In this project, we will be using the bash script make-nft.bash to mint NFTs fast and easy without requiring the Plutus Application Backend (PAB).
This script creates the validation keys and addresses, and passes the parameters through haskell/plutus validation to create a minting policy. It then takes the plutus policy from the validation and submits the results to the cardano-cli. The plutus policy ensures only 1 token is minted. If there are attempts from a bad actor to alter the off-chain code, the transaction will fail. Time deadlines are not needed for this implementation.
In order to run the bash script, two dependencies are needed:
nix needs to be installed in order run nix-shell in the main git repo. Running nix-shell in this repo now includes cardano-node and cardano-cli, so they are not needed for installation.
the cardano node must be fully synced
If you are in the Plutus Pioneer Program, these should already be installed. If not, follow along the next two subsections for the how to installation.
First, Open up the terminal to get started. We will first install the necessary dependencies first for a fresh copy of Linux.
We need to install Nix and get it configured properly to use IOG’s caches. In this guide we will be doing a single user install. Before we can install Nix, we need to make sure the version of Linux you are using has both curl and git installed. First run:
- Directory:
sudo sh -c 'apt update && apt install curl'
Now that curl is installed, we can install git. Run:
- Directory:
sudo apt-get install git
We can now install Nix single user install. Run:
- Directory:
sh <(curl -L --no-daemon
Now to finish, we need to set the environment with the following command notice from above.
Very important here to replace totinj
with your current Linux user!!
- Directory:
. /home/totinj/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/
We now need to add Input Outputs caches to greatly speed up the building process. Without this step, you might be running nix-shell for days rather than minutes! This can be found here: IOG Binaries. Let’s create a new config file that has the associated IOG links. Run:
- Directory:
mkdir ~/.config/nix
echo 'substituters =' >> ~/.config/nix/nix.conf
echo 'trusted-public-keys =' >> ~/.config/nix/nix.conf
This part should now be completed.
By default, nix-shell includes the cardano-node and the cardano-cli. Therefore, we need to run nix-shell then sync the node. If you currently do not have a node running, follow along to get the helper scripts to sync the cardano node:
First, let’s clone this cnode repo that already contains the sync scripts and config files:
- Directory:
git clone
Head to the cnode directory to update the configuration files from IOHK:
- Directory:
chmod +x
sudo ./
Next, let's clone this repo:
- Directory:
git clone
Head to the cardano-alonzo-nft-creator main directory, and you can now run nix-shell. Run nix-shell:
- Directory:
If this is run for the first time, it will take some time to build (30min + for a non-workstation computer).
While in nix-shell, head to the main cnode directory inside the cnode repo that we just cloned earlier:
- Directory:
These next two scripts are used to download either the testnet or the mainnet for the Cardano Blockchain. You must either be in nix-shell, or have the necessary dependencies to run cardano-node.
Here, you can now sync either the mainnet or testnet using the scripts:
- Directory:
- Directory:
First, make sure your cardano-node is running and fully synced.
Also, make note of the location node.socket file for your node; you will need the directory location of it when you start the script.
Alternatively, in the you can instead include the path there and then run .
to declare it as an environment variable.
Second, make sure you have already cloned this repo.
Clone this repo by:
- Directory:
git clone
Head to the cardano-alonzo-nft-creator main directory, and you can now run nix-shell. Run nix-shell:
- Directory:
Now, while in nix-shell, update cabal and build the project:
- Directory:
cabal update
- Directory:
cabal build
If successful, you should see the output:
Build profile: -w ghc- -O1
In order, the following will be built (use -v for more details):
- cardano-alonzo-nft-creator- (lib) (file src/Utils.hs changed)
- cardano-alonzo-nft-creator- (exe:token-policy) (dependency rebuilt)
- cardano-alonzo-nft-creator- (exe:token-name) (dependency rebuilt)
Preprocessing library for cardano-alonzo-nft-creator-
Building library for cardano-alonzo-nft-creator-
[2 of 2] Compiling Utils ( src/Utils.hs, /home/totinj/DriveTwo/cardano/git/cardano-alonzo-nft-creator/dist-newstyle/build/x86_64-linux/ghc-, /home/totinj/DriveTwo/cardano/git/cardano-alonzo-nft-creator/dist-newstyle/build/x86_64-linux/ghc- )
Preprocessing executable 'token-policy' for cardano-alonzo-nft-creator-
Building executable 'token-policy' for cardano-alonzo-nft-creator-
Preprocessing executable 'token-name' for cardano-alonzo-nft-creator-
Building executable 'token-name' for cardano-alonzo-nft-creator-
Make sure we have executable permissions for the bash script:
- Directory:
chmod +x make-nft.bash
We are now ready to start using the NFT maker! To start the script, in this directory run:
- Directory:
- Directory:
Welcome to the Cardano Alonzo NFT Creator!
cardano-node socket location detected at: /home/totinj/DriveTwo/cardano/cnode/sockets/node0.socket
Which Cardano network will you be using?
1) mainnet
2) testnet
#? 2
You chose: --testnet-magic 1097911063
Enter of the NFT name you want to create (no spaces or special characters allowed) : IOHK
Do you want to add additional metadata to this NFT (ex Description, IPFS link)?
1) Skip additional metadata
2) Add more metadata
#? 2
Enter the description of your NFT (ex This is my first NFT thanks to the Cardano foundation):
Special IOHK token for unique goal
Enter the IPFS hash from for the NFT (ex QmRhTTbUrPYEw3mJGGhQqQST9k86v1DPBiTTWJGKDJsVFw):
The number of tokens that will be minted is: 1
Generating payment.vkey and payment.skey files
Generating payment address into payment.addr
You are currently set up on the --testnet-magic 1097911063
payment address = addr_test1vpggyzeqrc5rmwa98lk728920xj79f4pshtvr9rc3pcwpwgchsae9
Fund this address with ADA to get started.
Once this address is funded, press enter to continue
Fund the address from either another wallet or the faucet (if you are on the testnet)
TxHash TxIx Amount
The following utxos have been found. Query the address again?
1) Query address again
2) Continue to mint
#? 1
TxHash TxIx Amount
c333dd410bb7b7b4a124e6ee7383ca6df7fe0b76e275347c9180f0c1845bfd82 0 1000000000 lovelace + TxOutDatumNone
The following utxos have been found. Query the address again?
1) Query address again
2) Continue to mint
#? 2
Which utxo would you like to use (enter number selection)?
1) c333dd410bb7b7b4a124e6ee7383ca6df7fe0b76e275347c9180f0c1845bfd82#0
#? 1
Do you want the NFT minted in this address, or have it transferred to another address?
1) Keep the NFT in this address
2) Transfer the NFT to a recipient address
#? 2
Enter the recipient address you want to send to (no spaces or special characters allowed):
Do you want the left over ADA (extra change) be sent to the recipient as well?
1) Keep remaining ADA in this address
2) Transfer remaining ADA to the recipient with the NFT
#? 2
Generating protocol parameters into protocol.json
Generating unit.json
Generating NFT policy
Token Name : IOHK
Token Name Hex : 494f484b
Token Name Description : Special IOHK token for unique goal
Image IPFS Hash : QmRhTTbUrPYEw3mJGGhQqQST45Sd2dSAS
Tokens Minted : 1
UTXO : c333dd410bb7b7b4a124e6ee7383ca6df7fe0b76e275347c9180f0c1845bfd82#0
Address : addr_test1vpggyzeqrc5rmwa98lk728920xj79f4pshtvr9rc3pcwpwgchsae9
Recipient NFT Address: addr_test1qp080kw89tmt5jmp3m54qnu5edxfjyh966ylezf0e2syzcw7h0jw8jsptmz6zgv45kzmhf9gn6l75t0xjkz6rlt69qzqffjzds
Policy Id : c972ebee7efd168b6bded450213b5eeb03021a96032eeee3f38e2890
v : 1 c972ebee7efd168b6bded450213b5eeb03021a96032eeee3f38e2890.494f484b
Policy File Directory : policy/token.plutus
Estimated transaction fee: Lovelace 348460
Transaction successfully submitted.
Transaction has been submitted, press enter to query the local address
Local Address: addr_test1vpggyzeqrc5rmwa98lk728920xj79f4pshtvr9rc3pcwpwgchsae9
TxHash TxIx Amount
Recipient Address: addr_test1qp080kw89tmt5jmp3m54qnu5edxfjyh966ylezf0e2syzcw7h0jw8jsptmz6zgv45kzmhf9gn6l75t0xjkz6rlt69qzqffjzds
TxHash TxIx Amount
bf5571cf9caddb3f9be3b4328f7f0815e86009d4c37c878630ded99e0556dbd8 0 998151540 lovelace + TxOutDatumNone
bf5571cf9caddb3f9be3b4328f7f0815e86009d4c37c878630ded99e0556dbd8 1 1500000 lovelace + 1 c972ebee7efd168b6bded450213b5eeb03021a96032eeee3f38e2890.494f484b + TxOutDatumNone
The following utxos have been found. What would you like to do?
1) Query addresses again
2) Exit
#? 2