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Julian Steinwachs edited this page Jun 25, 2014 · 4 revisions

The program looks for the files COORDS and TETS inside the DATAIN directory.

name type default explanation
DATAIN string empty Directory containing COORDS and TETS file
TETS string coords.dat Name of coords file.
COORDS string tets.dat Name of tets file.

The COORDS file (asci format) is structured as follows: Every line describes the postion of one node. Every line has 3 entries, which are sperated by white space. The three columns are read in as the x,y and z values of the nodes in meters.

The TETS file (asci format) is strucutred as follows: Every line describes which nodes form a tetrahedron. Every line therefore has 4 integer entries seperated by a blank key. The integers refer to the row of the corresponding node in the coords file. The row counting starts with 1 (not with 0). The list of nodes of every tetrahedron must be right-handed. This means that the nodes 2, 3 and 4 are arranged clockwise, when seen from node 1. NOTICE FOR DEVELOPERS: inside the SAENO program the index of the nodes start with 0 (C++ standard).

The following blocks show the content of the COORDS and TETS file for a mesh in the shape of an cubic box of size 1m^3 filled with 5 tetrahedra.

content of COORDS file:

  0 0 0
  0 1 0
  1 1 0
  1 0 0
  0 0 1
  1 0 1
  1 1 1
  0 1 1

content of TETS file:

  1 2 8 3
  1 3 6 4
  1 5 6 8
  3 6 7 8
  1 8 6 3

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