Swrve integration for analytics-android.
In your top-level project build.gradle
repositories {
url = 'http://dl.bintray.com/swrve-inc/android'
maven {
url = 'https://maven.google.com'
To install the Segment-Swrve integration, simply add this line to your gradle file:
dependencies {
compile 'com.segment.analytics.android:analytics:4.0.4'
compile 'com.swrve.segment:analytics-android-integration-swrve:1.0.1'
After adding the dependency, you must register the integration with our SDK. To do this, import the Swrve integration:
import com.swrve.segment.SwrveIntegration;
And add the following line:
int appId = -1;
String apiKey = "api_key";
SwrveConfig swrveConfig = new SwrveConfig();
// To use the EU stack, include this in your config.
// swrveConfig.setSelectedStack(SwrveStack.EU);
Analytics analytics = new Analytics.Builder(this, "write_key")
.use(SwrveIntegration.createFactory(application, appId, apiKey, swrveConfig)
By default this integration pulls in the latest vanilla version of the Swrve SDK. If you rather want to use a specific version, simply exclude them from the integration and specify the required versions in your build.gradle
file directly.
For example, if you wanted to use the Firebase flavored Swrve SDK:
compile('com.swrve.segment:analytics-android-integration-swrve:1.0.1') {
exclude group: 'com.swrve.sdk.android', module: 'swrve'
compile 'com.swrve.sdk.android:swrve-firebase:4.11.2'
© Copyright Swrve Mobile Inc or its licensors. Distributed under the Apache 2.0 License.
Google Play Services Library Copyright © 2012 The Android Open Source Project. Licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.
Gradle Copyright © 2007-2011 the original author or authors. Licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.