Crawl poster and mp4 from 1993s----从「在线之家」爬电影封面和视频
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- High Speed HTTP/HTTPS file downloader
- Multi-threaded fetch multiple URLs
- Easy use
- Server Version is coming....
- Dockerfile is under development...
windows, mac, linux(nstable)全平台支持
git clone
cd 1993s && pip install -r requirements.txt
brew install phantomjs
cd 1993s && pip install -r requirements.txt
python run movie_poster
- 待程序运行完毕,会在movie_poster文件夹下download五页120个电影封面图,对应名称为:电影名_URL.jpg,如"蚁人2:黄蜂女现身_1567.jpg"
- 把URL放到download.txt里,运行
python run mp4
, 在movie文件夹可看到下载好的该电影MP4文件 python run show_poster
- 待程序运行完毕,会在show_poster文件夹下download五页120个美剧封面图,对应名称为:美剧名_URL.jpg,如"少年谢尔顿第二季_1528.jpg"
- 把URL放到download.txt里,运行
python run mp4
, 在show文件夹可看到下载好的该美剧全集MP4文件
- @Pyflit is a simple Python HTTP downloader that support multi-thread downloading and multi-segment file downloading.
- @Pornhub is a crawler that crawl webm and mp4
- @selenium is a browser automation framework and ecosystem.
- @PhantomJS is a headless web browser scriptable with JavaScript. It runs on Windows, macOS, Linux, and FreeBSD.
- multi-threaded fetch multiple URLs
- multi-segment file fetch
- gzip/deflate/bzip2 compression supporting
- a simple progress-bar
- download pause and resume
- proxy supporting
- crawl webm and mp4
- A browser automation framework and ecosystem.
- PhantomJS is a headless web browser scriptable with JavaScript. It runs on Windows, macOS, Linux, and FreeBSD.