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Template for cross-platform, creator supporting community hubs.


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Creator NFTs

Template for a cross-platform community hub that supports creators and allows them to provide exclusive content to their most devoted community members. For the fist live example, see BobNFTs. For more details see Toniq Labs' Medium Post About Bob NFTs.


  • Frontend in TypeScript.
  • Motoko canisters for minting NFTs and handling backups.
  • Originally bootstrapped with create-ic-app.

How to setup

  1. Fill in creatorWalletAddress in canisters/nft/ and frontend/src/canisters/nft-canister.ts.
    • This is the wallet which minting costs will be transferred to, intended to be the creator's wallet.
  2. Fill in adminDfx in canisters/nft/ and canisters/ with your DFX principal.
    • This, again, should be owned by the creator to give them full access to the canisters.
  3. Fill in hardcodedCreatorId in frontend/src/data/hardcoded-creator-content.ts.
    • This is an id specific to the Creator NFTs app. It does not need to be a principal and can be any random string of characters.
  4. Replace flair images in frontend/public/flairs/ and their corresponding base64 encoded strings in canisters/nft/
  5. Add your own NFT borders as base64 encoded strings in canisters/nft/
  6. Fill in ledgerC in canisters/nft/ with the principal of a deployed instance of this Ledger canister.
  7. After deploying your NFT canister, add its principal to nftCanister in canisters/backup/
  8. Remove the backupUserBrowseData usage in frontend/src/ui/elements/root-app.element.ts (marked by a TODO comment). Replace it with undefined.

All of these are marked to TODO: in the code so you can easily track down items you haven't finished yet.

Running Locally

Setup for dfx 0.8.1.

First time setup

DFINITY newbie friendly.

  1. Make sure Node.js is installed.
  2. Install dfx, the DFINITY Executor, CLI from
    • Currently the instructions from that link are the following:
      sh -ci "$(curl -fsSL"
    • to install an older version of dfx (such as 0.8.1 for this project) run the following commands:
      export DFX_VERSION=0.8.1
      sh -ci "$(curl -fsSL"
      dfx cache install
      • version 0.8.1 will now automatically be used for this project due to the version property set in dfx.json.
  3. Install the vessel Motoko package manager from
    • Download the latest binary for your system from the releases page.
    • Rename vessel-<system-name> to just vessel
    • Give it execute permissions with chmod +x vessel
    • Move vessel to somewhere in your PATH (such as /usr/local/bin on macOS).
    • Run it to make sure it works
    • If it fails to run on macOS due to security errors, open System Preferences > Security & Privacy > General and allow it to run.
  4. Run npm install in this repo directory.
  5. Run dfx start --background (if dfx is running already this will be a no-op).
  6. When running locally, open nft/ and uncomment lines 505 & 510 (lines with anonymousPrincipal) to enable authorization for unauthenticated principals in your local environment. Do NOT publish to mainnet with anonymousPrincipal authorized.
  7. Run dfx deploy nft.
  8. Run npm start to start the frontend. The frontend will automatically update when relevant code is changed.

Subsequent runs

Following initial setup, only the following commands need to be run:

  1. dfx start --background to start DFX (if it's not already running).
  2. dfx deploy nft to update the NFT canister. (It does not auto-update as code is changed.)
  3. npm start to start the frontend (if not already running).

Frontend Architecture

Frontend file structure

CSS architecture

  • Only raw CSS is used, no pre-compiled language (like Sass or Less).
  • Reusable CSS snippets are stored in TS in frontend/src/ui/styles.
  • CSS variables are utilized as much as possible to support out-of-the-box reusability and theming.
  • All CSS variables are defined in frontend/public/index.css. All new colors should go here.
    • Most CSS variables are split by theme in that file.
    • CSS variables are then assigned to a theme in frontend/src/ui/styles/theme-classes.ts.
    • Theme assignments are done in that file so that the class themes can be reused anywhere and apply localized theme changes if needed.

User facing text

  • All text in the frontend should be contained inside of a phrases object in each element's props. This allows us to easily support translations in the future, if need be, and, as a immediate benefit, consolidates all raw text that is presented to users.

Frontend Dependencies

These are all installed via npm install inside the frontend directory.

  • Vite for a local dev server and bundling.
  • ic-stoic-identity for connecting to Stoic Wallet.
  • element-vir for functional web components. This is a package which wraps lit-html web component creation.
  • spa-router-vir is a lightweight package for full URL routing and URL sanitizing.
  • augment-vir is a small package of common helper functions and types.

Build architecture

  • GitHub actions runs the root npm script test:full.
  • .fleek.json is used to configure deployment in Fleek.
    • To test Vite deploys (which is what Fleek uses) locally, run npm run build and then npm run preview from the frontend directory.
  • For quick local tests, just run npm test, either in the root directory or in the frontend directory. (There are currently only frontend tests.)

Canister architecture

NFT canister

  • Simple implementation of Toniq Labs’ EXT Standard.
  • Supports minting an NFT for a given principal with token data.
  • Tokens are generated as SVG images.
  • As a content URL is minted more than once by anyone in the community, that URL's price exponentially increases.

Backup canister

Creates periodic backups of the NFT canister and its data. Reverting the NFT canister to a previous version can be triggered manually.


Possible Errors

  • Custom element tags must be interpolated from functional elements
  • If you start seeing unexpected canister errors, run npm run dev:reset to reset all the canisters.