中文版 | English Version
- ApplePay
:用于苹果支付。 - AVToolbox:用于录音、音视频格式转换。
- Base:包含配置、定义和日志输出等。
- Core:包含APP重签检测、获取设备信息、相册操作、录屏、截屏检测、跳转等。
- Camera:用于iOS相机采样数据捕获。
- DocumentPicker:用于系统文件操作。
- Extension:包含
等扩展。 - FileOperation:用于iOS沙盒文件操作。
- KingfisherWrapper
:Kingfisher的防盗链设置、UIButton/UIImageView快速设置图片扩展,常用功能封装。 - LiveGift:用于展示直播小礼物🎁赠送
- OverlayView:用于弹出上下左右各个方向的覆盖视图。
- Permissions:用于iOS的照片库、相机、麦克风、位置、蓝牙、通讯录、提醒、日历、Siri、通知、追踪等各种权限。
- Timer:封装了DispatchTimer和Timer。
- Transition:用于过渡场景切换。
- Widget:自定义控件。
- SDWebImageWrapper
- Xcode 14.0+
- iOS 11.0, tvOS 11.0, macOS 10.15, watchOS 5.0
- CXSwiftKit
pod 'CXSwiftKit'
- ApplePay
pod 'CXSwiftKit/ApplePay'
- KingfisherWrapper
pod 'CXSwiftKit/KingfisherWrapper'
- SDWebImageWrapper
pod 'CXSwiftKit/SDWebImageWrapper'
┣ ApplePay
┃ ┗ CXApplePayContext.swift // The implementation for Apple payment.
┣ Base
┃ ┣
┃ ┣ CXConfig.swift // The configuration of this kit.
┃ ┣ CXDefines.swift // The definitions of this kit.
┃ ┣ CXLock.swift // Includes multi-thread locks(`CXUnfairLock, CXMutex, CXRecursiveMutex, CXSpin, CXConditionLock`).
┃ ┗ CXLogger.swift // Outputs logs to the console.
┣ Core
┃ ┣ CXAppContext.swift
┃ ┣ CXDevice.swift // Used to provide some device informations.
┃ ┣ CXDeviceScreenMonitor.swift // Used to observe some changes of device screen.
┃ ┣ CXHaptics.swift // Some haptic feedback that works on iPhone 6 and up.
┃ ┣ CXImageBufferProcessor.swift // Used to process image buffer.
┃ ┣ CXPhotoLibraryOperator.swift // Used to operate the photo library.
┃ ┣ CXScreenRecorder.swift // The recorder that provides the ability to record audio and video of your app.
┃ ┣ CXSwiftUtils.swift
┃ ┣ CXSwipeInteractor.swift // Add swipe gesture for the view, and observe its action.
┃ ┗ CXTakeScreenshotDetector.swift // The detector for taking screenshot.
┃ ┣ AVToolbox
┃ ┃ ┣ CXAudioRecorder.swift // The audio recorder that records audio data to a file.
┃ ┃ ┣ CXAudioToolbox.swift // Used to handle audio format.
┃ ┃ ┣ CXAVGlobal.swift // The global methods for the exported position.
┃ ┃ ┣ CXAVToolbox.swift // Used to handle audio and video mix.
┃ ┃ ┗ CXVideoToolbox.swift // Used to convert mp4 video format.
┃ ┣ Camera
┃ ┃ ┣ AtomicWrapper.swift // Used to wrap atomic property.
┃ ┃ ┣ CXLiveCameraConfiguration.swift // The configuration for live camera.
┃ ┃ ┣ CXLiveCameraFrameCapturer.swift
┃ ┃ ┣ CXLiveCameraFrameRenderer.swift
┃ ┃ ┣ CXLiveCameraPreview.swift
┃ ┃ ┣ CXLiveCameraProtocol.swift
┃ ┃ ┣ CXScanProtocol.swift
┃ ┃ ┣ CXScanResult.swift
┃ ┃ ┗ CXScanWrapper.swift
┃ ┣ CustomOverlayView
┃ ┃ ┣ CXOverlayViewControllerWrapable.swift
┃ ┃ ┣ CXOverlayViewEx.swift
┃ ┃ ┗ CXOverlayViewWrapable.swift
┃ ┣ DocumentPicker // The document picker for iOS.
┃ ┃ ┣ CXDocument.swift
┃ ┃ ┣ CXDocumentDelegate.swift
┃ ┃ ┣ CXDocumentPicker.swift
┃ ┃ ┗ CXDocumentDelegate.swift
┃ ┣ LiveGift // Used to show live gifts.
┃ ┃ ┣ CXLiveGiftLabel.swift
┃ ┃ ┣ CXLiveGiftManager.swift
┃ ┃ ┣ CXLiveGiftModel.swift
┃ ┃ ┣ CXLiveGiftOperation.swift
┃ ┃ ┗ CXLiveGiftView.swift
┃ ┣ Permissions
┃ ┃ ┣ CXPermission.swift
┃ ┃ ┣ CXPermissionResult.swift
┃ ┃ ┣ CXPermissions.swift // Includes photos, camera, microphone, locationAlways, locationInUse, notification, bluetooth,
┃ ┃ ┃ // deviceBiometrics, devicePasscode, contacts, reminder, event, motion, siri, health, media, appTracking.
┃ ┃ ┣ CXPermissionStatus.swift
┃ ┃ ┣ CXPermissionType.swift
┃ ┣ Timer
┃ ┃ ┣ CXDispatchTimer.swift
┃ ┃ ┗ CXTimer.swift
┃ ┣ Transition // Views the demo in CXScalePresentAnimation.swift.
┃ ┃ ┣ CXScaleDismissAnimation.swift
┃ ┃ ┣ CXScalePresentAnimation.swift
┃ ┃ ┗ CXSwipeLeftInteractiveTransition.swift
┃ ┗ Widget
┃ ┣ CXCircleProgressButton.swift // The circle progress button for iOS or tvOS.
┃ ┗ CXVerticalSlider.swift // The vertical slider for iOS or tvOS.
┣ Extension // Provides some rich extensions
┃ ┣ Application+Cx.swift
┃ ┣ Array+Cx.swift
┃ ┣ AVAsset+Cx.swift
┃ ┣ Button+Cx.swift
┃ ┣ CALayer+Cx.swift
┃ ┣ CGFloat+Cx.swift
┃ ┣ Color+Cx.swift
┃ ┣ CXAssociatedKey.swift // Includes the associated keys.
┃ ┣ CXConstraintMaker.swift
┃ ┣ CXGlobal.swift // Provides some global methods
┃ ┣ CXSwiftBase.swift // Declares a `CXSwiftBaseCompatible` protocol, etc. You can use `cx` in the app, e.g.: view.cx.right = 10
┃ ┣ Date+Cx.swift
┃ ┣ Device+Cx.swift
┃ ┣ Dictionary+Cx.swift
┃ ┣ DispatchQueue+Cx.swift
┃ ┣ Double+Cx.swift
┃ ┣ Font+Cx.swift
┃ ┣ Image+Cx.swift
┃ ┣ ImageView+Cx.swift
┃ ┣ Int+Cx.swift
┃ ┣ Label+Cx.swift
┃ ┣ NSAttributedString+Cx.swift
┃ ┣ NSObject+Cx.swift
┃ ┣ Optional+Cx.swift
┃ ┣ ScrollView+Cx.swift
┃ ┣ String+Cx.swift
┃ ┣ TableView+Cx.swift
┃ ┣ TextField+Cx.swift
┃ ┣ TextView+Cx.swift
┃ ┣ URL+Cx.swift
┃ ┣ View+Cx.swift
┃ ┗ ViewController+Cx.swift
┣ FileOperation
┃ ┣ CXFileToolbox.swift // The file toolbox.
┃ ┣ CXLineReader.swift // Read text file line by line in efficient way.
┃ ┗ CXStreamReader.swift // The file descriptor accesses data associated with files.
┣ KingfisherWrapper
┃ ┣ Button+kfwrapper.swift
┃ ┣ CXKingfisherReferer.swift // Anti theft chains for files such as images and videos, and so on.
┃ ┗ ImageView+kfwrapper.swift
┗ SDWebImageWrapper
┗ SDWebImageWrapper.swift // The wrapper for SDWebImage.
- CXDownload - 实现Swift断点续传下载,支持Objective-C。包含大文件下载,后台下载,杀死进程,重新启动时继续下载,设置下载并发数,监听网络改变等。
- MarsUIKit -
wraps some commonly used UI components. - RxListDataSource -
provides data sources for UITableView or UICollectionView. - CXNetwork-Moya -
encapsulates a network request library with Moya and ObjectMapper.
要运行示例项目,首先克隆repo,并从示例目录运行“pod install”。
Teng Fei, [email protected]
CXSwiftKit is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.