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Julian Steinwachs edited this page Jun 25, 2014 · 4 revisions

Modes in General

The MODE parameter sets work flow of SAENO and therefore in which sequence the individual Modules are run. Every module has its own set of parameters. The choice of the MODE paremeter depends on your use case.

  • If the MODE parameter is set to "regularization", SAENO performs unconstrained force reconstruction. The input can either be a pair of image stacks, from which SAENO extracts the local displacement field, or you can give SAENO also a set of diplacements directly.

  • If the MODE parameter is set to "relaxation", SAENO minimizes the strain energy under the constraint of a given boundary condition.

  • If the MODE parameter is set to "computation", SAENO computes mechanical observables (such as forces, stress and local stiffness) from a given deformation field, without prior regularization.

  • If the MODE parameter is set to "none", SAENO does reconstruct the local displacement field from a stack of images (as in regularization mode), but does not compute anything further.

In the follwing these four different modes are explained in more detail.


If the MODE parameter is set to "regularization", SAENO performs unconstrained force reconstruction. The input can either be a pair of image stacks, from which SAENO extracts the local displacement field, or you can give SAENO also a set of diplacements directly.

SAENO starts by executing the modules loadParameters and buildBeams in order to initialize its parameters and prepare the material model.

If you chose the regularization mode, you have to set two more parameter to fully define the work flow of SAENO.

The BOXMESH parameter is either "1" for true, or "0" for false. If set to "1" SAENO will generate a regulrat cubic tetrahedral mesh by running the makeBoxmesh Module. If BOXMESH is set ot "0" SAENO will instead load a tetrahedral mesh by running loadMesh.

The FIBERPATTERNMATCHING parameter is also either "1" or "0". If set to "1" SAENO will load in two image stacks and run a stage drift correction by running loadStacks. Then it will extract the local displacement for every node of the mesh that is inside the stacks by running the module extractDeformations. If FIBERPATTERNMATCHING is set to "0" SAENO will instead load in a set of nodal displacements by running loadDeformations

After loading a tretrahedral mesh as well as a set of nodal displacements SAENO executes the unconstrained force reconstruction which is contained in the regularizeDeformations module. Finally it goes on the save the results to disk (saveResults)

The following flow chart illustrates the work flow just described


If the MODE parameter is set to "relaxation", SAENO minimizes the strain energy under the constraint of a given boundary condition.

SAENO starts by executing the modules loadParameters and buildBeams in order to initialize its parameters and prepare the material model.

If you chose the relaxation mode, you have to also set the BOXMESH parameter to fully define the work flow of SAENO.

The BOXMESH parameter is either "1" for true, or "0" for false. If set to "1" SAENO will generate a regular cubic tetrahedral mesh by running the makeBoxmesh Module. If BOXMESH is set ot "0" SAENO will instead load a tetrahedral mesh by running loadMesh.



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