docker-pathfinder is a docker-compose setup that contains a hassle free out of the box setup for Pathfinder, a wormhole mapping tool for Eve-Online.
- Setup Scripts for most initial stuff
- Password Protection of the setup page
- Socket Server running out of the box
- Redis 6.0.9
- php 7.4
- nginx 1.18
- Automatic Restart in-case of crash
- Traefik labels for easy Reverse-Proxy usage out of the box
- docker
- docker-compose
- A Reverse-Proxy sitting infront of this for forwarding everything to port 80.
git clone --recurse-submodules
- Copy .env_sample to .env and fill out
# Rename this file to .env
path="." #works as long as you start docker-compose from this directory. Otherwise put in your absolute path.
DOMAIN="<put your domain in here>" #the FQDN you want to access pathfinder
SETUP_USER="<user for the setup page>" #user for the setup page
SETUP_PASSWORD="<password for the setup page>" # password for the setup page
MYSQL_PASSWORD="<random mysql password>" # password for the database
# Get your API Key from
# Do NOT forget to put the correct Callback URL in (https://<yourdomain>/sso/callbackAuthorization)
(Optional) Check Traefik labels. If you are using traefik, check entrypoints (http, https), (proxy) and certresolver (http) with your setup.
(Optional) Finetune redis, nginx, php. The config files used in the build process are located in the /static folder. So if you wanna tweak something, do it in there before you go to the next step, as these get pulled into the image and if you change it later, you have todo another build run.
Build and Run it
docker-compose build && docker-compose up -d
Create Datebases. Open the https://< your-domain >/setup page. Your username and password from .env. Click on create database for eve_universe and pathfinder. And click on setup tables && fix column/keys for both databases.
Import Eve-Universe Database
- That's it! Enjoy your Pathfinder docker stack!
If you want to change settings inside the image at a later point in time, simply edit the files in /static and run
docker-compose build --no-cache && docker-compose up -d
afterwards. I exposed the /backup path as volume, so I can backup my sql dump from inside. If you want to do that as well, run the following outside prior to your backup run.
docker exec pf-db sh -c "mysqldump -u root -p<your db password from .env> \
--add-drop-database --databases pf >/backup/pathfinder.sql"
You can now change/add settings inside /conf and these will override what is in /app.
If you do not want to overwrite already made changes in your /config use this instead.
- exodus4d for pathfinder
- techfreak for initial pointers from his version
- People from the Pathfinder Slack community for helping out
- tupsi
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details