Python Library Management System Create a class called Book to represent a book. Each book has the following attributes: ISBN number, title, authors (can be more than one), publisher, publication date and price. The class should provide the following methods:
- Get the book details from the user (using input commands).
- str() method that returns all the information about the book. In addition, create a class called Library. A library stores a collection of books and has the following operations:
- Add a book to the library. This method should take O(1) time.
- Remove a book from the library. This method should take O(1) time.
- Display all the books in the library.
- Search for a specific book by its ISBN. This method should take O(1) time.
- Search for books written by a specific author.
- Search for books that cost less than a specific price. In the main script, display a menu to the user that will allow them to choose any of the above operations (add a book, remove a book, etc.).