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Julian Steinwachs edited this page Jun 25, 2014 · 5 revisions

The program generates an isotropic distribution of unit vectors representing the beam orientations inside the tretraherda of the mesh, and tablizes the potential funtion of the fibers and its derivatives.

name type default explanation
BEAMS integer 300 Size of isotropic set of unit vectors for the computation of forces and stiffness.
EPSMAX float 4.0 Maximal tabelized value of stretch for the potential function of the fibers
EPSSTEP float 0.0001 Tabelization step of potential function
K_0 float 1.0 initial stiffness parameter of potential function in Pascal
D_0 float 10000 Buckling coefficient parameter of potential function
L_S float 0.0 Onset of strain stiffening parameter of potential function
D_S float 10000 Strain stiffening coefficient parameter of potential function
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