This is Version 2 of Auto Filter Bot
Bot simply search for the files from provided channel according to given query and gives link to those files as buttons!
Add bot to your group with admin rights.
Add bot to all channels which you want to link with all admin rights!
(You need to be a Auth User in order to use these commands)
- /add channelid - Links channel to your group. or
- /add @channelusername - Links channel to your group.
NOTE : You can get your channel ID from @ChannelidHEXbot
- /del channelid - Delinks channel from group or
- /del @channelusername - Delinks channel from group
NOTE : You can get connected channel details by /filterstats
/delall - Removes all connected channels and filters from group!
/filterstats - Check connected channels and number of filters.
Click here to see tutorial video
Thanks to InfotelGroup and Erich Daniken for the video
Any bugs or errors or suggestions, report at TroJanzSupport
git clone
cd Auto-Filter-Bot-V2
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
# <Create appropriately>
TG_BOT_TOKEN - Get bot token from @BotFather
APP_ID - From (or @UseTGXBot)
API_HASH - From (or @UseTGXBot)
TG_USER_SESSION - A pyrogram user session string. Generate by clicking here
AUTH_USERS - ID of users that can use the bot commands. Get from MissRose Bot by using /id command
DATABASE_URI - Mongo Database URL from
DATABASE_NAME - Your database name from mongoDB. Default will be 'Cluster0'
DOC_SEARCH - Should bot search for document files ( Give 'yes' or 'no' )
VID_SEARCH - Should bot search for video files ( Give 'yes' or 'no' )
MUSIC_SEARCH - Should bot search for music files ( Give 'yes' or 'no' )
And as always, SpEcHlDe