This is a BBCode parser and HTML generator implemented in pure TypeScript.
import { generateHtml } from 'bbcode-compiler'
// <strong>Hello World</strong>
const html = generateHtml('[b]Hello World[/b]')
import { generateHtml, getTagImmediateText, htmlTransforms, getWidthHeightAttr } from 'bbcode-compiler'
const customTransforms: typeof htmlTransforms = [
// Default tags included with this package
// You can override a default tag by including it after the original in the transforms array
name: 'b',
start: () => '<b>',
end: () => '</b>',
// Create new tag
// You should read the TypeScript interface for TagNode in src/parser/AstNode.ts
// You can also use the included helper functions like getTagImmediateText and getWidthHeightAttr
name: 'youtube',
skipChildren: true, // Do not actually render the "" text
start: (tagNode) => {
const src = getTagImmediateText(tagNode)
if (!src) {
return false
const matches = /\/watch\?v=(\w+)/.exec(src)
if (!matches) {
return false
const videoId = matches[1]
const { width, height } = getWidthHeightAttr(tagNode)
return `
width="${width ?? 560}"
height="${height ?? 315}"
title="YouTube Video Player"
allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture"
// <iframe
// width="560"
// height="315"
// src=""
// title="YouTube Video Player"
// frameborder="0"
// allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture"
// allowfullscreen
// ></iframe>
const html = generateHtml('[youtube][/youtube]', customTransforms)