be sepecified. To fix this, first change the database context using the query module (this will persist across any subsequent PySQLRecon usage, with the same relay session). Example:

proxychains4 pysqlrecon -t <target> -d <DOMAIN> -u <username> -p FAKE query --query 'use new_db_name'

You can now run modules/queries that target resources within that specifc database, even without specifying --database, from the same ntlmrelayx session.


pysqlrecon uses Poetry to manage dependencies. Install from source and setup for development with:

git clone
cd pysqlrecon
poetry install
poetry run pysqlrecon --help

Adding a Command

PySQLRecon is easily extensible - see the template and instructions in resources


  • Add SQLRecon SCCM commands
  • Add Azure SQL DB support?

References and Credits


Offensive MSSQL toolkit written in Python, based off SQLRecon







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