This is a work in progress.
This repository represents the current thoughts on how to configure an election for VoteTracker+. See the VoteTrackerPlus repository for more information. The VoteTracker+ repo is included as a git submodule by this repo.
Make sure there is a compatible python environment - any reasonable python framework can be used. See VoteTrackerPlus/src/vtp/ for creating either a conda or poetry environment.
All the necessary git repos can be cloned via the following playbook which leverages poetry to manage the python environment. See VoteTrackerPlus/_tools/build/ for more information on installing poetry.
# Clone the VTP-dev-env repo, not this repo (https example)
$ git clone
# Run the makefile there, which will pull this and the other repos of interest
# as git submodules of the VTP-dev-env repo.
$ cd VTP-dev-env
$ make main
# Using poetry perform a local install of VoteTracker+
$ cd VoteTrackerPlus
$ make poetry-build
# To setup a mock demo election using this (ElectionData) repo:
$ cd ../VTP-mock-election.US.14
$ setup-vtp-demo
(the VTP-dev-env repo holds the VTP development environment)