Originally forked from truffle-box/metacoin.
If you don't have Node on your Mac/Linux computer, install it using preferably NVM. On Linux/Mac you can run
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.35.1/install.sh | bash
after open a new terminal and install the version of Node you prefer, for example the stable v10:
nvm install lts/dubnium
On Windows, you can install Nvm following the instructions at
In any case, when you have Node installed, install TronBox globally:
npm i -g tronbox
Network configuration is required by TronBox. In our case we use Tron Quickstart for local testing, and TroGrid for as testnet. In the following example, we assume you are using TronQuickstart as local testnet, and you connect to Shasta testnet.
module.exports = {
networks: {
development: {
// For trontools/quickstart docker image
privateKey: 'da146374a75310b9666e834ee4ad0866d6f4035967bfc76217c5a495fff9f0d0',
consume_user_resource_percent: 0,
fee_limit: 100000000,
fullHost: "",
network_id: "9090"
shasta: {
// Shasta testet
privateKey: process.env.PRIVATE_KEY_SHASTA,
consume_user_resource_percent: 50,
fee_limit: 100000000,
fullHost: "https://api.shasta.trongrid.io",
network_id: "2"
In order to run the dApp you don't have to change anything in the tronbox.js
tronbox migrate
by default will use the development
network that is set to use Tron Quickstart. In order to test the smart contracts and deploy them you must install Tron Quickstart.
Run Tron Quickstart:
docker run -it --rm -p 9090:9090 --name tron trontools/quickstart
tronbox compile
tronbox migrate --reset
tronbox test
You need an account with some Shasta TRX.
If you don't have a Tron wallet, install the Chrome Extension version of TronLink, from https://www.tronlink.org/ and create an account.
Click the TronLink extension, click on Settings and Node Manage and select Shasta.
If you don't have any Shasta TRX, open https://www.trongrid.io/faucet and require some Shasta TRX at the bottom of the page.
Add a file called
in the root of this repo and edit it, adding a line with your Private Key, somethink like:
export PRIVATE_KEY_SHASTA=0122194812081292938435739857438538457349573485358345345934583554
and save it. You can find an example in sample-env
- Set the dApp. The dApp needs to know the address where the MetaCoin contract has been deployed. We have put in the box a special script:
npm run setup-dapp
It will execute the migration, retrieve the contract address and save it in the file src/js/metacoin-config.js
. This won't work if does not find the .env
- Run the dApp:
npm run dev
It automatically will open the dApp in the default browser.
- Enjoy your working Tron dApp!
If you have questions, drop me a line at [email protected]