LibQTip is designed replace GameTooltip - but with added functionality, such as multiple columns - from a minimalist design perspective.
- Ability to display and handle multiple tooltips at the same time,
- Unlimited number of columns and lines,
- Column default and per cell justification,
- Tooltip default and per cell font setting,
- Colspans,
- Possibility to add custom cells,
- Optional scrollbar,
- Optional scripts for lines, columns, or cells,
- Optional automatic hiding,
- Frames and tables recycling to reduce resource footprint.
Look here for information on embedding the latest beta/release.
In order to achieve effective frame recycling, tooltips must be released.
Holding a tooltip leads to the creation of a full set of frames for every AddOn which does not follow this practice. Moreover, releasing a tooltip has a very little overhead compared to its benefits.
Alignment may be altered when using :SetScale after filling the tooltip.