- Table of content
- RobotAnno
- Rbtanno spike-based controller
- Repository folders
- Mosquitto and dependences cross-compilation
This repository contains the source code for a spike-based controller for the RobotAnno robotics platform. This controller has been implemented for hardware using VHDL rtl languaje. This controller module has been tested and deployed on a Zynq 7100 Xilinx platform called Zynq MMP board. The Rbtanno controller module can be configured from an user application through an AXI-4 module.
- src: API source code of the Rbtanno controller.
- src_test: Source code for C++ simulation.
This version of RbtAnno runs as MQTT client in the zynq platform. All dependences have to be cross-compiled. For the cross-compilation it will be used the arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++-8 compiler.
- Install the compilers using the following commands:
sudo apt-get install g++-8-arm-linux-gnueabihf sudo apt-get install gcc-8-arm-linux-gnueabihf sudo apt-get install g++-11 sudo apt-get install gcc-11
Once the dependencies have been compiled successfully, let's move to compile the rbtanno mqtt client:
- In vscode, select compiler: kit GCC 8.4.0 arm-linux-gnueabihf
- Move to the project folder
rm -rf lib mosquitto json cd build rm -rf *
- Compile the software using Build (All). This will automatically clone mosquitto and json repositories and cross-compile them
The resulting software has to be generated in build folder. Copy this app in the zynq platform and launch it.
Once the dependencies have been compiled successfully, let's move to compile the rbtanno mqtt client:
- In vscode, select compiler: kit GCC 11.1.0 x86_64-linux-gnu
- Move to the project folder
rm -rf lib mosquitto json cd build rm -rf *
- Compile the software using Build (All) This will automatically clone mosquitto and json repositories and cross-compile them
The resulting software has to be generated in build folder. Launch it.