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Tooloop Packages

This repository contains presentations and addons, that come bundled with Tooloop OS. It’s also a great place to get information on how to build your own package.

Package format

Tooloop Packages are ZIP files, wrapping a Debian package and additional images, that are displayed in the app center:
├─ <package-name>_v.v.v_aaa.deb (mandatory)
└─ media/
   ├─ <preview_image>.jpg (mandatory)
   ├─ <optional-image>.png
   ├─ <optional-image>.jpg
   └─ ...

The Debian package

This is the folder structure:

├─ media/ (your image files)
│  ├─ some-image.jpg
│  └─ ...
package/ (the Debian package)
│  ├─ control (mandatory)
│  ├─ postinst (optional)
│  ├─ postrm (optional)
│  └─ ...
└─ assets/
    ├─ presentation/
    │  ├─
    │  ├─
    │  ├─ (mandatory)
    │  ├─ (mandatory)
    │  └─ ...
    └─ data/
        └─ ...

The /DEBIAN folder contains the package information and some control files. All other folders are simply copied to disk for you.

The DEBIAN/control file

This file contains all the information about your package. It’s used to display information in the app center.

Package: my-app
# Use semantic versioning
Version: 1.0.0
Maintainer: Tooloop Multimedia
# One of "tooloop/presentation", "tooloop/addon"
Section: tooloop/presentation
Architecture: amd64
Depends: tooloop-transparent-cursor
# App name shown in the app center.
Name: My App
# The thumbnail shown in the app center
Thumbnail: my-app-thumbnail.jpg
# The media files, shown in the detail view of the package
# can be JPGs and PNGs
Media: my-app-image1.jpg, my-app-image2.png
# First line is the short description shown in the app center.
# All following lines are used as detailed description.
Description: A simple example, how to make a processing app
 Longer description, indented by one space
 empty lines have just a single point
 *Markdown* _is_ ok
 ends with one additional line break


You can add scripts in DEBIAN to further customize installation:

script when
preinst before installation
postinst after installation
prerm before removal
postrm after removal

Use those to create folders, auto-generate files, cleanup, etc.

Building and deploying your package

There scripts that you can use to build and deploy your package on a Tooloop OS Box. In fact, it’s these scripts that are used by the Tooloop OS installer. Start by simply copying the hello-world folder and hack away from there.

  1. Clone this repo on a Tooloop Box
  2. Add your package folder (e. g. by copying the hello-world example)
  3. Build packages
  4. Deploy packages
  5. Restart the control center
    sudo systemctyl restart tooloop-control.service

Useful commands

Install package

sudo apt install --allow-unauthenticated <PACKAGE>

Remove package

sudo apt purge <PACKAGE> && sudo apt autoremove

List installed

apt list --installed tooloop*

List available

apt list tooloop*

Search packages in section tooloop

aptitude -F'|%p|%d|' search '?section(tooloop/addon)'


DEB packaging